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A Literary Saloon and Site of Review
Index of Real People
in Works of Fiction
under review
the complete review
Fiction is often based on reality, and works of fiction are often based on actual events.
Real people appear, in fictionalized form, as characters in many novels, stories, plays, and poems.
This Index provides a guide to the works of fiction (and drama and poetry) under review at the complete review that in some way focus on real people, as well as fictional characters who appear in books other than those they originated in.
(Note that this index is by no means comprehensive, and that, for example, individual poems and stories are generally not included.)
The Index is listed by person, not author -- i.e. the focus is on the fictionalized "celebrity".
So, for all works dealing with a fictional Hitler look under Adolf HITLER.
In parentheses -- after the person, title, and author -- there is a number bewtween 1 and 3.
These indicate how significant a figure the person is in any given book, according to the following rough estimate:
- (1) - one of the central figures of the work
- (2) - a significant presence in the work, but not central
- (3) - a peripheral figure in the book
For non-fiction accounts of real people please refer to the Biography-Index.
- Marina ABRAMOVIĆ: The Consequences, Niña WEIJERS (3)
- Roman ABRAMOVICH: Freeway, Jorge Enrique LAGE (3)
- ACHILLES: Posthomerica, QUINTUS Smyrnaeus (2)
- Kathy ACKER: Biography of X, Catherine LACEY (3)
- Gilbert ADAIR: And Then There Was No One, Gilbert ADAIR (1)
- Arthur ADAMOV: In the Café of Lost Youth, Patrick MODIANO (3)
- Aglaé ADANSON: Beyond the Door of No Return, David DIOP (2)
- Michel ADANSON: Beyond the Door of No Return, David DIOP (1)
- Alhaji Adegoke ADELABU: Adelabu, Ogali OGALI (1)
- Laure ADLER: Congo Inc., In Koli Jean BOFANE (3)
- AGAMEMNON: Cassandra, Lesia UKRAINKA (2)
- Captain AHAB: Ahab (Sequels), Pierre SENGES (1)
- Jalal AL-E-AHMAD: Island of Bewilderment, Simin DANESHVAR (2)
- ALEXANDER I: Löwenstern, Adolf MUSCHG (2)
- ALFONSO XVIII, : The Princess, the King, and the Anarchist, Robert PAGANI (1)
- Muhammad ALI:
- ALI PASHA: The Traitor's Niche, Ismail KADARE (1)
- Salvador ALLENDE: The Neruda Case, Roberto AMPUERO (3)
- Joseph ALSOP: The Columnist, David AUBURN (1)
- Louis ALTHUSSER: The Seventh Function of Language, Laurent BINET (2)
- Al ALVAREZ: Your Story, My Story, Connie PALMEN (2)
- Idi AMIN:
- Kingsley AMIS: Still Life, A.S.BYATT (3)
- Yuri ANDROPOV: The Seventh Function of Language, Laurent BINET (3)
- Kofi ANNAN: Stuff Happens, David HARE (2)
- APULEIUS: Dreams of Dreams, Antonio TABUCCHI (2)
- ARAKI Thomas: Foreign Studies, Endō Shūsaku (2)
- ARCHIMEDES: The Fourth Circle, Zoran IVKOVIĆ (3)
- Hannah ARENDT: Heidegger's Shadow, José Pablo FEINMANN (2)
- ARISTOPHANES: The Goddess of Buttercups and Daisies, Martin MILLAR (1)
- King ARTHUR: The Bright Sword, Lev GROSSMAN (1)
- H.H.ASQUITH: Precipice, Robert HARRIS (1)
- Julian ASSANGE: Replay, Benjamin STEIN (3)
- W.H.AUDEN: The Habit of Art, Alan BENNETT (1)
- St. AUGUSTINE: My Secret Book, Francesco PETRARCA (1)
- Josephine BAKER: Maigret e il caso Simenon, Maurizio TESTA (2)
- Michael BAKUNIN The Coast of Utopia, Tom STOPPARD (1)
- Maurice BARRÈS: Bürger und Soldaten 1918, Alfred DÖBLIN (2)
- J.M.BARRIE: Kensington Gardens, Rodrigo FRESÁN (1)
- Roland BARTHES: The Seventh Function of Language, Laurent BINET (2)
- Jean-Michel BASQUIAT: Eroshima, Dany LAFERRIÈRE (3)
- BAYEZID II: Tell Them of Battles, Kings, and Elephants, Mathias ÉNARD (3)
- Samuel BECKETT:
- Frédéric BEIGBEDER: The Map and the Territory, Michel HOUELLEBECQ (2)
- Vissarion BELINSKY The Coast of Utopia, Tom STOPPARD (2)
- Saul BELLOW: Ravelstein, Saul BELLOW (1)
- Giovanni Battista BELZONI: The Judgement of the Mummy, Christian JACQ (1)
- Boris BEREZOVSKY: The Wizard of the Kremlin, Giuliano DA EMPOLI (2)
- Lavrentiy BERIA:
- Thomas BERNHARD: Die Murau Identität, Alexander SCHIMMELBUSCH (1)
- Gian Lorenzo BERNINI: Where Tigers are at Home, Jean-Marie BLAS DE ROBLÈS (3)
- Osama BIN-LADEN:
- Adolfo BIOY CASARES: Like a Fading Shadow, Antonio MUÑOZ MOLINA (3)
- Tony BLAIR:
- Vicente BLASCO IBÁÑEZ, : The Anarchist Who Shared My Name, Pablo MARTÍN SÁNCHEZ (2)
- Madame BLAVATSKY: The Curious Case of the Clockwork Man, Mark HODDER (2)
- Hans BLIX: Stuff Happens, David HARE (2)
- Karen BLIXEN: The Palimpsests, Aleksandra LUN (2)
- Allan BLOOM: Ravelstein, Saul BELLOW (1)
- Hans BLUMENBERG: Blumenberg, Sibylle LEWITSCHAROFF (1)
- Anthony BLUNT: A Question of Attribution, Alan BENNETT (1)
- Humphrey BOGART: Sister Hollywood, C.K.STEAD (3)
- Niels BOHR: Copenhagen, Michael FRAYN (1)
- Jean-Baptiste BOKASSA: A Play of Giants, Wole SOYINKA (2)
- Lizzie BORDEN:
- Jorge Luis BORGES: Borges and the Eternal Orangutans, Luis Fernando VERISSIMO (1)
- Ruđer BOŠKOVIĆ: Tranzit, kometa, pomračenje, Muharem BAZDULJ (1)
- Mohamed BOUJERI: VSV, Leon de WINTER (1)
- Paul BOURGET: The Diary of a Chambermaid, Octave MIRBEAU (3)
- Charles BOVARY: Charles Bovary, Country Doctor, Jean AMÉRY (1)
- Emma BOVARY:
- David BOWIE: Biography of X, Catherine LACEY (3)
- Sally BOWLES: Heidegger's Shadow, José Pablo FEINMANN (3)
- Robert BOYLE: An Instance of the Fingerpost, Iain PEARS (2)
- Marlon BRANDO: Sydänkohtauksia, Kari HOTAKAINEN (1)
- Willy BRANDT: Democracy, Michael FRAYN (1)
- Eva BRAUN:
- Bertolt BRECHT:
- André BRETON:
- Josef BREUER: The Fox and Dr. Shimamura, Christine WUNNICKE (2)
- Leonid BREZHNEV:
- Benjamin BRITTEN: The Habit of Art, Alan BENNETT (1)
- Suzanne BRØGGER: Bitter Bitch, Maria SVELAND (2)
- Dorothea BROOKE: Textermination, Christine BROOKE-ROSE (2)
- Louise BROOKS: Lichtspiel, Damiel KEHLMANN (2)
- Pieter BRUEGHEL: Headlong, Michael FRAYN (2)
- Alois BRUNNER: Ring of Lies, Roni DUNEVICH (2)
- Yossi BUGANIM: A Life Without End, Frédéric BEIGBEDER (3)
- Ettore BUGATTI, : The Animal Gazer, Edgardo FRANZOSINI (3)
- Rembrandt BUGATTI, : The Animal Gazer, Edgardo FRANZOSINI (1)
- Mikhail BULGAKOV: The Kremlin Ball, Curzio MALAPARTE (2)
- Guy BURGESS: An Englishman Abroad, Alan BENNETT (1)
- Richard BURTON: Bitter Drink, F.G.HAGHENBECK (2)
- Richard Francis BURTON:
- George BUSH jr.:
- Laura BUSH: [American Wife, Curtis SITTENFELD (1)]
- François BUSNEL: The Mystery of Henri Pick, David FOENKINOS (2)
- Lord BYRON: Arcadia, Tom STOPPARD (3)
- Sophie CALLE:
- Luís de CAMÕES: The Forbidden Kingdom, Jan Jacob SLAUERHOFF (1)
- Albert CAMUS: Our Riches (UK title: A Bookshop in Algiers), Kaouther ADIMI (2)
- Robert CAPA: Waiting for Robert Capa, Susana FORTES (1)
- Al CAPONE: Twelve Fingers, Jô SOARES (3)
- Truman CAPOTE: Manhattan's Babe, Frédéric BEIGBEDER (2)
- CARAVAGGIO: Dreams of Dreams, Antonio TABUCCHI (2)
- King CAROL I of Romania: The Days of the King, Filip FLORIAN (2)
- Humphrey CARPENTER: The Habit of Art, Alan BENNETT (1)
- Raymond CARVER: Scissors, Stéphane MICHAKA (1)
- Edward CASAUBON: Textermination, Christine BROOKE-ROSE (2)
- CASSANDRA: Cassandra, Lesia UKRAINKA (1)
- CATHERINE the Great: The Captain's Daughter, Alexander PUSHKIN (3)
- Jimmy CAUTY: 2023, The Justified Ancients of Mu Mu (2)
- Paul CELAN: An Evocation of Matthias Stimmberg, Alain-Paul MALLARD (2)
- Louis-Ferdinand CÉLINE: The Propagandist, Cécile DESPRAIRIES (3)
- Benvenuto CELLINI: Perspective(s), Laurent BINET (1)
- Javier CERCAS: The Palimpsests, Aleksandra LUN (3)
- Miguel de CERVANTES:
- Jean-François CHAMPOLLION: The Judgement of the Mummy, Christian JACQ (3)
- Charlie CHAPLIN:
- Jean-Martin CHARCOT: The Fox and Dr. Shimamura, Christine WUNNICKE (2)
- Edmond CHARLOT: Our Riches (UK title: A Bookshop in Algiers), Kaouther ADIMI (1)
- Charon, Giovanni Gioviano PONTANO (1)
- Momus, Leon Battista ALBERTI (2)
- Amit CHAUDHURI: Friend of My Youth, Amit CHAUDHURI (1)
- Hugo CHÁVEZ: The Last Days of El Comandante, Alberto BARRERA TYSZKA (2)
- Anton CHEKHOV: Dreams of Dreams, Antonio TABUCCHI (2)
- Dick CHENEY: Stuff Happens, David HARE (2)
- Jacques CHESSEX: Pétronille, Amélie NOTHOMB (3)
- Marcelo CHIRIBOGA: The Garden Next Door, José DONOSO (2)
- CHO’LPON: The Devils' Dance, Hamid ISMAILOV (3)
- Noam CHOMSKY: The Seventh Function of Language, Laurent BINET (3)
- King CHRISTIAN VII: Livläkarens Besök, Per Olov ENQUIST (1)
- Agatha CHRISTIE: ბესტსელერი, Beka ADAMASHVILI (3)
- Ismat CHUGHTAI: Dozakhnama, Rabisankar BAL (2)
- George CHURCH: A Life Without End, Frédéric BEIGBEDER (3)
- Winston CHURCHILL: Precipice, Robert HARRIS (2)
- CICERO: Imperium, Robert HARRIS (1)
- Michael CIMINO: Hold Fast Your Crown, Yannick HAENEL (2)
- Emil CIORAN: The Palimpsests, Aleksandra LUN (2)
- Empress Dowager CIXI (Tzu-Hsi): Sandalwood Death, MO Yan (3)
- Hillary CLINTON: Jokerman, Stefan KUTZENBERGER (2)
- CLYTEMNESTRA: Cassandra, Lesia UKRAINKA (2)
- Stephen COLBERT: The Anomaly, Hervé LE TELLIER (2)
- Samuel Taylor COLERIDGE:
- COLETTE: Maigret e il caso Simenon, Maurizio TESTA (2)
- Wilkie COLLINS: Wanting, Richard FLANAGAN (3)
- Inspector COLUMBO: Textermination, Christine BROOKE-ROSE (2)
- Christopher COLUMBUS: The Silence, Jens BJØRNEBOE (2)
- Joseph CONRAD: The Palimpsests, Aleksandra LUN (2)
- Heinz CONRADS: Lichtspiel, Damiel KEHLMANN (2)
- CONFUCIUS: The Siren's Lament, TANIZAKI Jun'ichirō (1)
- Connie CONVERSE: Biography of X, Catherine LACEY (2)
- Francis Ford COPPOLA: Sydänkohtauksia, Kari HOTAKAINEN (1)
- Charlotte CORDAY: The Thousand and One Ghosts, Alexandre DUMAS (3)
- Julio CORTÁZAR: Fantomas versus the Multinational Vampires, Julio CORTÁZAR (1)
- Benedetto CROCE: M: Son of the Century, Antonio SCURATI (3)
- Aleister CROWLEY: A Brief History of Portable Literature, Enrique VILA-MATAS (2)
- Marie CURIE:
- Nicholas of CUSA: The Cusanus Game, Wolfgang JESCHKE (2)
- Lorenzo DA PONTE: Ahab (Sequels), Pierre SENGES (2)
- DAEDALUS: Dreams of Dreams, Antonio TABUCCHI (2)
- DALAI LAMA: Sixty Days and Counting, Kim Stanley ROBINSON (3)
- Salvador DALÍ: A Brief History of Portable Literature, Enrique VILA-MATAS (3)
- Simin DANESHVAR: Island of Bewilderment, Simin DANESHVAR (2)
- Gabriele D'ANNUNZIO: M: Son of the Century, Antonio SCURATI (2)
- DANTE Alighieri:
- Georges DANTON: The Thousand and One Ghosts, Alexandre DUMAS (3)
- Rubén DARÍO:
- Charles DARWIN:
- James DAUNT: Dear Reader, Paul FOURNEL (3)
- Simone DE BEAUVOIR: Madah-Sartre, Alek Baylee TOUMI (2)
- Claude DEBUSSY: Dreams of Dreams, Antonio TABUCCHI (2)
- John DEE: Digital Leatherette, Steve BEARD (2)
- Daniel DEFOE: Dark Matter, Philip KERR (2)
- Charles DE GAULLE:
- Gilles DELEUZE: The Seventh Function of Language, Laurent BINET (3)
- Paul DE MAN: The Seventh Function of Language, Laurent BINET (3)
- Sergio DE MELLO: The Corpse Washer, Sinan ANTOON (3)
- Jack DEMPSEY: Seconds Out, Martín KOHAN (2)
- Robert DE NIRO: Portrait of the Writer as a Domesticated Animal, Lydie SALVAYRE (3)
- Jacques DERRIDA: The Seventh Function of Language, Laurent BINET (2)
- René DESCARTES: Vom Schnee, Durs GRÜNBEIN (1)
- I.A.L. DIAMOND: Mr. Wilder and Me (1)
- Philp K.DICK: Death Sentences, KAWAMATA Chiaki (3)
- Charles DICKENS:
- Joël DICKER: The Enigma of Room 622, Joël DICKER (2)
- Denis DIDEROT: Dialoge zwischen Unsterblichen, Lebendigen und Toten, Hans Magnus ENZENSBERGER (2)
- Joan DIDION: The Lost Time Accidents, John WRAY (3)
- Marlene DIETRICH:
- Charon, Giovanni Gioviano PONTANO (2)
- Momus, Leon Battista ALBERTI (2)
- Walt DISNEY: The Perfect American, Peter Stephan JUNGK (1)
- Gavriil DOBRYNIN: Life of a Bishop's Assistant, Viktor SHKLOVSKY (1)
- Arthur Conan DOYLE: Arthur & George, Julian BARNES (1)
- Bill DRUMMOND: 2023, The Justified Ancients of Mu Mu (2)
- Idilia DUBB: Exemplary Departures, Gabrielle WITTKOP (1)
- Marcel DUCHAMP:
- Isadora DUNCAN: After Sappho, Selby Wynn SCHWARTZ (2)
- Marguerite DURAS :París no se acaba nunca, Enrique VILA-MATAS (2)
- Eleonora DUSE: After Sappho, Selby Wynn SCHWARTZ (2)
- Eliza DUSHKU: Freeway, Jorge Enrique LAGE (2)
- Rudi DUTSCHKE: The Warlord of the Air, Michael MOORCOCK (2)
- Umberto ECO:
- Leon EDEL: Hotel Honolulu, Paul THEROUX (3)
- Thomas Alva EDISON:
- Gustave EIFFEL: Villa of Delirium, Adrien GOETZ (2)
- Albert EINSTEIN:
- Spencer ELDEN: Freeway, Jorge Enrique LAGE (2)
- Mircea ELIADE: Ravelstein, Saul BELLOW (2)
- Ellen ELIAS-BURSAĆ: Belladonna, Daša DRNDIĆ (3)
- T.S.ELIOT: The Secret History of Modernism, C.K.STEAD (3)
- Queen ELIZABETH I: Digital Leatherette, Steve BEARD (2)
- Havelock ELLIS: Earthly Powers, Anthony BURGESS (3)
- August ENGELHARDT: Imperium, Christian KRACHT (1)
- Hans ERTL: Affections, Rodrigo HASBÚN (1)
- Monika ERTL: Affections, Rodrigo HASBÚN (1)
- Till EULENSPIEGEL: Tyll, Daniel KEHLMANN (1)
- EURIPIDES: Glorious Exploits, Ferdia LENNON (2)
- Arthur EVANS: Villa of Delirium, Adrien GOETZ (3)
- Gnassingbé EYADEMA: Waiting for the Vote of the Wild Animals, Ahmadou KOUROUMA (1)
- Rina FACCIO: After Sappho, Selby Wynn SCHWARTZ (2)
- Bernard de FALLOIS: The Enigma of Room 622, Joël DICKER (2)
- Dakota FANNING: A System so Magnificent it is Blinding, Amanda SVENSSON (#)
- Gibreel FARISHTA from Salman Rushdie's The Satanic Verses: Textermination, Christine BROOKE-ROSE (2)
- Gabriel FAURÉ: Villa of Delirium, Adrien GOETZ (3)
- Richard FEYNMANN: Insect Dreams, Marc ESTRIN (3)
- F. Scott FITZGERALD: Ahab (Sequels), Pierre SENGES (3)
- Robert FITZROY: After Darwin, Timberlake WERTENABKER (1)
- Gustave FLAUBERT:
- Ian FLEMING: Any Human Heart, William BOYD (3)
- Dmitry FLORINSKY: The Kremlin Ball, Curzio MALAPARTE (2)
- Errol FLYNN: The Errol Flynn Novel, Geoff NICHOLSON (1)
- Jonathan Safran FOER, : Das bin doch ich, Thomas GLAVINIC (3)
- Henry FONDA: Mr. Wilder and Me (3)
- Ford Madox FORD: Earthly Powers, Anthony BURGESS (3)
- Harrison FORD: Cut Guavas, Robert ANTONI (3)
- George FOREMAN: Chaos in Kinshasa, Barly BARUTI and Thierry BELLEFROID (2)
- E.M.FORSTER: Still Life, A.S.BYATT (3)
- Michel FOUCAULT: The Seventh Function of Language, Laurent BINET (2)
- The Fox sisters: Rochester Knockings, Hubert HADDAD (1)
- Francisco FRANCO:
- Jacob FRANK: The Books of Jacob, Olga TOKARCZUK (1)
- Sir John FRANKLIN: Wanting, Richard FLANAGAN (1)
- Ivan FRANKO: Forgottenness, Tanja MALJARTSCHUK (3)
- Archduke FRANZ FERDINAND: Twelve Fingers, Jô SOARES (3)
- Emperor FRANZ JOSEF: Flashman and the Tiger, G.M. FRASER (2)
- Jonathan FRANZEN, : Das bin doch ich, Thomas GLAVINIC (3)
- FREDERICK V: Tyll, Daniel KEHLMANN (2)
- Sigmund FREUD:
- Freud's Megalomania, Israel ROSENFIELD (1)
- Freud's Sister, Goce SMILEVSKI (1)
- Lions at Lamb House, Edwin M. YODER jr. (1)
- The Remaking of Sigmund Freud, Barry N. MALZBERG (1)
- The Talking Cure, Christopher HAMPTON (1)
- Les mauvaises pensées, Laurent SEKSIK (2)
- Dreams of Dreams, Antonio TABUCCHI (2)
- Soul of a Jew, Joshua SOBOL (2)
- The Cyclist Conspiracy, Svetislav BASARA (3)
- Waiting for Sunrise, William BOYD (3)
- The Book about Blanche and Marie, Per Olov ENQUIST (3)
- Erich FRIED: The Strange Case of Dr. Simmonds and Dr. Glas, Dannie ABSE (3)
- Leo FROBENIUS: Bound to Violence, Yambo OUOLOGUEM (2)
- Carlos FUENTES: The Literary Conference, César AIRA (2)
- Évariste GALOIS: The French Mathematician, Tom PETSINIS (1)
- Francis GALTON: The Biographer's Tale, A.S.BYATT (3)
- GANDHI: The Land Leviathan, Michael MOORCOCK (2)
- Greta GARBO:
- Federico GARCIÁ LORCA:
- Ava GARDNER: Bitter Drink, F.G.HAGHENBECK (3)
- Bill GATES:
- Paul GAUGUIN: The Way to Paradise, Mario VARGAS LLOSA (1)
- Carl GAUSS: Die Vermessung der Welt, Daniel KEHLMANN (1)
- Christophe GBENYE: First Blood, Amélie NOTHOMB (2)
- Hans-Dietrich GENSCHER: Democracy, Michael FRAYN (2)
- Mirza GHALIB: Dozakhnama, Rabisankar BAL (1)
- André GIDE: Our Riches (UK title: A Bookshop in Algiers), Kaouther ADIMI (3)
- Brendan GILL: Maigret e il caso Simenon, Maurizio TESTA (2)
- Natalia GINZBURG: Against Nature, Tomas ESPEDAL (3)
- Maurice GIRODIAS: Ballerina, Patrick MODIANO (2)
- Valéry GISCARD D'ESTAING: The Seventh Function of Language, Laurent BINET (2)
- Nikolai GNEDICH: Gnedich, Maria RYBAKOVA (1)
- Manuel GODOY: The Valley of the Fallen, Carlos ROJAS (2)
- Joseph GOEBBELS:
- Kurt GÖDEL: Ghosts in Princeton, Daniel KEHLMANN (1)
- J.W. von GOETHE:
- Theo van GOGH: VSV, Leon de WINTER (1)
- Roberto GOIZUETA: Freeway, Jorge Enrique LAGE (2)
- Hooshang GOLSHIRI: Censoring an Iranian Love Story, Shahriar MANDANIPOUR (3)
- Witold GOMBROWICZ: The Most Secret Memory of Men, Mohamed Mbougar SARR (2)
- Hermann GÖRING:
- Arshile GORKY: Death Sentences, KAWAMATA Chiaki (3)
- Francisco GOYA:
- Ulysses S. GRANT: A Few Stout Individuals, John GUARE (1)
- Graham GREENE: Loving Graham Greene, Gloria EMERSON (2)
- Alexander GRIBOEDOV: The Death of Vazir-Mukhtar, Yury TYNYANOV (1)
- George GROSZ: Cavalcade, Walter SATTERTHWAIT (3)
- Alexander GROTHENDIECK: When We Cease to Understand the World, Benjamín LABATUT (2)
- Hervé GUIBERT: The Seventh Function of Language, Laurent BINET (3)
- Günter GUILLAUME: Democracy, Michael FRAYN (1)
- GUINEVERE: The Bright Sword, Lev GROSSMAN (2)
- Lemuel GULLIVER: Gulliver's Voyage to Phantomimia, Volter KILPI (1)
- Fritz HABER: When We Cease to Understand the World, Benjamín LABATUT (2)
- Jürgen HABERMAS: Heidegger's Shadow, José Pablo FEINMANN (3)
- HAFEZ: Hafez in Love, Iraj PEZESHKZAD (1)
- HAILE SELASSIE: Operation Rimbaud, Jacques GODBOUT (2)
- al-HAKIM, :The Theocrat, Bensalem HIMMICH (1)
- David HALBERSTAM: The Columnist, David AUBURN (2)
- J.B.S. HALDANE: The Cambridge Quintet, John L. CASTI (1)
- Radclyffe HALL: After Sappho, Selby Wynn SCHWARTZ (2)
- Dashiell HAMMETT: Dead Horse, Walter SATTERTHWAIT (3)
- G.W.F. HEGEL: Hölderlin, Peter WEISS (2)
- Martin HEIDEGGER: Heidegger's Shadow, José Pablo FEINMANN (1)
- HELEN of Troy: Posthomerica, QUINTUS Smyrnaeus (3)
- HELIAN Bobo: Tongwan City, GAO Jianqun (1)
- Ernest HEMINGWAY::
- HERCULES: Momus, Leon Battista ALBERTI (2)
- Alexander HERZEN The Coast of Utopia, Tom STOPPARD (1)
- Rudolf HESS:
- Reinhard HEYDRICH: HHhH, Laurent BINET (1)
- Heinrich HIMMLER:
- Damien HIRST: 2023, The Justified Ancients of Mu Mu (3)
- Adolf HITLER:
- Cavalcade, Walter SATTERTHWAIT (1)
- The Dry Danube, Paul WEST (1)
- Siegfried, Harry MULISCH (1)
- Tours of the Black Clock, Steve ERICKSON (1)
- [La part de l'autre, Eric-Emannuel SCHMITT (1)]
- Blue Lard, Vladimir SOROKIN (2)
- The Kindly Ones, Jonathan LITTELL (2)
- Message to Adolf, TEZUKA Osamu (2)
- The Queen of the Night, Marc BEHM (2)
- The Remaking of Sigmund Freud, Barry N. MALZBERG (2)
- HHhH, Laurent BINET (3)
- Kthulhu Reich, ASAMATSU Ken (3)
- Saving Mozart, Raphaël JERUSALMY (3)
- Street Sleeper, Geoff NICHOLSON (3)
- Zero Over Berlin, SASAKI Joh (3)
- Les mauvaises pensées, Laurent SEKSIK (3)
- Hugo von HOFMANNSTHAL: Palace of Flies, Walter KAPPACHER (1)
- William HOLDEN: Mr. Wilder and Me (3)
- Friedrich HÖLDERLIN: Hölderlin, Peter WEISS (1)
- Sherlock HOLMES:
- HOMER: Reconstruction of the Poet, Zbigniew HERBERT (1)
- Robert HOOKE: Quicksilver, Neal STEPHENSON (2)
- J. Edgar HOOVER: American Tabloid, James ELLROY (2)
- Ödön von HORVÁTH: Tales from Hollywood, Christopher HAMPTON (1)
- Harry HOUDINI:
- Michel HOUELLEBECQ: The Map and the Territory, Michel HOUELLEBECQ (1)
- Enver HOXHA: The Gasp, Romain GARY (2)
- Bohumil HRABAL: The Book of Hrabal, ESTERHÁZY Péter (2)
- Ted HUGHES: Your Story, My Story, Connie PALMEN (1)
- Alexander von HUMBOLDT: Die Vermessung der Welt, Daniel KEHLMANN (1)
- Isabelle HUPPERT: Hold Fast Your Crown, Yannick HAENEL (2)
- John HUSTON: Bitter Drink, F.G.HAGHENBECK (2)
- Christiaan HUYGENS: Quicksilver, Neal STEPHENSON (2)
- IBN KHALDUN :The Polymath, Bensalem HIMMICH (1)
- Henrik IBSEN: The Biographer's Tale, A.S.BYATT (3)
- Patriarch ILIA II: პატარა ქვეყანა, Lasha BUGADZE (2)
- INUKAI Tsuyoshi: The Dead, Christian KRACHT (3)
- Eugène IONESCO:
- Charles IVES: Insect Dreams, Marc ESTRIN (2)
- JAHANGIR: In Praise of Annada, BHARATCHANDRA Ray (3)
- Roman JAKOBSON: The Seventh Function of Language, Laurent BINET (3)
- JAMES II: Quicksilver, Neal STEPHENSON (3)
- Henry JAMES:
- Elton JOHN: Geronimo, Leon de WINTER (3)
- Pope JOHN XXIII: The Gasp, Romain GARY (3)
- Denis JOHNSON: Biography of X, Catherine LACEY (3)
- Lyndon B. JOHNSON: The Immortals, René BARJAVEL (3
- David JONES :Landor's Tower, Iain SINCLAIR (3)
- Jørgen JØRGENSEN: Blindly, Claudio MAGRIS (1)
- JOSEPH II: The Books of Jacob, Olga TOKARCZUK (2)
- James JOYCE:
- JUDAS: Thirst, Amélie NOTHOMB (2)
- C.G. JUNG :The Talking Cure, Christopher HAMPTON (1)
- Ernst JÜNGER:
- JUPITER: Momus, Leon Battista ALBERTI (1)
- Franz KAFKA:
- KAHINA: The Night Will Have Its Say, Ibrahim al-KONI (1)
- Frida KAHLO: The Man Who Loved Dogs, Leonardo PADURA (3)
- Emperor KANGXI: The Deer and the Cauldron, Louis CHA (2)
- Immanuel KANT: The Final Days of Immanuel Kant, Odd NERDRUM (1)
- Lev KARAKHAN: The Kremlin Ball, Curzio MALAPARTE (2)
- Alfred KARRASCH: Lichtspiel, Damiel KEHLMANN (2)
- Garry KASPAROV: The Wizard of the Kremlin, Giuliano DA EMPOLI (3)
- Buster KEATON: Buster Keaton, Kari HOTAKAINEN (1)
- Daniel KEHLMANN, : Das bin doch ich, Thomas GLAVINIC (2)
- Marthe KELLER: Mr. Wilder and Me (2)
- Ned KELLY: True History of the Kelly Gang, Peter CAREY (1)
- John F. KENNEDY:
- Robert KENNEDY: American Tabloid, James ELLROY (2)
- Deborah KERR: Bitter Drink, F.G.HAGHENBECK (3)
- Clemens von KETTELER: Sandalwood Death, MO Yan (2)
- John Maynard KEYNES: Earthly Powers, Anthony BURGESS (3)
- Mikhail KHODORKOVSKY: The Wizard of the Kremlin, Giuliano DA EMPOLI (2)
- Ayatollah KHOMEINI: The Enlightenment of the Greengage Tree, Shokoofeh AZAR (3)
- Peter KIEN (from Elias Canetti's Auto-da-Fé): Textermination, Christine BROOKE-ROSE (2)
- KIM Il-sung: The Accusation, BANDI (2)
- KIM Jong-un: Special Envoy, Jean ECHENOZ (3)
- Don KING: Chaos in Kinshasa, Barly BARUTI and Thierry BELLEFROID (3)
- Larry KING: The Wizard of the Kremlin, Giuliano DA EMPOLI (3)
- Martin Muther KING Jr.: Like a Fading Shadow, Antonio MUÑOZ MOLINA (2)
- Natassia KINSKI: Het schervengericht, A.F.Th. van der HEIJDEN (3)
- Rudyard KIPLING: Earthly Powers, Anthony BURGESS ()
- Athanasius KIRCHER:
- Herny KISSINGER: Les mauvaises pensées, Laurent SEKSIK (3)
- Jan KJÆRSTAD: Monsterhuman, Kjersti SKOMSVOLD (3)
- Paul KLEE, : Walaschek's Dream, Giovanni ORELLI (2)
- Gustav KLIMT, : Freud's Sister, Goce SMILEVSKI (2)
- Karl Ove KNAUSGAARD: Monsterhuman, Kjersti SKOMSVOLD (3)
- KNUT: Memoirs of a Polar Bear, TAWADA Yoko (1)
- Boris KNYAZEV (KNIASEFF): Ballerina, Patrick MODIANO (2)
- Pavel KOHOUT: Bliss Was it in Bohemia, Michal VIEWEGH (2)
- Jerzy KOSIŃSKI: The Palimpsests, Aleksandra LUN (2)
- Siegfried KRACAUER: The Dead, Christian KRACHT (2)
- KRAPP (from Samuel Beckett): Till Day You Do Part, Peter HANDKE (2)
- Werner KRAUß: Lichtspiel, Damiel KEHLMANN (2)
- Julia KRISTEVA: The Seventh Function of Language, Laurent BINET (2)
- Ágota KRISTÓF: The Palimpsests, Aleksandra LUN (2)
- KUMĀRAJĪVA: Tongwan City, GAO Jianqun (1)
- Béla KUN: Solovyov and Larionov, Eugene VODOLAZKIN (3)
- Hanif KUREISHI: Risk, C.K.STEAD (3)
- Sophie von LA ROCHE: The Books of Jacob, Olga TOKARCZUK (2)
- Jacques LACAN: The Seventh Function of Language, Laurent BINET (3)
- LAIKA (the dog): Night School, BÁN Zsófia ()
- LANCELOT: The Bright Sword, Lev GROSSMAN (2)
- Walter Savage LANDOR :Landor's Tower, Iain SINCLAIR (3)
- Fritz LANG:
- Jack LANG: The Seventh Function of Language, Laurent BINET (2)
- Valery LARBAUD: A Brief History of Portable Literature, Enrique VILA-MATAS (2)
- T.E. LAWRENCE ("of Arabia"): Fredy Neptune, Les MURRAY (3)
- Marine LE PEN: Submission, Michel HOUELLEBECQ (3)
- Zarah LEANDER: Kthulhu Reich, ASAMATSU Ken (3)
- Timothy LEARY: Operation Rimbaud, Jacques GODBOUT (2)
- Lars Levi LÆSTADIUS: To Cook a Bear, Mikael NIEMI (1)
- LED ZEPPELIN: Suzy, Led Zeppelin and Me, Martin MILLAR (2)
- Gottfried Wilhelm LEIBNIZ:
- LEONARDO da Vinci: Mona Lisa, Alexander LERNET-HOLENIA (1)
- Giacomo LEOPARDI: Dreams of Dreams, Antonio TABUCCHI (2)
- King LÉOPOLD II: Villa of Delirium, Adrien GOETZ (3)
- Bernard-Henri LÉVY: The Seventh Function of Language, Laurent BINET (3)
- Wyndham LEWIS: Earthly Powers, Anthony BURGESS (3)
- Georg Christoph LICHTENBERG, : Fragments of Lichtenberg, Pierre SENGES (1)
- Gordon LIDDY:
- Trygve LIE: The Man Who Loved Dogs, Leonardo PADURA (3)
- Eduard LIMONOV:
- Charles LINDBERGH: The Plot Against America, Philip ROTH (2)
- Carl LINNAEUS: The Biographer's Tale, A.S.BYATT (3)
- Gordon LISH: Scissors, Stéphane MICHAKA (1)
- Barbara LODEN: Suite for Barbara Loden, Nathalie LÉGER (1)
- Herbert LOM: Thus Bad Begins, Javier MARÍAS (3)
- Henry Wadsworth LONGFELLOW: Night School, BÁN Zsófia 2)
- LOPE de VEGA: Thrown into Nature, Milen RUSKOV (3)
- LOUIS XIV: Quicksilver, Neal STEPHENSON (3)
- LOUIS XVI: Farewell, My Queen, Chantal THOMAS (2)
- Hermann Ludwig von LÖWENSTERN: Löwenstern, Adolf MUSCHG (1)
- Lord LUCAN: Aiding and Abetting, Muriel SPARK (1)
- LUDWIG II: The Ludwig Conspiracy, Oliver PÖTZSCH (1)
- Karl LUEGER: Soul of a Jew, Joshua SOBOL (2)
- Patrice LUMUMBA:
- Anatoly LUNACHARSKY: The Kremlin Ball, Curzio MALAPARTE (2)
- Peter Wilhelm LUND: The Road to Lagoa Santa, Henrik STANGERUP (1)
- Arsène LUPIN: Gold Mask, EDOGAWA Rampo (1)
- Sue LYON: Bitter Drink, F.G.HAGHENBECK (3)
- Viacheslav LYPYNSKYI: Forgottenness, Tanja MALJARTSCHUK (1)
- Yo-Yo MA: Stuff Happens, David HARE (3)
- Oedipa MAAS: Textermination, Christine BROOKE-ROSE (3)
- Emmanuel MACRON: The Anomaly, Hervé LE TELLIER (3)
- Claudio MAGRIS: How to Tie Your Shoes, Nikola PETKOVIĆ (3)
- Alma MAHLER: Alma Mahler, Sasho DIMOSKI (1)
- Gustav MAHLER: Alma Mahler, Sasho DIMOSKI (1)
- Jules MAIGRET: Maigret e il caso Simenon, Maurizio TESTA (1)
- Norman MAILER:
- Nestor MAKHNO: The Steel Tsar, Michael MOORCOCK (2)
- Curzio MALAPARTE: The Kremlin Ball, Curzio MALAPARTE (1)
- André MALRAUX: The Gasp, Romain GARY (3)
- Winnie MANDELA: The Cry of Winnie Mandela, Njabulo S. NDEBELE (1)
- Heinrich MANN: Tales from Hollywood, Christopher HAMPTON (2)
- Thomas MANN:
- Charles MANSON: Het schervengericht, A.F.Th. van der HEIJDEN (1)
- Mickey MANTLE: Suite for Barbara Loden, Nathalie LÉGER (3)
- Saadat Hasan MANTO: Dozakhnama, Rabisankar BAL (1)
- MAO Zedong:
- Jean-Paul MARAT: Marat/Sade, Peter WEISS (1)
- MARIA THERESA: The Books of Jacob, Olga TOKARCZUK (3)
- MARIE-ANTOINETTE: Farewell, My Queen, Chantal THOMAS (1)
- Tomás Eloy MARTÍNEZ: Adam in Eden, Carlos FUENTES (3)
- Karl MARX:
- MATA HARI: Twelve Fingers, Jô SOARES (3)
- Marcello MASTROIANNI: Risk, C.K.STEAD (3)
- W. Somerset MAUGHAM: The House of Doors, TAN Twan Eng (1)
- Vladimir MAYAKOVSKY:
- Catherine de' MEDICI: Perspective(s), Laurent BINET (1)
- Cosimo de' MEDICI: Perspective(s), Laurent BINET (1)
- Han van MEEGEREN: The Final Days of Immanuel Kant, Odd NERDRUM (1)
- Walter MEHRING: Lichtspiel, Damiel KEHLMANN (3)
- Herman MELVILLE:
- Samuel MENASSEH ben Israel: Die Vertreibung aus der Hölle, Robert MENASSE (1)
- Josef MENGELE:
- Maaza MENGISTE: EEG, Daša DRNDIĆ (3)
- Angela MERKEL: 2023, The Justified Ancients of Mu Mu (2)
- MERLIN: The Bright Sword, Lev GROSSMAN (2)
- W.S.MERWIN: Your Story, My Story, Connie PALMEN (2)
- MESIHI of Prishtina: Tell Them of Battles, Kings, and Elephants, Mathias ÉNARD (2)
- Vsevolod MEYERHOLD: Richard III Will Not Take Place, Matéi VISNIEC (1)
- MICHELANGELO Buonarroti:
- Pierre MICHON: Special Envoy, Jean ECHENOZ (3)
- Henry MILLER: Maigret e il caso Simenon, Maurizio TESTA (2)
- John MILTON: Milton in America, Peter ACKROYD (1)
- Bernhard MINETTI: Lichtspiel, Damiel KEHLMANN (2)
- François MITTERAND:
- MOBUTO Sese Seko:
- MOBY DICK: Ahab (Sequels), Pierre SENGES (2)
- MOCHIZUKI Shinichi: When We Cease to Understand the World, Benjamín LABATUT (2)
- Patrick MODIANO: The Red Notebook, Antoine LAURAIN (2)
- Peder Ludvig MØLLER: The Seducer, Henrik STANGERUP (1)
- Nicolás MONARDES: Thrown into Nature, Milen RUSKOV (1)
- Marilyn MONROE:
- Vladimiro MONTESINOS: The Neighborhood, Mario VARGAS LLOSA (2)
- Alan MOORE: 2023, The Justified Ancients of Mu Mu (2)
- Paul MORAND: A Brief History of Portable Literature, Enrique VILA-MATAS (3)
- Alberto MORAVIA:
- J.P.MORGAN: Lightning, Jean ECHENOZ (3)
- Marcel MÖRING: My Struggle: Book Six, Karl Ove KNAUSGAARD (3)
- Mateu MORRAL, : The Princess, the King, and the Anarchist, Robert PAGANI (1)
- MORRISSEY: Digital Leatherette, Steve BEARD (2)
- Henri MOUHOT: Night School, BÁN Zsófia (3)
- Baron MÜNCHHAUSEN: Munchausen and Clarissa, Paul SCHEERBART (1)
- Robert MUSIL: Insect Dreams, Marc ESTRIN (3)
- Dmitri NABOKOV: A Revolver to Carry at Night, Monika ZGUSTOVÁ (2)
- Véra NABOKOV: A Revolver to Carry at Night, Monika ZGUSTOVÁ (1)
- Vladimir NABOKOV:
- V.S.NAIPAUL: Eroshima, Dany LAFERRIÈRE (3)
- Robert NAPIER: Flashman on the March, George MacDonald FRASER (3)
- Jawaharlal NEHRU: The Immortals, René BARJAVEL (2)
- Hans NELBÖCK: Ghosts in Princeton, Daniel KEHLMANN (2)
- Pablo NERUDA: The Neruda Case, Roberto AMPUERO (1)
- Karl Robert NESSELRODE: The Death of Vazir-Mukhtar, Yury TYNYANOV (2)
- Ben-Zion NETANYAHU: The Netanyahus, Joshua COHEN (1)
- Benjamin NETANYAHU: The Netanyahus, Joshua COHEN (2)
- John von NEUMANN: Ghosts in Princeton, Daniel KEHLMANN (2)
- Isaac NEWTON:
- Macias NGUEMA: A Play of Giants, Wole SOYINKA (2)
- NICHOLAS I: The Death of Vazir-Mukhtar, Yury TYNYANOV (2)
- Tsar NICHOLAS II: Kvachi, Mikheil JAVAKHISHVILI (3)
- Friedrich NIETZSCHE: Nietzsche on His Balcony, Carlos FUENTES (1)
- Patriarch NIKON: The Rehearsals, Vladimir SHAROV (2)
- Richard NIXON: The Immortals, René BARJAVEL (2)
- Cees NOOTEBOOM: Television, Jean-Philippe TOUSSAINT (3)
- Barack OBAMA: Geronimo, Leon de WINTER (3)
- Michelle OBAMA:
- ODYSSEUS: Cassandra, Lesia UKRAINKA (3)
- Nicholas OGAREV The Coast of Utopia, Tom STOPPARD (2)
- Christopher OKIGBO: The Trial of Christopher Okigbo, Ali A. MAZRUI (1)
- Sylvanus OLYMPIO: Waiting for the Vote of the Wild Animals, Ahmadou KOUROUMA (3)
- Eugene O'NEILL: Manhattan's Babe, Frédéric BEIGBEDER (2)
- Oona O'NEILL: Manhattan's Babe, Frédéric BEIGBEDER (1)
- Juan Carlos ONETTI: Like a Fading Shadow, Antonio MUÑOZ MOLINA (3)
- Yoko ONO: 2023, The Justified Ancients of Mu Mu (2)
- J. Robert OPPENHEIMER: Insect Dreams, Marc ESTRIN (3)
- Joan Orpí: The Adventures and Misadventures of the Extraordinary and Admirable Joan Orpí, Conquistador and Founder of New Catalonia, Max BESORA (1)
- George ORWELL:
- Gilberto OWEN: Faces in the Crowd, Valeria LUISELLI (2)
- G.W.PABST: Lichtspiel, Damiel KEHLMANN (1)
- Al PACINO: Mr. Wilder and Me (2)
- Camille PAGLIA: The Seventh Function of Language, Laurent BINET (3)
- Dorothy PARKER: New York Nocturne, Walter SATTERTHWAIT (2)
- Nicanor PARRA: Chilean Poet, Alejandro ZAMBRA (2)
- Alice PAUL: Insect Dreams, Marc ESTRIN (2)
- Pope PAUL VI: The Gasp, Romain GARY (3)
- Konstantin PAUSTOVSKY: Twilight of the Eastern Gods, Ismail KADARE (3)
- Octavio PAZ: Fantomas versus the Multinational Vampires, Julio CORTÁZAR (2)
- Emperor PEDRO II: A Samba for Sherlock, Jô SOARES (2)
- Charles PÉGUY: The Mystery of the Charity of Charles Péguy, G. HILL (1)
- Samuel PEPYS:
- Georges PEREC :París no se acaba nunca, Enrique VILA-MATAS (3)
- Eva PERÓN : A Quiet Flame Philip KERR (2)
- Juan PERÓN : A Quiet Flame Philip KERR (3)
- Fernando PESSOA:
- PETER the Great: The System of the World, Neal STEPHENSON (3)
- PETRARCH: My Secret Book, Francesco PETRARCA (1)
- Francis PICABIA: A Brief History of Portable Literature, Enrique VILA-MATAS (2)
- Pablo PICASSO:
- Sylvia PLATH: Your Story, My Story, Connie PALMEN (1)
- PLINY the Elder:
- PLINY the Younger: Awake, Harald VOETMANN (2)
- Edgar Allan POE:
- Giovanni Gioviano PONTANO:
- Aegidius, Giovanni Gioviano PONTANO (1)
- Asinus, Giovanni Gioviano PONTANO (1)
- Roman POLANSKI: Het schervengericht, A.F.Th. van der HEIJDEN (1)
- Lina POLETTI: After Sappho, Selby Wynn SCHWARTZ (2)
- PONTIUS PILATE: Thirst, Amélie NOTHOMB (2)
- Liane de POUGY: After Sappho, Selby Wynn SCHWARTZ (2)
- Ezra POUND: Earthly Powers, Anthony BURGESS (3)
- Colin POWELL: Stuff Happens, David HARE (1)
- Elvis PRESLEY: Bad Nature, Javier MARÍAS (2)
- Yevgeny PRIGOZHIN: The Wizard of the Kremlin, Giuliano DA EMPOLI (2)
- José Antonio PRIMO DE RIVERA: An Englishman in Madrid, Eduardo MENDOZA (2)
- Gavrilo PRINCIP: Twelve Fingers, Jô SOARES (3)
- Yemelyan PUGACHEV: The Captain's Daughter, Alexander PUSHKIN (2)
- Alexander PUSHKIN:
- Vladimir PUTIN:
- QIANLONG Emperor: The Book and the Sword, Louis CHA (Jin Yong) (1)
- Abdulla QODIRIY: The Devils' Dance, Hamid ISMAILOV (1)
- François RABELAIS: Dreams of Dreams, Antonio TABUCCHI (2)
- Sergio RAMÍREZ: Adam in Eden, Carlos FUENTES (3)
- Charlotte RAMPLING: The Mongolian Travel Guide, Svetislav BASARA (3)
- Grigori RASPUTIN: Kvachi, Mikheil JAVAKHISHVILI (2)
- Maurice RAVEL: Ravel, Jean ECHENOZ (1)
- James Earl RAY: Like a Fading Shadow, Antonio MUÑOZ MOLINA (1)
- Ronald REAGAN: The Warlord of the Air, Michael MOORCOCK (3)
- Wilhelm REICH: Wilhelm Reich in Hell, Robert Anton WILSON (1)
- Théodore REINACH: Villa of Delirium, Adrien GOETZ (1)
- Dan RHODES: Sour Grapes, Dan RHODES (2)
- Arthur RIMBAUD:
- José RIZAL: The Revolution According to Raymundo Mata, Gina APOSTOL (2)
- ROBESPIERRE: The Silence, Jens BJØRNEBOE (3)
- Wilhelm ROENTGEN: Insect Dreams, Marc ESTRIN (3)
- Ernst RÖHM:
- Erwin ROMMEL: Kthulhu Reich, ASAMATSU Ken (3)
- Franklin Delano ROOSEVELT:
- Joseph ROTH: The Pages, Hugo HAMILTON (1)
- Arnold ROTHSTEIN: New York Nocturne, Walter SATTERTHWAIT (2)
- Jean-Jacques ROUSSEAU: The Only Son, Stéphane AUDEGUY (2)
- J.K.ROWLING: Sour Grapes, Dan RHODES (2)
- Johan Moritz RUGENDAS: An Episode in the Life of a Landscape Painter, César AIRA (1)
- Heinz RÜHMANN: Lichtspiel, Damiel KEHLMANN (2)
- Salman RUSHDIE:
- Bertrand RUSSELL: Logicomix, Apostolos DOXIADIS and Christos H. PAPADIMITROU (1)
- Vita SACKVILLE-WEST: After Sappho, Selby Wynn SCHWARTZ (2)
- D.A.F. de SADE:
- Françoise SAGAN: Sagan, Paris 1954, Anne BEREST (1)
- Antoine de SAINT-EXUPÉRY:
- Charlotte SALOMON: Charlotte, David FOENKINOS (1)
- Rafael SÁNCHEZ MAZAS: Soldiers of Salamis, Javier CERCAS (1)
- Jean-Paul SARTRE:
- Erik SATIE: Masquerade, Walter SATTERTHWAIT (3)
- Marjane SATRAPI: HHhH, Laurent BINET (3)
- Friedrich SCHELLING: Hölderlin, Peter WEISS (2)
- Egon SCHIELE: The Notebooks of Don Rigoberto, Mario VARGAS LLOSA (2)
- Friedrich SCHILLER: Hölderlin, Peter WEISS (2)
- Jochen SCHIMMANG: And Then There Was No One, Gilbert ADAIR (3)
- Moritz SCHLICK: Ghosts in Princeton, Daniel KEHLMANN ()
- Helmut SCHMIDT:
- Julian SCHNABEL: Die Murau Identität, Alexander SCHIMMELBUSCH (3)
- Olaf SCHOLZ: The Prepper Room, Karen DUVE (3)
- Bruno SCHULZ:
- Karl SCHWARZSCHILD: When We Cease to Understand the World, Benjamín LABATUT (2)
- Alexander SCRIABIN: Before and During, Vladimir SHAROV (2)
- John SEARLE: The Seventh Function of Language, Laurent BINET (2)
- Marta SEMELOVÁ: Aviaries, Zuzana BRABCOVÁ (3)
- Léopold Sédar SENGHOR: The Most Secret Memory of Men, Mohamed Mbougar SARR (3)
- Richard SERRA: Biography of X, Catherine LACEY (3)
- Ernest SHACKLETON: The Palimpsests, Aleksandra LUN (2)
- SHAKA Zulu:
- William SHAKESPEARE: Tyll, Daniel KEHLMANN (3)
- Percy Bysshe SHELLEY:
- Eduard SHEVARDNADZE: პატარა ქვეყანა, Lasha BUGADZE (2)
- SHIMAMURA Shun'ichi: The Fox and Dr. Shimamura, Christine WUNNICKE (1)
- Georges SIMENON: Maigret e il caso Simenon, Maurizio TESTA (1)
- Upton SINCLAIR: U.S. !, Chris BACHELDER (1)
- Carlos SLIM: The Map and the Territory, Michel HOUELLEBECQ (3)
- SNORRE Sturlason: The Little Horse, Thorvald STEEN (1)
- C.P. SNOW: The Cambridge Quintet, John L. CASTI (1)
- John SOANE: The Judgement of the Mummy, Christian JACQ (3)
- Teresa SOLANA: The Sound of One Hand Killing, Teresa SOLANA (2)
- Philippe SOLLERS: The Seventh Function of Language, Laurent BINET (2)
- Anastasio SOMOZA:
Margarita, How Beautiful the Sea, Sergio RAMÍREZ (2)
- Susan SONTAG: Fantomas versus the Multinational Vampires, Julio CORTÁZAR (1)
- Robert SOUTHEY: Madoc, Paul MULDOON (1)
- Regent SOPHIA Alekseyevna: The Deer and the Cauldron, Louis CHA (3)
- Albert SPEER: The Kindly Ones, Jonathan LITTELL (2)
- John Hanning SPEKE: The Strange Affair of Spring Heeled Jack, Mark HODDER (3)
- Herbert SPENCER: The Curious Case of the Clockwork Man, Mark HODDER (2)
- Sabina SPIELREIN :The Talking Cure, Christopher HAMPTON (1)
- Baruch SPINOZA: Conversation with Spinoza, Goce SMILEVSKI (1)
- Germaine de STAËL: Before and During, Vladimir SHAROV (1)
- Joseph STALIN:
- The Zoo, Christopher WILSON (1)
- Archangel, Robert HARRIS (2)
- Before and During, Vladimir SHAROV (2)
- Blue Lard, Vladimir SOROKIN (2)
- The Festival of Insignificance, Milan KUNDERA (2)
- In Search of the Grail, Svetislav BASARA (2)
- The Steel Tsar, Michael MOORCOCK (2)
- The Eighth Life (For Brilka), Nino HARATISCHVILI (3)
- The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared, Jonas JONASSON (3)
- The Kremlin Ball, Curzio MALAPARTE (3)
- Saša STANIŠIĆ: Where You Come From, Saša STANIŠIĆ (1)
- Henry Morton STANLEY: The Rear Column, Simon GRAY (2)
- Venetia STANLEY: Precipice, Robert HARRIS (1)
- Christina STEAD: The Secret History of Modernism, C.K.STEAD (3)
- Gertrude STEIN:
- Josef von STERNBERG: Ahab (Sequels), Pierre SENGES (2)
- Robert Louis STEVENSON:
- Austin STOKER: Cut Guavas, Robert ANTONI (1)
- Bram STOKER: The Map of Time, Félix J. PALMA (3)
- Sharon STONE: Portrait of the Writer as a Domesticated Animal, Lydie SALVAYRE (3)
- Erich von STROHEIM: Ahab (Sequels), Pierre SENGES (2)
- Malik Mir SULTAN KHAN: Game of the Gods, Paolo MAURENSIG (1)
- SUN Yat-sen: The House of Doors, TAN Twan Eng (1)
- Queen SUPAYALAT: The Glass Palace (B), Amitav GHOSH (2)
- Algernon Charles SWINBURNE:
- Miguel SYJUCO: EEG, Daša DRNDIĆ (3)
- Leo SZILLARD: Insect Dreams, Marc ESTRIN (3)
- Gerda TARO: Waiting for Robert Capa, Susana FORTES (1)
- Elizabeth TAYLOR: Bitter Drink, F.G.HAGHENBECK (3)
- Edward TELLER: Insect Dreams, Marc ESTRIN (3)
- Nikola TESLA: Lightning, Jean ECHENOZ (1)
- King THEBAW: The Glass Palace, Amitav GHOSH (2)
- King THEODORE II of Abyssinia: Flashman on the March, George MacDonald FRASER (2)
- Hunter S. THOMPSON: Under the Wave at Waimea, Paul THEROUX (2)
- Jim THOMPSON: Exemplary Departures, Gabrielle WITTKOP (1)
- Tzvetan TODOROV: The Seventh Function of Language, Laurent BINET (2)
- J.R.R. TOLKIEN: The Runes Have Been Cast, Robert IRWIN (2)
- Palmiro TOGLIATTI: The Communist, Guido MORSELLI (2)
- Leo TOLSTOY: Before and During, Vladimir SHAROV (3)
- Roland TOPOR: The French Father, Alain ELKANN (1)
- Arturo TOSCANINI: M: Son of the Century, Antonio SCURATI (3)
- Henri TOULOUSE-LAUTREC: Dreams of Dreams, Antonio TABUCCHI (2)
- Flora TRISTÁN: The Way to Paradise, Mario VARGAS LLOSA (1)
- Rafael TRUJILLO: The Feast of the Goat, Mario VARGAS LLOSA (1)
- Harry S TRUMAN: The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of his Window and Disappeared, Jonas JONASSON (3)
- Donald TRUMP: Jokerman, Stefan KUTZENBERGER (2)
- Ivan TURGENEV The Coast of Utopia, Tom STOPPARD (2)
- Alan TURING:
- Mark TWAIN:
- Mike TYSON: The Tool & the Butterflies, Dmitry LIPSKEROV (3)
- Tristan TZARA: A Brief History of Portable Literature, Enrique VILA-MATAS (2)
- Dubravka UGREŠIĆ: Belladonna, Daša DRNDIĆ (3)
- Miguel de UNAMUNO, : The Anarchist Who Shared My Name, Pablo MARTÍN SÁNCHEZ (3)
- Siegfried UNSELD: Die Murau Identität, Alexander SCHIMMELBUSCH (2)
- Pope URBAN II: Point Zero, Narek MALIAN (1)
- Thomas URQUHART: The Lairds of Cromarty, Jean-Pierre OHL (2)
- Rudolph VALENTINO: The Dictator and the Hammock, Daniel PENNAC (3)
- César VALLEJO: Monsieur Pain, Roberto BOLAÑO (2)
- Carl-Johan VALLGREN: My Struggle: Book Six, Karl Ove KNAUSGAARD (3)
- Gloria VANDERBILT: Manhattan's Babe, Frédéric BEIGBEDER (2)
- Getúlio VARGAS: Twelve Fingers, Jô SOARES (2)
- Giorgio VASARI: Perspective(s), Laurent BINET (1)
- VATSAYANA (author of the Kama Sutra):
- Craig VENTER: A Life Without End, Frédéric BEIGBEDER (3)
- François VILLON: Dreams of Dreams, Antonio TABUCCHI (2)
- Renée VIVIEN:
- VOLTAIRE: El calígrafo de Voltaire, Pablo DE SANTIS (2)
- Yuriy VYNNYCHUK: Львовская гастроль Джими Хендрикса, Andrey Kurkov (2)
- Cosima WAGNER: Cavalcade, Walter SATTERTHWAIT (2)
- Eugène 'Génia' WALASCHEK, : Walaschek's Dream, Giovanni ORELLI (1)
- John WALLIS: An Instance of the Fingerpost, Iain PEARS (1)
- Robert WALSER: Her Not All Her, Elfriede JELINEK (1)
- Hao WANG: Ghosts in Princeton, Daniel KEHLMANN (2)
- Andy WARHOL: The Perfect American, Peter Stephan JUNGK (3)
- Tom WAITS: Biography of X, Catherine LACEY (3)
- Otto WEININGER: Soul of a Jew, Joshua SOBOL (1)
- Orson WELLES:
- H.G.WELLS: The Map of Time, Félix J. PALMA (1)
- Mae WEST: New York Nocturne, Walter SATTERTHWAIT (3)
- Vivienne WESTWOOD: Pétronille, Amélie NOTHOMB (2)
- Walt WHITMAN: The Remaking of Sigmund Freud, Barry N. MALZBERG ()
- Raoul WHITFIELD: Dead Horse, Walter SATTERTHWAIT (1)
- Oscar WILDE:
- Billy WILDER:
- John WILKINS: Quicksilver, Neal STEPHENSON (2)
- A.N.WILSON: Risk, C.K.STEAD (3)
- Edmund WILSON: The Romantics, Pankaj MISHRA (2)
- Walter WINCHELL: The Plot Against America, Philip ROTH (2)
- Oprah WINFREY: Readopolis, Bertrand LAVERDURE (3)
- Duke and Duchess of WINDSOR: Any Human Heart, William BOYD (3)
- Leon de WINTER: VSV, Leon de WINTER (1)
- Blanche WITTMAN: The Book about Blanche and Marie, Per Olov ENQUIST (1)
- Paul WITTGENSTEIN: Ravel, Jean ECHENOZ (2)
- Anthony WOOD: An Instance of the Fingerpost, Iain PEARS (1)
- Emma WOODHOUSE: Textermination, Christine BROOKE-ROSE (2)
- Virginia WOOLF:
- Christopher WREN: An Instance of the Fingerpost, Iain PEARS (3)
- Frank Lloyd WRIGHT, : Shining Brow, Paul MULDOON (1)
- Andrew WYLIE: Die Murau Identität, Alexander SCHIMMELBUSCH (2)
- XI Jinping: The Anomaly, Hervé LE TELLIER (3)
- YASODHARA: Yasodhara and the Buddha, Vanessa R. SASSON (1)
- Yevgeny YEVTUSHENKO: Twilight of the Eastern Gods, Ismail KADARE (3)
- Thomas YOUNG: The Judgement of the Mummy, Christian JACQ (3)
- Morris J. ZAPP: The Seventh Function of Language, Laurent BINET (3)
- Emil ZATOPEK: Running, Jean ECHENOZ (1)
- Rosalia ZEMLYACHKA: Solovyov and Larionov, Eugene VODOLAZKIN (3)
- ZEUS: Posthomerica, QUINTUS Smyrnaeus (2)
- ZHENGDE Emperor: The Emperor of China in a House of Ill Repute, PU Songling (1)
- ZHOU Enlai: The Gasp, Romain GARY (3)
- Fred ZINNEMANN: Lichtspiel, Damiel KEHLMANN (2)
- Nathan ZUCKERMAN: Textermination, Christine BROOKE-ROSE (3)
- Carl ZUCKMAYER: Lichtspiel, Damiel KEHLMANN (2)
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