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Our Assessment:
B : enjoyable collection of microfictions See our review for fuller assessment. The complete review's Review:
Without a Net collects ninety-nine 'microfictions' -- most of the pieces just a paragraph or two in length -- by Ana María Shua, all: "based on and revolving around the circus" (and most taken from the collection Fenómenos de circo), as translator Steven J. Stewart explains in his introductory Note.
The winner is a lean Hungarian artist with thin blond hair who surprises everyone by somersaulting out of reality. It's too bad he can't come back to claim his prize.The ambiguities and disconcerting voyeurism of freak- and spectacle-watching are repeatedly addressed -- as in 'Circus Prometheus', which begins by asking Art or entertainment ? If the vulture digs his beak deep into Prometheus's liver, is it art or entertainment ?Among the most beautiful pieces is 'Who's the Patsy ?' Clowns work in pairs. Normally one of them is the victim of the jokes, tricks, and schemes of the other; one of them gets slapped around. The pairs might be Pierrot and Harlequin, Augusto and Carablanca, the pensar and the kartala, the stupid one and the smart one, the fat one and the thin one, the clumsy one and the agile one, the author and the reader.Without a Net is a solid, appealing collection, with a few stand-out pieces and some memorable observations. - M.A.Orthofer, 3 November 2012 - Return to top of the page - Reviews:
- Return to top of the page - Argentinean author Ana María Shua was born in 1951. - Return to top of the page -
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