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Our Assessment:
A- : a different kind of road trip, nicely done See our review for fuller assessment.
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In May 1982 Julio Cortázar and Carol Dunlop set out on a different kind of road trip, one they had been planning for several years: to travel from Paris to Marseilles via the autoroute (turnpike/freeway), never getting off, and stopping at each rest area along the way, at a rate of two a day.
With sixty-five rest areas along the way, the trip would take them just over a month -- and isolated on the autoroute they'd be as far from their daily routines as on a South Seas voyage, a trek in the desert, or a trip down the Amazon.
3. Carry out scientific topographical studies of each rest area, taking note of all pertinent observations.Their interpretation of 'scientific' is pretty loose, but the resulting book certainly is a worthy addition to travel-literature. Their 'expedition' is, in fact, almost the antithesis of traditional travel-exploration. Their route is as laid out for them as one can be: it's paved and marked and impossible to get lost. The distances involved are trivial: a typical travel log entry will record the time they leave one rest area, and then their arrival at the next some ten minutes later. And surely there is no travel destination that is more banal than a freeway rest area -- yet like oases in the desert, each is a bit different, each brings a bit of adventure with it. After a great deal of planning Cortazar and Dunlop finally hit the road in 1982, setting off in Fafner, their trusty VW minibus (with roof that tilts open). They dutifully record the basics -- times, temperatures, meals -- in a travel log, take lots of pictures (later augmented by Dunlop-son Stéphane Hébert's cartographic drawings), and also write about their expedition. In many of the photographs Cortázar's typewriter is out -- leading also to the caption: Lobo: How many photos are you going to take of me writing ?Their scientific observations -- indeed, their general findings -- are, not surprisingly, hardly earth-shattering. The adventures tend to be small ones: 'encounters' with wildlife (usually insects -- especially ants), the occasional storm (though heat was a constant problem), concerns about being followed and spied upon, especially by the authorities, the occasional encounter with someone else stopping at the same rest area. Part of the appeal of this particular journey is, of course, how very contrary it is. The purpose of the autoroute is to go from one place to another as quickly as possible, and with as few interruptions as possible, by-passing the towns and cities on the way. While the rest areas are places to stop along the way, they're hardly meant to be places to linger. There are restaurants and motels at some of the rest stops, and there are others who park there for a night to sleep, but no one does so as consequently as Cortázar and Dunlop. And no one does it day in and day out for such a long period of time. They write that: Rest areas are nothing but emptiness with décor. You need to know how to fill them.That they do. They have their routines -- including making themselves comfortable in their hideous lawn chairs, as well as setting up their writing areas -- but they also fill it with their drive to accomplish something, to make this whole exercise meaningful. And the resulting travel-book suggests they managed just fine. There are some actual insights here, too -- though one thing that's hardly discussed is the seeming emptiness of the roads. There are many pictures of the trip, but almost every stretch of the road that is photographed, every rest area, is almost entirely devoid of life and vehicles. An occasional traffic jam gets mentioned, or some other driver's behaviour on the road, but they seem to have managed to not just not go with the flow but to have avoided it almost entirely. The rest areas are the focus, and there are some nice observations about them in all their variations -- from bleak asphalt strip to mini-city: The big rest areas with service stations, a shop and almost always a restaurant see a small, ephemeral, changing city grow up each night that will only exist once, to be replaced by a similar but different one the next day. Suddenly the city is complete, and it's the most international city in the world, with Bulgarian, French, German, Spanish, Greek, Belgian houses, long houses with inscriptions or huge canvasses beneath which mystery shelters; houses with many rooms, with kitchens, bathrooms, television, lights; houses where a couple or a man or a woman live alone, sometimes dogs, sometimes children, and always camping stoves, bottles of wine and beer, aromas of soup or frites.With the odd details -- Cortazar reading ... Ann Rice ? --, the concern about the Falklands/Malvinas war taking place at the same time, as well as their routines and their playful affection for one another, Autonauts of the Cosmoroute turns out to be a surprisingly compelling travel-book. They hardly let on along the way, but both were apparently in relatively poor health, too, and in a postscript from December Cortázar mentions that Dunlop passed away only a few months after the end of the trip, adding to the poignancy of this bizarre undertaking. Charming and a lot of fun, Autonauts of the Cosmoroute is well worthwhile. - Return to top of the page - Autonauts of the Cosmoroute:
- Return to top of the page - Argentinian author Julio Cortázar (1914-1984) was born in Brussels, and lived in France from 1951 onwards. He is the author of numerous acclaimed experimental works. - Return to top of the page -
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