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A Literary Saloon and Site of Review
Index of Contemporary
American Fiction
under review
the complete review
Note that only books first published after 1945 are included on this index.
For American fiction first published before 1946, please see the index of: Classical American fiction.
Note: for books in square brackets ("[...]") we only offer review-overviews
- As you were saying (-), ed. Fabrice Rozié, Esther Allen, and Guy Walter - American Writers Respond to Their French Counterparts
- ABISH, Walter:
- ADAMS, Colin: Zombies and Calculus (B)
- ALEAS, Richard:
- ANTONI, Robert: Cut Guavas (B)
- APOSTOL, Gina: Insurrecto (B+)
- ARBUS, Doon: The Caretaker (B)
- ARDAI, Charles:
- ASHER, Marty: The Boomer (B-)
- AXELROD, George: Blackmailer (B)
- BACHELDER, Chris: U.S. ! (B)
- [BACIGALUPI, Paolo: The Windup Girl]
- BAKER, Nicholson:
- BARDIN, John Franklin:
- BATCHELOR, John Calvin:
- BEHM, Marc:
- BELLOW, Saul: Ravelstein (B)
- [BERRY, Jedediah: The Manual of Detection]
- BLEECK, Oliver: The Brass Go-Between (B+)
- BLOCH, Robert:
- BREWER, Gil: The Vengeful Virgin (B)
- BRYAN, Mike: The Afterword (B-)
- BURROUGHS, William S.:
- CAIN, James M.:
- CARROLL, Jonathan:
- CARTER, Stephen L.: The Emperor of Ocean Park (B)
- CASTI, John L.: The Cambridge Quintet (C-)
- CHURCH, James: A Corpse in the Koryo (B)
- COHEN, Joshua:
- COLLINS, Max Allan: Seduction of the Innocent (B)
- CONDON, Richard: The Manchurian Candidate (B)
- CRICHTON, Michael:
- DAITCH, Susan: The Lost Civilization of Suolucidir (B)
- DANIELEWSKI, Mark Z.: House of Leaves (B)
- DAVIS, Lydia: Can't and Won't (B+)
- DENT, Lester: Honey in his Mouth (B)
- DEWITT, Helen:
- DIMOCK, Peter: A Short Rhetoric for Leaving the Family (B+)
- DUNCAN, Lois:
- DUNN, Mark: Ella Minnow Pea (A)
- EFFINGER, George Alec: What Entropy Means to Me (B+)
- ELLENBERG, Jordan: The Grasshopper King (B+)
- ELLIS, Bret Easton: The Shards (B)
- ELLROY, James: American Tabloid (C+)
- ELY, David: Seconds (B+)
- EMERSON, Gloria: Loving Graham Greene (B-)
- ERDRICH, Louise: The Sentence (B)
- ERICKSON, Steve:
- ESTRIN, Marc: Insect Dreams (B)
- EUGENIDES, Jeffrey:
- FAHY, Warren: Pandemonium (B)
- FEARING, Kenneth: The Big Clock (B+)
- FRANZEN, Jonathan:
- GADDIS, William:
- GALCHEN, Rivka: Atmospheric Disturbances (B-)
- GASS, William H.:
- [GESSEN, Keith: All the Sad Young Literary Men]
- GOLDBERG, Paul: The Yid (A-)
- GOLDSTEIN, Rebecca Newberger: 36 Arguments for the Existence of God (B)
- GRADE, Chaim: Sons and Daughters (B)
- GRAN, Sara:
- GREEN, Julian:
- GREER, James: Bad Eminence (B+)
- HANSEN, Ron: Hitler's Niece (C)
- HARKNESS, Deborah: A Discovery of Witches (B-)
- HARNESS, Charles L.: The Rose (B)
- HARRIS, MacDonald: Mortal Leap (B+)
- HASTON, Meg: How to Rock Braces and Glasses (B-)
- HAYES, Alfred:
- HEMON, Aleksandar: The Making of Zombie Wars (B)
- HJORTSBERG, William: Falling Angel (B+)
- HORN, Richard: Encyclopedia (B-)
- IRVING, John:
- JOINER, David: Kanazawa (B)
- KEENE, Day: Home is the Sailor (B)
- KIDD, Chip: The Cheese Monkeys (B-)
- KING, Stephen:
- KOYAMA, Michael S.: The Shanghai Intrigue (B-)
- KUO, Alex: The Man Who Dammed the Yangtze (B-)
- KURZWEIL, Allen: The Grand Complication (B)
- LACEY, Catherine: Biography of X (B)
- LATIMER, Jonathan: Solomon's Vineyard (B)
- LEITHAUSER, Brad: Darlington's Fall (A-)
- LEVY Hideo: A Room Where the Star-Spangled Banner Cannot Be Heard (B)
- LINDSAY, Jeff:
- LITTELL, Jonathan: The Kindly Ones (C-)
- LITTELL, Robert: The Amateur (B+)
- MAKKAI, Rebecca: I Have Some Questions for You (B)'
- MAKSIK, Alexander: The Long Corner (B)
- MALZBERG, Barry N.:
- MARKSON, David:
- MATHEWS, Harry:
- McINTOSH, Matthew: theMystery.doc (B)
- McKINNEY, Chris: Midnight, Water City (B)
- MILLER, Wade: Branded Woman (B-)
- NAAM, Ramez: Nexus (B-)
- NABOKOV, Vladimir:
- O'DONNELL, K. M.: Gather in the Hall of the Planets (B)
- O'HARA, John: Hope of Heaven (B)
- OLUKOTUN, Deji Bryce: Nigerians in Space (B+)
- O'NAN, Stewart:
- [O'NEILL, Joseph: Netherland]
- [OZEKI, Ruth: A Tale for the Time Being]
- OZICK, Cynthia:
- PAVA, Sergio De La: Personae (B+)
- PESSL, Marisha:
- PHILLIPS, Helen: The Beautiful Bureaucrat (B)
- PORTER, Chana: The Seep (B)
- POWELL, Padgett:
- POWERS, Richard: Generosity (A-)
- PYNCHON, Thomas:
- ROBINSON, Kim Stanley:
- ROSENFIELD, Israel: Freud's Megalomania (B-)
- ROTH, Philip:
- RUFF, Matt: 88 Names (B)
- RUSH, Norman: Mating (B)
- RUSS, Joanna: We Who Are About To ... (A-)
- RUSSINOVICH, Mark: Zero Day (B-)
- RYSKAMP, John Henry: Nature Studies (C-)
- SACHS, Adam Ehrlich: Gretel and the Great War (B)
- SCHUMACHER, Julie: Dear Committee Members (B)
- SCHWARTZ, Selby Wynn: After Sappho (B+)
- SHAFER, David: Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (B)
- SHAND, Rosa: The Gravity of Sunlight (B)
- SHEED, Wilfrid: Office Politics (B+)
- SHRIVER, Lionel: The Mandibles (B)
- SIEGEL, Lee: Love in a Dead Language (C)
- SIMMONS, Charles: The Belles Lettres Papers (B-)
- [SITTENFELD, Curtis: American Wife]
- SLADEK, John: The Reproductive System (B)
- SLOAN, Robin: Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore (B)
- SPENCER, Ross H.: The DADA Caper (B-)
- STANSBERRY, Domenic: The Confession (B+)
- STOLLER, Paul: Gallery Bundu (B)
- SUAREZ, Daniel: Daemon (B)
- SWARTZ, Mark: Instant Karma (B)
- TARTT, Donna:
- TELLER, Astro: Exegesis (D)
- THEROUX, Paul:
- THOMAS, Ross:
- TUROW, Scott: Reversible Errors (B)
- TUTTLE, Lisa: My Death (A-)
- VIZENOR, Gerald: Hiroshima Bugi (A-)
- WAGNER, Bruce: I'm Losing You (B)
- WEISS, Daniel Evan: Honk if you love Aphrodite (A-)
- WEST, Paul: The Dry Danube (B)
- WESTLAKE, Donald E.:
- WHITE, Curtis: Memories of My Father Watching TV (B)
- WHITTINGTON, Harry: Web of Murder (B+)
- WINTER, Ariel S.: The Twenty-Year Death (B+)
- WOLFE, Gene: A Borrowed Man (B)
- WOLFE, Tom:
- WOOD, Ed:
- WRAY, John: The Lost Time Accidents (B-)
- YODER, Edwin M., jr.: Lions at Lamb House (B)
- YU, Charles: How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe (B+)
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