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Our Assessment:
B : very contemporary (in every sense) and solid murder-mystery variation See our review for fuller assessment.
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I Have Some Questions for You basically begins with narrator Elizabeth 'Bodie' Kane returning to Granby, the New Hampshire boarding school where the Indiana girl spent her high school years.
It's January 2018, almost twenty-three years after she graduated, and she's been invited to teach a two-week course there -- and she actually takes on two: one on podcasting (Bodie has her own "lauded podcast", Starlet Fever, "a serial history of women in film -- the ways the industry chewed them up and spat them out") and one on film studies.
(H)is only alibi is that he was alone in the same building where she died, at the time she died. Which is not an alibi. That's the opposite of an alibi.The story was big national news in the day, complete with a Dateline-episode dedicated to it, and interest still hasn't completely died down. Unsurprisingly, Bodie finds herself drawn back into what happened back then -- not least because when she assigns her students to pick subjects for their own podcasts it's a natural fit. Bodie already came to Granby as a teen with a whole lot of baggage, a family situation that anyone would have difficulty dealing with. Just how deep all that sat then, and all these years after, is suggested, for example, by her observation: The dosage of my antidepressant is such that I haven't cried actual tears in a decade, but there are times when I want so badly to cry that I make all the noises of crying, press my fists into my eyes so I feel something similar.She has done quite well for herself in adulthood, what with the successful podcasting and two young children, but her marriage is over except for the formalities -- though husband Jerome, a successful artist still lives (conveniently) next door, and they get along well enough. Still, things fall further apart during her Granby-stay: Jerome gets himself cancelled in that contemporary way -- and as internet-savvy as Bodie is, she still manages to also back herself into an uncomfortable corner and suffers some in the fallout of this no-win situation: My first instinct was to explain myself, but there was no way that didn't make everything worse. Apology would make it worse, too, for everyone involved; I knew how the internet worked.One reason she's happy to travel to the East Coast from her Los Angeles home is to be closer to the man she's been having a satisfying intimate relationship with -- but that too doesn't continue in the way she hoped. But at least she has some old friends, the old environment (and all the memories it holds -- so many memories), and the eager young students to keep her occupied. But dominating everything else is the rabbit cum black hole of the old Thalia Keith-case that she tumbles -- or throws herself -- into: By three a.m., unable to close my eyes, I was looking at timelines on Reddit. Reading everything I could about the details and circumstances of Thalia's death no longer felt like a trapdoor to anxiety; it felt more like the single rope on hand as every life raft around me sank. If holding on meant staying up till the sky lightened, so be it.Occasionally, Bodie switches to the second person in her account, addressing a music teacher from her time at Granby, Denny Bloch. Especially in retrospect, she now sees that he was kind of iffy -- that there was a predatory edge to him in his interactions with her though it never really went anywhere. Bodie also suspects that Bloch, then in his early thirties, was more closely involved with Thalia -- and comes to think that he made a much better murder-suspect in this case. The Bloch-angle -- and Bodie's husband Jerome's own blast-from-the-past situation that suddenly explodes in the present -- bring the MeToo movement to the fore, and it's a significant component of the novel. It couples, too, with another main theme of the novel, the (re)examination of (true-)crime stories -- generally with women as the victims. Several times, Bodie simply offers what's practically a litany of examples, variations on the theme with no names attached because they are so terribly common and commonplace. The final piece then is our fascination with all this, and the new way(s) much of this is treated -- on the internet, and through podcasts (with the Thalia-case already getting the treatment in the earlier TV-age variation, on the now hopelessly outdated Dateline). The podcasting students, Bodie's own work, and a podcaster who has dedicated hiself to all things Thalia's murder offer three variations on the genre -- and, eventually, add up to and open a big can of worms. I Have Some Questions for You is presented in two parts, the first covering Bodie's short stay at Granby in 2018, with Bodie having just opened that can as she departs (noting there: "I had no idea what I'd done"). The story picks up in the second part four years later, when the fallout has finally come to a head, with Bodie back at Granby and the Thalia-murder case now entirely front and center (much to the dismay of Thalia's family, almost all of whom prefer the simple closure of having Omar behind bars). The second part of the novel is half courtroom drama - with Bodie, ironically, never actually getting into the courtroom -- and half a continuation of the murder mystery, the question of whodunnit. Helped by the fact that the police, back in the day, really did not do a good job of it, some new layers get peeled away and things suddenly look a bit different, with other very viable murder suspects emerging. All along the way, Bodie has been imagining how (and why) various other characters, from classmates to Bloch, could have committed the crime; by the end, there's only one obvious one left standing. As to justice being served ..... Makkai neatly weaves a great deal into her novel, not least questions of reputation and the use(s) of the internet to question and spotlight behavior (mainly, in this case, men mistreating, in various ways, women, especially in abusing their positions (as older and/or more powerful figures)). I Have Some Questions for You also highlights how we find and exchange information in these times -- almost comically so in the second part of the novel, where there are clear delineations as to who is allowed to communicate with whom, and about what (and how easily all this gets fudged). Bodie is constantly connecting, in person as well via phone, text, or to information on the internet -- with her film studies class slipping in the hint how easily the presentation of information can be, in various ways, manipulated. (It's also noteworthy throughout how selectively and precisely Bodie and the rest of the characters pass on information -- from what people said (and didn't say) to the police, back in the day, to a great deal in the present; whether in court or on the podcasts, information is also packaged in specific ways, with significant parts always left out.) I Have Some Questions for You is a solid murder mystery, and for all the uncertainties of memory -- another theme of the novel, with Bodie constantly having to reässess her memories of her teenage experiences --, Makkai manages to satisfyingly fill in the blanks, offering reasonable clarity as to what actually happened to Thalia. Touching on some hot-button issues, Makkai poses some interesting questions in a novel that is very much of the moment, subject-, technology- and entertainment-wise. - M.A.Orthofer, 23 February 2023 - Return to top of the page - I Have Some Questions for You:
- Return to top of the page - American author Rebecca Makkai was born in 1978. - Return to top of the page -
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