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Our Assessment:
A- : tending-to-the-philosophical fiction, nicely done See our review for fuller assessment.
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In the night from 1 to 2 June the narrator of Dissipatio H.G. planned and came close to committing suicide.
Even before this, he had already long largely distanced himself from society, living alone in a secluded Alpine house, near the small town of Widmad and long occupied, presumably, largely only with himself and his own thoughts: though an educated man of letters -- and author of a book, Psychology of a Conscious Mind -- he notes: "I have no books; when I came up here, I chose not to bring even one"; he describes himself as: "an intellectual, unreceptive monad without obligations".
I would be gone, leaving no trace. That point seemed essential to me. People, if they did look into it, must come to the conclusion I was permanently missing. Or better, mysteriously annihilated, dissolved into nothing.When he doesn't go through with it, stumbling home in the darkness of that night, he doesn't yet realize that the joke, as it were, is on him: as it slowly dawns on him over the next days, the inverse of what he had planned has happened: while he remains very much here, all the rest of mankind has vanished. Literally vanished, as if they had all been ... yes: "mysteriously annihilated, dissolved into nothing" -- as the crashed driverless vehicles he comes across suggest. A dissipatio humani generis, as the title has it, -- "Dissipation not in the moral sense" --, like that he recalls reading about in the works of Iamblichus. Yes, Dissipatio H.G. is a variation on the last-human-on-earth novel. The narrator is, quite clearly, the only human left, and part of his story does involve his search for other survivors -- in both Widmad and then the nearest large city, 400,000-soul(less) Chrysopolis, and by trying to place telephone calls near and far -- as well as how he adjusts and gets by. It helps that much -- notably the electric grid -- keeps functioning, though he suspects that that probably won't last; food and drink are also not a problem for now. But mostly Dissipatio H.G. is a philosophical novel. There is the fundamental question, of exactly what the situation he finds himself in is: "The situation is certainly peculiar, even inexplicable: does that mean it isn't real ?" And there is the question of what happened to everyone. The narrator speculates quite a bit on this, but in a sense the bigger question isn't: why all of them ? but rather: why him ? Literally everyone disappeared, or was disappeared -- except him. He understands: I survive. Therefore I was chosen or excluded. It was not chance, but will. But it is up to me to interpret.The world has also been reduced, now: There is no longer anything but the I, and the I is no one but me. I am the I.It is a situation he finds difficult to grapple with -- not out of a sense of solitude as, after all, he already lived in almost complete isolation (albeit still maintaining some human connections), but because of the company he's reduced to: What I don't have is an appetite for myself. I've been flirting with solipsism for a very long time, but I'm neither introverted nor introspective.It's a peculiar, personal hell that increasingly weighs on him: "The world is me, and I am tired of this world, this me". He reflects on his condition -- in the present as well as past. He describes some of his life -- a failed relationship, efforts at journalism, medical issues -- and some of the people who figured in it, including a Dr Karpinsky, who treated him. He makes clear his loathing for the commercial life embodied in detested Chrysopolis, a financial center where fifty-six banks are headquartered. There are hints that the situation is a somewhat different one than he presents. For one, that fateful night of his failed suicide, he describes going to bed with his: "black-eyed girl", pressing: "my mouth to hers at length", and then the clot of dried blood on his bed when he woke that morning ((too ?) easily explained as surely being from: "the blow to my head I'd sustained while leaving the cavern" ...). As the desperation of the suicide attempt suggests, he is a deeply troubled man. The situation he finds himself in allows -- and/or forces -- him to reflect on his life -- but only offers (him and the readers) so many answers: as he admitted, he's not given to introspection. Dissipatio H.G. is not quite your usual last-man-on-earth novel, though it does offer many of the satisfactions of the genre, not least in Morselli's haunting descriptions of the human-void world he finds himself in. But it is more a philosophical thought-exercise, a character study focused not on generic man in such a position but on this very specific character, his experiences and reactions strongly colored by his emotional and intellectual background (i.e. baggage). (It's hard not to imagine that Morselli was writing about himself, too: when he received the letter from publisher Mondadori turning down this very manuscript he committed suicide.) A tight, dark little novel, Dissipatio H.G. appeals especially in how it delves into this mind and soul -- its narrator intellectual in both the best and worst senses of how he deals with his situation. It is a fascinating and quite successful little exercise that is certainly of interest. (Very much, I might add, my kind of book, for what that's worth; I am well aware and note that many readers want and prefer something different from their fiction.) - M.A.Orthofer, 18 February 2021 - Return to top of the page - Dissipatio H.G.:
- Return to top of the page - Italian author Guido Morselli lived 1912 to 1973. - Return to top of the page -
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