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Our Assessment:
A- : appealingly off-beat and original See our review for fuller assessment.
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The Silentiary is presented in two parts, the nameless narrator marrying at the end of the first part ("I take a wife") and the second part beginning with the observation that: "Nina and I were nomads for three years".
Despite the change in his circumstances -- he has a wife, and eventually a child; he moves repeatedly in the second part of the novel, unlike the first -- much else about him remains constant; he is, essentially, set (if not really satisfied) in his ways and situation.
Nina bears the great fatigue of the whole day in her body. At night, the child cries. It ruins her sleep, while I don't even hear it.But other, outside noises reverberate to his very core: I don't know whether it's actually doing me harm. I do know that even if it isn't physically damaging me, it obsesses me, constricts me, weighs me down, as if thick, sticky nougat were spreading over my body.And yet, also, he admits: "Only one thing intimidates me: the silence ...". A nice touch too is the piano that they lug along from home to home, even though none of them play it (and the pedals falls off, too). The narrator's mother insists on keeping it: "She needed it with her as a monument to the family's memories". There's not much about his efforts at writing because he doesn't really seem to put much effort into it. He has excuses for the: "reiterated postponement of my book" -- which he "generally attributed to the instability of my housing situation" --, but he never really seems to even simply try to start writing. From early on, he claims the literary work he imagines writing is pretty much all there already, full-fledged in every respect except for the actual writing: I have almost all of it in my head. All that's left is to choose the point of departure. What do I say first ? Where do I begin ?It's a hurdle he struggles to overcome -- leading him also then to consider writing an entirely different kind of work, a crime novel. He spins out some ideas about this too -- including the revealing one where: My novel will have a crime and various suspects, but I myself, the author, will remain unaware of who the criminal is. That way the book can be prolonged indefinitely, until the crime it once was about has been entirely forgotten.Mulling it over, he concludes: But I have no experience writing a crime novel either. If I decide to write one before proceeding to The Roof, I'll have to choose a subject, within reality, as a possible victim, and imagine myself as the killer. That way, studying the other, studying myself, I can gradually build up the book.Even without a real crime, The Silentiary is in some ways built up that way. It is as much a novel about process as anything else: living, experiencing -- and writing, even if the narrator isn't actually writing. (So also he observes in the novel's antepenultimate paragraph: "I feel as if my brain had been mauled, as if it had reached the final moment of a long and selfless effort of creation. As if I'd written a book".) It all makes for a compelling and oddly gripping personal/character-portrait, including in such things as the presentation of his relationships with women, neatly, simply sketched out in a few experiences, encounters, and observations, down to the point where he decides: I will marry Nina.There's also a co-worker and friend, Besarión, who disappears from the narrator's life, and then returns. (It is Besarión who diagnoses: "You hear metaphysical noises".) In his Introduction, Juan José Saer observes how: "Di Benedetto's style appears to have emerged from nothingness", and how his prose has: "neither precursors nor successors". Saer is right: Di Benedetto's style is unlike any other -- and that's part of the fascination (and success) of this text, where even as readers think the narrator-type and the situation(s) surely are very familiar Di Benedetto presents instead something very different. Indeed, for all its seeming simplicity, The Silentiary is a work of striking originality -- a rare thing in modern fiction. The Silentiary is a neat, odd piece of work -- deeply strange even as it seems, in many ways, so straightforward. - M.A.Orthofer, 30 January 2022 - Return to top of the page - The Silentiary:
- Return to top of the page - Argentine author Antonio Di Benedetto lived 1922 to 1986. - Return to top of the page -
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