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Our Assessment:
B+ : often stunning writing; intriguingly twisted story See our review for fuller assessment.
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Personae appears to begin as a mystery -- a police procedural (complete with, as a footnote almost immediately acknowledges, the: "tortured locutions often found in official law enforcement documents" -- and hence also in police procedurals).
The ensuing is the report of one Detective Helen Tame.She is called to the scene of a possibly suspicious death -- called to it because that very day officers had been instructed to call Tame: if attendant circumstances suggest that a high degree of notoriety will attach to the case or resolution of the matter will prove particularly thornyThere is a body -- that of a very old man (over a hundred, as it eventually turns out). Although it appears to be his apartment, he remains (rather surprisingly) unidentified -- a John Doe -- for a while. Death by natural causes appears to be the obvious best guess, but the scene suggests there may be more to it. And there are certainly open questions, beginning with that of the man's identity. Tame is not your usual homicide detective, and Personae is not your usual mystery -- indeed, arguably its mysteries are of a very different sort than what one might expect in a police-procedural, even as it does nominally follow a few traditional procedural steps. But Tame's approach and interests are of an entirely different order than the rest of the NYPD, and the way she goes about her investigation is definitely not by the (official) book. Since she gets results, she's mostly allowed to have her way -- and go her unusual ways. Tame discovers some of the dead man's writings, and these are also presented here (three works: The Ocean, Personae, and Energeias). In addition, there are excerpts from Tame's introduction to an article on 'Bach, Gould, and Aconspiratorial Silence' (Tame turns out to have been a musical prodigy, too), as well as two obituaries (one of which sums up the deceased centenarian's life). As the initial death (and the investigation into it) might suggest, existential questions come into play here. So, notably, in 'Personae'-within-Personae, a play within the novel that takes up over eighty pages. The now-dead author is reputed to have destroyed everything he wrote when he turned ninety, to only then begin anew with an even tighter focus: saying a man should only write that which he'd be willing to see engraved on his grave markerThe three re-printed pieces are presumably that legacy he willingly left behind; not surprisingly, they're existentially probing, through and through. The 'Personae'-play is a wordplay-filled back and forth, verging on the absurdist, but with enough of a plot (as character after character is dispatched) to give it a bit of a mystery-thriller feel, too. Energeias is more of a summing up -- not entirely straightforward, but providing much of the biographical detail about the (by then identified) deceased centenarian, filling in details beyond what the obituary provided. Personae is about life, and death -- and also about writing. Familiar stuff, but ingeniously dressed up; it also helps that Pava writes exceptionally well. The dialogue in the 'Personae'-play is exceptionally strong, and carried off well at surprising length (and that without getting tiresome). With its two strands -- in essence: who is/was the dead man, and who is Tame (with cause of death -- what triggered the investigation -- ultimately presented as essentially incidental) -- Pava's novel advances very differently than the usual police-procedural: jumping back on the tracks just enough to give a sense of an investigation unfolding, most of it seems to go sidelong, leaving much for the reader to infer and piece together. Occasionally it can feel that Pava is trying to wrongfoot the reader too obviously (with chapters such as those essay-introduction-excerpts), but as a whole the novel does work surprisingly well, validating Pava's approach (though arguably only, at least in part, in hindsight). Even at its most puzzling -- as it intermittently becomes -- Personae is a pleasure to read: Pava tells good stories, presents good scenes, and has an impressive way with words. A stylish, twisted novel -- appealingly unlike most others. - M.A.Orthofer, 30 September 2013 - Return to top of the page - Personae:
- Return to top of the page - American author Sergio De La Pava was born in 1971. - Return to top of the page -
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