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Our Assessment:
A- : good, slender take on Emily Dickinson See our review for fuller assessment.
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The Lady in White of the title is American poet and recluse Emily Dickinson, and this slim volume a typical reflective one by French author Christian Bobin, as much or more essayistic than in any way fictional.
After only a few minutes Higginson was exhausted. Only madness can devour energy to this degree.Though so very short -- eighty pages, very generously spaced -- The Lady in White is significantly more than a biographical sketch. Indeed, it isn't sketch-like; it isn't a simple summary of facts and odds and ends. There is a surprising amount of biographical information, but what Bobin manages is to penetrate that life. In these short chapters Bobin dives in and plumbs the depths of Dickinson's soul. The sections have to be so short, because it is necessary for the reader (and author) to come up for air. It is a reading and interpretation of Dickinson, and Bobin goes at if from a variety of angles. So for example, fundamentally: What was "real" life ? Father and daughter had two very different responses to the question. For the father, real life was horizontal: the train and telegraph were brought to Amherst, contracts were signed, men were connected to one another, and all of that, to the rhythm of their exchanges, caused wealth to grow. For the daughter real life was vertical: a movement from the soul to the soul's master -- for which there was no need of a railroad.They're kindred spirits, it must be noted, author and subject -- Bobin is also notoriously withdrawn, his writing also marked by concision (though nowhere near as pared-down as Dickinson's) -- and this also marks the text. Repeatedly he falls back on the first person plural, in generalizations that are more personal than, perhaps, always universal -- as when he suggests: "We all make a home of our own unhappiness". Or: Love and the void belong to the same terrible genus. Our soul is the terrain of their unsettled contest.Bobin is also exploring his own fascination with writing -- as its own reward, and more. He suggests: Poetry is more than just a manner of writing: it is a way of finding one's bearings, turning one's life to the rising sun of the invisible.Dickinson seems to fit Bobin's poetic ideal -- summed up in a variety of ways here, including in the observation that: Poets are pretty when a century has gone by, when they're dead and in the ground and alive through their texts. But when you have a poet in your home, a child who is in love with the absolute, shut away in her room with her books like some young wild animal in a divinely smoke-filled lair, how are you to raise her ? Children know all there is to know of heaven until the day they begin to learn things. Poets are children who have not been interrupted; they are sky-gazers, impossible to raise.Carefully and beautifully crafted, The Lady in White is a compact but weighty and resonant consideration of Emily Dickinson's life. Though Bobin is foreign, he is well-attuned to Dickinson, and his understanding extends surprisingly well even to the American matters. The Lady in White is a slim but significant addition to the literature around Emily Dickinson. - M.A.Orthofer, 7 February 2015 - Return to top of the page - The Lady in White:
- Return to top of the page - French author Christian Bobin was born in 1951. - Return to top of the page -
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