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Our Assessment:
B- : builds on a promising mix of Arthurian legend but doesn't run with it nearly far enough See our review for fuller assessment.
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Presented as 'A Novel of King Arthur', the legendary figure does loom large in The Bright Sword but does not actually feature prominently in person for much of it; indeed, when the novel's central character, young Collum, reaches Camelot and its Round Table early on he finds only: "the d-dregs of Camelot. The last battle's been fought, all the best died" -- including, apparently, King Arthur himself, killed by his illegitimate son Mordred.
Only a handful of the knights of the Round Table survive, a motley crew that include Sir Dinadan -- born a woman, but always certain s/he was a man --; Sir Bedivere, born with only one hand, homosexual, and one of Arthur's first followers; and Sir Palomides the Saracen, a Muslim (avant la lettre, Grossman explaining in a Historical Note at the conclusion of the novel that, while: "I stick to the facts wherever possible", he did take some liberties (well: "I've played fast abnd loose and wholly irresponsibly with history")); Palomides': "helmet was a turban sculpted in steel".
(These are figures familiar from Round Table legends, but Grossman adds to and embellishes their backstories.)
You are not who you think you are, and Britain is not what you think it is. I return you now to Camelot. Your disaster is already in progress.The knights feel a sense of duty, but without Arthur have their doubts about it all, wondering from early on: And even if they did try, would it really be worth it ? Dedicating their bodies and souls and lives to trying to put back together what could only be an imitation of Arthur's world ? But what else could they do ?The quest becomes one not for the Holy Grail but for the Holy Lance, and it's not an easy one either. Excalibur comes into play eventually too ..... And, along the way, Grossman fits in and embellishes familiar Arthurian legend with episodes from the past, chapters that explain the backgrounds of some of the other significant characters -- not least Nimue, who apprenticed to Merlin (and whom Collum takes a shine to) -- and events in which they, as well as Arthur, figured. There are some decent adventures here, and a kind of progression -- but it's a halting one, both because of the blast-from-the-past interruptions as well as because the story doesn't so much wends its way forward as leap and shift, often haphazardly. On the one hand, the backstories of the significant characters are interesting -- but Grossman then does too little with these in the main story; the fact that the novel is so crowded with characters of course doesn't help. There's also the problem of the arbitrariness of the fantastical -- all sorts of magical beings and the like have various powers and abilities, but there's not much rhyme or reason to these, and they seem rather randomly tossed in. (Those who read fantasy-fiction regularly may be more receptive to and accepting of this than I am; I have to admit to having little patience for this kind of stuff, especially when it's not at least a bit more grounded in some reason -- and even then, deus ex machina should be much more carefully dosed in any fiction. (Possibly greater familiarity with Arthurian legends would make this stuff more palatable ?)) The Bright Sword feels rather flabby, both because of the padding of the chapters looking to the past as well as the pace of much of the adventure -- more like a trot or an often somewhat aimless gambol than the gallop one might hope for in an adventure-novel. Much of the narrative is pulled between explanation and action, with Grossman also somewhat uneasily balancing between inhabiting and respecting the familiar Arthurian world and his own world-building. Aspects certainly are of interest -- the lingering Roman influence, and the changesd that are coming with the Saxons, for one, as well as the tension between pagan and Christian beliefs -- but it all gets spread a bit thin; going for epic sweep is commendable, but The Bright Sword never entirely settles for or commits to being one kind of epic or another, resulting in a somewhat unsatisfying mix. There are some fine set pieces -- the scenes of Collum in extremis are generally very good -- but for rather too long stretches, The Bright Sword also tends towards the dull. Grossman strikes some good notes -- "They weren't so deep in the Otherworld that the sun didn't set" -- but too often turns to the fantastical for the next narrative leap. Neither large-scale nor simply quest-story-driven enough, The Bright Sword is a modestly entertaining but -- despite its heft -- minor addition to the Arthurian canon. - M.A.Orthofer, 22 June 2024 - Return to top of the page - The Bright Sword:
- Return to top of the page - American author Lev Grossman was born in 1969. - Return to top of the page -
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