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Our Assessment:
B+ : evocative novel of desert-life See our review for fuller assessment.
From the Reviews: - Return to top of the page - The complete review's Review:
Gold Dust is the story of Ukhayyad, a Tuareg Saharan nomad whose closest companion remains always the piebald Mahri camel -- a noble thoroughbred -- that he receives when he reaches manhood and that is his pride and joy.
With a will of its own -- "Camels do not forget wrongs" --, the remarkable beast -- "He's a human being in camel's skin" -- is also a source of embarrassment and humiliation, but Ukhayyad remains true to the animal, and he to him.
In that single instant, he forgot all about the burdens sons inherit from their fathers -- the nooses that choke, the dolls that bring ruin, and the empty, empty illusions. The things of the world began to take on their old meanings again. The noose went back to being a beloved wife. The doll became, once more, his progeny and heirs to his mantle. The sham illusion became, once again, shame -- actual shame.But fate proves inescapable; at least he meets it with his beloved camel. Al-Koni's story is no romantic man-and-animal tale, but the deep bonds between man, animal, and nature are beautifully presented here. Where Ukhayyad fails, of course, is in his connections with other people: he proves not to really be a part of his tribe, and even marriage proves only to be a temporarily stabilizing force. He can not fully embrace this sort of life, only finding himself truly happy when he is with his camel, and generally when he is alone with it in the wild desert outdoors. Typically: The prize was in the pure presence of God that can be found only in the quiet emptiness of infinite wilderness.Saharan life is also very well evoked in Gold Dust -- again, less that of community, but of man (and beast) against the elements. So also, especially, its hardships: Without water, miracles cannot take place in the desert. Even when a miracle does occur, the absence of water erases it, transforming it into mere illusion. Without water, the whole world becomes a fantasy. What good is it to have your health back if you lack water ? Life draws near, but so does death.Character-development is certainly not al-Koni's strongpoint : even the characters who dominate the narrative remain ciphers, and even such significant figures as Ukhayyad's father, wife, and son remain almost completely unknown. Overriding passions easily drown out most everything else, and there are few exchanges that are in any way revealing (indeed, there are few real verbal exchanges, and practically nothing that amounts to a conversation); it's not surprising that the closest bond in the book -- between camel and Ukhayyad -- is one where communication is, of course, not really verbal. If, in its failure to elaborate on background and character and motivation, Gold Dust does not satisfy some expectations it is nevertheless a powerful and quite affecting work. (A Translator's Afterword provides some helpful background, as well as a some of al-Koni's footnotes in "summarized or expanded form"; Colla explains he did not want to "burden the text with footnotes" -- despite the fact that al-Koni apparently did so in the original .....) - M.A.Orthofer, 11 April 2011 - Return to top of the page - Gold Dust:
- Return to top of the page - Libyan author Ibrahim al-Koni (إبراهيم الكوني) was born in 1948. - Return to top of the page -
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