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Our Assessment:
B : the usual playful Aira fun See our review for fuller assessment.
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César Aira's fictions tend to the short; so also The Famous Magician -- making it a perfect fit for the Storybook ND-series of books it is now published in.
It is also not the first Aira text to feature a magician.
Here, the title character is Ovando, whom the narrator -- essentially, the writer Aira (as also so often in his work) -- considers rather dubious, a charlatan.
Ovando seems, to the narrator, to be: "basically down and out, but had intellectual pretensions".
He'd even written a book -- albeit: "a shoddy, self-published edition".
In general, I advise against reading: it's a waste of time and dangerous for the purity of your soul. In your case, once you begin your study of these mysteries, you'll have to completely forego that harmful activity.The temptation is great -- Ovando does seem to be offering an opening to a grand, incredible experience -- but the cost is high. The narrator has always considered Literature (with a capital 'L') an integral part of his life and can hardly imagine abandoning it -- but he begins to think about it. The Famous Magician then follows him as he considers Ovando's proposal, leading him also then far afield, in mind and beyond. Eventually, too, he also comes to realize what Ovando wants from him - what the magician's true ambitions are. As so often with Aira, it's a ride that veers between the realistic and the surreal, with a precision of description and analysis in the narrator's deliberation that neatly makes even the far-fetched seem possibly almost normal. The narrator's struggle, of what kind of future to embrace, of where to go with his life, and his contemplating a life without the Literature that has so long been an integral part of him is, of course, particularly appealing to those who engage with Literature with similar enthusiasm, as writers and especially as readers. It's a fun little work, easily enjoyed at a single go -- and quite a powerful gulp at that. - M.A.Orthofer, 27 September 2022 - Return to top of the page - The Famous Magician:
- Return to top of the page - Argentinian author César Aira was born in 1949. - Return to top of the page -
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