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the Complete Review

A Literary Saloon and Site of Review

Index of Real People
in Works of Fiction

under review

the complete review

     Fiction is often based on reality, and works of fiction are often based on actual events. Real people appear, in fictionalized form, as characters in many novels, stories, plays, and poems.
     This Index provides a guide to the works of fiction (and drama and poetry) under review at the complete review that in some way focus on real people, as well as fictional characters who appear in books other than those they originated in.
     (Note that this index is by no means comprehensive, and that, for example, individual poems and stories are generally not included.)

     The Index is listed by person, not author -- i.e. the focus is on the fictionalized "celebrity". So, for all works dealing with a fictional Hitler look under Adolf HITLER.
     In parentheses -- after the person, title, and author -- there is a number bewtween 1 and 3. These indicate how significant a figure the person is in any given book, according to the following rough estimate:
  • (1) - one of the central figures of the work
  • (2) - a significant presence in the work, but not central
  • (3) - a peripheral figure in the book

     For non-fiction accounts of real people please refer to the Biography-Index.

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