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Our Assessment:
B+ : artful look at the mind of someone driven to murder See our review for fuller assessment.
From the Reviews: - Return to top of the page - The complete review's Review: The central character in The Power of Flies is a former museum guide, now on trial for murder. His is the only voice we hear, but the novel consists entirely of his conversations with those whose hands his fate is now in -- a judge, a doctor, the district attorney, etc. Their halves of the conversation -- or rather, their brief interruptions and questions (since he hardly lets them get anything in edgewise anyway) -- are, if at all, only reflected in his responses: You'd appreciate it if I could be brief, Your Honor ?He does ramble on, getting carried away with his accounts as he answers their questions and reveals the details of his life and work (the murder itself looming over all of this, but hardly directly addressed). He claims: I don't like memories. I find them repulsive. Like reheated leftovers.But he does dredge them up for the doctor and the others -- indeed: But ever since I've been in prison, Doctor, I don't quite know what's happening to me; my memories are rushing back, and I'm experiencing an irrepressible desire to talk about them.He certainly has an unhappy childhood that he can blame, dominated by a hated and horrible father whom he accuses of 'murdering' his beloved mother over all the years they were together (among many other crimes). Obnoxious, brutal, unpredictable, the father terrorised the family, with the boy finding that: I'm punished for answering. And punished when I don't. I've figured out that, in the end, I'm being punished for existing.Married, his own domestic life is far from satisfactory either. But he seems to find some fulfillment -- for a while at least -- at his job, as a museum guide at the abbey Port-Royal des Champs. It's the Blaise Pascal-connexion that really sets him off: He has thoroughly changed my life. Reading him has revived my memory. For years, you see, I had repudiated my past. I'd vowed to eradicate it, to let it sediment beneath layers of recollection until it became like a block of granite, like a tombstone. But reading Les Pensées caused this past to stir in my memory, like a child in a woman's womb.Indeed, he becomes quite Pascal-obsessed -- and the title of the book is also taken from one of the Pensées (VI.367): The power of flies; they win battles, hinder our soul from acting, consume our body.Pascal becomes his guide, as it were, offering him all sorts of answers -- but whether his new-found obsession (and the guidance he reads into Les Pensées) proved beneficial seems, at best, questionable. A downward spiral soon leaves him completely down and out and ultimately, of course, a murderer. He admits: I get the feeling that the more I talk, the deeper I descend into a well of mystery.It's not quite that way for the reader, as his account does provide some answers; indeed, with this particularly horrible childhood which anything could be blamed on Salvayre almost makes it too easy to understand (or at least excuse) him. The manic, compulsive confessions, the Pascal-connexions he finds (and creates), and especially the interaction he has with others -- his boss, the people he leads around the abbey, his wife -- make for an often compelling tale of derangement. However, Salvayre's own background as a trained psychiatrist sometimes seems to have played too great a role in shaping the narrative, the case-study feel coming through the creative turns. Among the many small ideas that work particularly well is the protagonist's experience with a psychiatrist, who treated him for six years when he was a boy: I'm a choice client. I don't utter a word. Nor does he. We sit facing each other, at rest. I like these silent breaks in a short, yet already boisterous life.Indeed, the therapist only blows it when he asks him to open up. Words and communication again prove no good. In this case, the boy lies, in order to say something, but his father has already taught him that it doesn't matter what he says: no matter what, he'll find himself punished for existing ..... Reading, too. is an escape, of sorts, -- one vigorously opposed and denigrated by his father -- but whether in childhood or when he finds Pascal as an adult the words aren't enough. Indeed, silence seems the far preferable alternative at almost every turn -- and if he had never picked up Pascal, so the suggestion, maybe he could have kept those memories properly bottled up ..... Salvayre's character is a man of extremes, but she burdens him with such a horrible back-story that the extremes are too readily excusable: this man could convincingly blame his father for anything he wound up doing. The introspection on offer is often clever -- and certainly it's an engaging personal history -- but there's too little subtlety, as he even asks himself: "Could I be insane, perhaps ?" He's certainly mad -- clinically insane -- on some level, and in relying completely on such a character Salvayre makes her job both too easy and too difficult. It may be a convincing sort of case-study, and it is interesting as such, but there's far too little about the man that any reader could in any way relate to. - Return to top of the page - The Power of Flies:
- Return to top of the page - French author Lydie Salvayre has written numerous books. - Return to top of the page -
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