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Our Assessment:
-- : interesting idea and mix See our review for fuller assessment.
From the Reviews: - Return to top of the page - The complete review's Review: As you were saying pairs texts by French and American writers in a clever cross-cultural experiment in fiction. The idea was, as Esther Allen writes in her introduction: The French novelists would compose the first part of each text, which would then be translated into English and given to the Americans, who would be free to respond to it in any way at all: continuation, variation, juxtaposition, contradiction, digression, closure -- whatever reaction the original text inspired.It's a solid line-up of authors that participated, fourteen novelists who have all achieved some success -- and each of whom has also published works in the language foreign to them (books by the French authors have been published in English translation, books by the American authors in French). [It tells you something about the New York-based complete review too that, at the writing of this review (June, 2007), we have works by six of the seven French authors under review (the only one missing is Luc Lang) -- with reviews of four titles each by three of them -- yet we don't have a single work by any of the American authors under review .....] The pieces are short -- often very short --, and the approaches taken vary greatly. Only one set of authors -- Camille Laurens and Robert Olen Butler, in "She had waited for this" -- do away with the divide between stories, presenting a single, unified tale. Others offer everything from practically flip-sides to completely different takes. It is the Americans that write in response to the French pieces, but some of the French authors lay down a variety of challenges -- including Bouillier calling out his counterpart ("Neither the Pope nor Percival Everett, no, no one will die in your place, if you can really call this living"). Appearances -- and specifically physical unattractiveness -- are surprisingly prominent, from Darrieussecq's opening face-lift-tale (and Rick Moody's plastic-surgery-filled complement) to Lydie Salvayre's Perrault-adaptation, In praise of ugliness. These stories are decent introductions to many of these authors, giving a good sense of their approaches and styles. Some are entirely typical -- Raymond Federman's seems like it could have come from any of his books -- though some only show part of the writer's repertoire (so Federman's counterpart, Roubaud). It's an interesting exercise, but without some explanation of what the authors were thinking and were after -- as well as without simply more material -- the volume feels more like an issue (or just a section) from a literary magazine . Though if it is the first in a series, it may eventually add up to something more substantial ..... Worthwhile as part of a larger conversation - which is what it seems to be trying to be -- but a bit thin when considered alone. - Return to top of the page - As you were saying:
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