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Our Assessment:
B : crime-part feels almost incidental, but otherwise quite good fun See our review for fuller assessment.
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The 'Betty Boo' of the title is mystery writer Nurit Iscar, the one-time 'Dark Lady of Argentine Literature', a nickname (she thinks was) given to her by the married man whose lover she was for two years, Lorenzo Rinaldi, the editor of El Tribuno.
The affair broke up her marriage (but not Rinaldi's), and then the affair itself ended, and when the sappy novel that the love-struck author wrote at the time, Only If You Love Me, flopped it: "prompted her to 'do a Salinger' (albeit in a Third World/female/crime-writer-ish way)", and she now only ghost-writes books (needing the money).
Listen, watch, think, invent and write. It's not the truth I'm after, it's writing that captivates, it's your interpretation of that world, your description of the people you see around, all those things you do so well.Meanwhile, the 'Crime boy' is to do the official reporting. Of course, soon enough Brena is pulled in, too -- and after initially being suspicious of him, Crime boy even embraces him as a mentor. An empty picture-frame holds the clue to what might be behind the murder -- or, as soon becomes clear, the murders, as others in that photograph, school friends of the victim from La Maravillosa, turn out to have died in what turn out to be suspicious circumstances. It's layered decently well, and even if the ultimate explanation/resolution seems a bit over the top, the story at least wends it's way quite entertainingly to it, with some decent turns. But ultimately Betty Boo seems to almost only incidentally be a mystery. Instead, Piñeiro does what Nurit was tasked to, offering her: "interpretation of that world" and descriptions of these people -- a slice of contemporary Argentine life. This is a very middle-aged novel, with characters who have reached a turning point but don't know where to turn to. Nurit is fifty-four and worried about her sagging looks -- and obviously in a rut; Brena -- who secretly had a crush on Burit years earlier, only for Rinaldi to swoop in and snatch her -- obviously doesn't feel his talents are being used and feels a bit lonely (he's thinking of getting a dog). And oblivious Rinaldi has his own rejuvenating ideas. (Not to bog down entirely in an older generation, the younger one is also somewhat at sea, Crime boy not sure what he's doing, professionally or personally, while another newspaper colleague -- the name behind the scathing review that left Nurit reeling and led her to abandon fiction-writing -- has her own problem to deal with, and the events allow all of them (well, except Rinaldi), to reassess their lives.) Piñeiro takes her time and has her fun with other aspects of Argentine life, in particular the in(s)anity of gated-community life -- and here in particular the ridiculous supposed safety procedures for allowing people in and out of such communities. Arguably, there's a bit too much of this -- every boot is checked, many IDs copied -- especially since it has little to do with the case or the story at hand (and, indeed, the one mystery -- how did the murderer get in and/or escape -- is one that ultimately doesn't seem to concern anyone too much), but it fits with giving the novel more a society- rather than strictly-mystery novel feel. Piñeiro's narrative -- and especially conversational -- style is also fairly effective -- though it can take some getting used to: instead of neatly separating out speech, using quotes and a new paragraph for each turn in the conversation she packs it all together, undifferentiated, alternating the (mostly short) sentences of conversation (and only intermittently identifying the speaker (though it's generally clear)) or embellishing with descriptions of inflection and the like, as well as the descriptive text. It makes for a packed presentation -- though all the back and forth loosens it up a bit, and it isn't that hard to follow. The variations on crime reporting are also fairly interesting, from Nurit's impressionistic pieces to Brena, who knows all the tricks (and is also conveniently fed a lot of information), to Crime boy's use of the Internet (though Brena does nudge him to: "get away from the computer: all that Google isn't good for you") -- while the ultimate explanation, while properly sinister, is maybe too much for the book to handle (and not entirely satisfying). Effectively dealing with the mundane -- from the opening scene, the first of several about the difficulties of getting past security at La Maravillosa (especially for the help, who even have to register everything they're bringing in, like their phones, so they won't be accused of theft when they leave) to Nurit's friends (and others) coming to visit her on the job -- Betty Boo is an enjoyable novel piggy-backing on a mystery-story (even if that gets a bit lost in all the other activity). For the most part, there's enough well-paced variety here -- and enough open questions (if not necessarily outright suspense) along the way, from whodunnit (and done what, exactly) to who will hook up with who -- to easily hold the reader's attention. - M.A.Orthofer, 31 December 2015 - Return to top of the page - Betty Boo:
- Return to top of the page - Argentine author Claudia Piñeiro was born in 1960. - Return to top of the page -
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