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Our Assessment:
B : has good fun with colorful cast of (real) characters and intellectual pretensions, a bit weak with the rest See our review for fuller assessment.
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The Seventh Function of Language posits a bit of alternative history, taking as its premise that literary theorist, writer, and philosopher Roland Barthes didn't just accidentally get hit by that laundry van in 1980 -- sustaining injuries that eventually killed him -- but that he was targeted for murder.
Barthes had in fact been at a lunch with French presidential candidate François Mitterrand, so there's obvious potential for political intrigue, but the crux of the matter is an invention of Binet's -- a document apparently in Barthes' possession when he was killed, and that was stolen from him after he was run down.
Superintendent Jacques Bayard, leading the investigation, is told by no one less than the president of the republic himself, Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, that the document must be recovered because: it: "may pose threat to national security".
What did Barthes possess of such value that someone ot only stole it from him, but they wanted to kill him for it too ?Simon Herzog, a doctoral student teaching a course in semiology (though not seeing himself, strictly speaking as a semiologist) at one of the more radical Paris university campuses, Vincennes (Paris 8), is enlisted as Bayard's sidekick and topical expert -- since the conservative Bayard has little understanding of Barthes' work, or indeed much of the Parisian intellectual scene (which is paraded up and down throughout the novel). Herzog knows his theory, and notes how linguist Roman Jakobson defined six linguistic categories -- functions of language -- and suggests that there might be a not-publicly-known seventh function, "designated as the 'magic or incantatory function'". Initially, however he can't imagine there's much to it: A negligible curiosity. A nonsensical footnote. Nothing worth killing for, in any case.Others think otherwise -- and one of the masters Bayard and Herzog consult, Umberto Eco, tells them there is a lot more to it, including some worrisome consequences: Whoever had the knowledge and mastery of such a function would be virtually the master of the world. His power would be limitless.Their investigations take Bayard and Herzog far and wide -- the novel is divided into five parts, by locale: Paris-Bologna-Ithaca (NY)-Venice-Paris, with a three-chapter Epilogue set in Naples -- and, aside from the French presidential election, utilizes other real-life events as well, most notably the 2 August 1980 'Bologna massacre' (the bombing of the central railway station that left 85 dead), as well as Louis Althusser's murder of his wife (both of which are neatly tied into the larger story). The novel is also heavily populated by real-life figures -- specifically the cream (or dregs, depending on how you see it) of French intellectual life of the time -- many of whom figure prominently in the novel (and the mystery). Though mostly based closely on the actual figures, Binet does take considerable liberties -- as suggested also by the inclusion of another fictional character, the Stanley Fish-inspired Morris J. Zapp, of David Lodge's campus novels (Changing Places, etc.) -- and aside from scenes including, for example, Camille Paglia making out with Noam Chomsky, Jacques Derrida is killed off (rather earlier than in real life) and Philippe Sollers is literally emasculated. (There are several small historical inaccuracies that seem to be unintentional, but since the name of the game here is that everything -- even the mistakes -- mean something ..... But, for example, in the fall of 1980 Bayard and Herzog travel through New York City on their way to a conference at Cornell and: "walk up 8th Avenue until they reach the Port Authority Bus Terminal, opposite the gigantic building that houses the New York Times" -- though The New York Times headquarters has only been at 620 Eighth Avenue since 2007 (previously -- and in 1980 --: 229 West 43rd Street). Or, for example, when Derrida speaks at the conference in Cornell he uses as an example: "in what sense does Reagan claim to be Reagan, president of the United States" -- but while Reagan had (presumably) won the election by the time of this fall, 1980 conference, he was only inaugurated in January 1981 (i.e. he could and would only claim to be president-elect, not president).) From the beginning there seems to be a Bulgarian connection to the original crime, so émigrés Julia Kristeva (who happens to be the wife of Philippe Sollers) and Tzvetan Todorov are persons of interest. Governments are also curious about the Bulgarian connection -- including the Soviets, wondering what their client-state underlings might be up to, as Binet even introduces Yuri Andropov to the action. A slippery mysterious Japanese duo also repeatedly crops up, adding to the international intrigue. An enjoyable invention of Binet's is a secret debating society, called the Logos Club, where 'oratory duels' are held -- where challengers, at a certain level (there is a debating hierarchy) must sacrifice a finger if they are judged to have lost. There are several official verbal jousts in the novel, and Herzog even gets involved in the games himself -- at first, because it's the only way to get access to a grand showdown that he and Bayard need to attend, but rather taking to the games after that (despite what it costs him ...). The power of rhetoric, as well as the question of substance versus style, figure prominently in the novel -- not least in the idea of the 'seventh function' itself, and the circumstances under which it might be effective. Of course, the question of substance versus style also applies to the intellectuals Binet mocks -- as he clearly suggests much of their babble and preening is rather all about style and show, rather than actual substance. But he gives a wide variety of characters and (would-be) thinkers a platform and presents many of their ideas -- though his tendency to caricature, as far as the characters goes, doesn't exactly suggest he's overly impressed with various theories and philosophies. Binet does play with his semiological material, of course, and so The Seventh Function of Language is packed with signifiers and signs. After all, as he warns early on: Man is an interpreting machine and, with a little imagination, he sees signs everywhereThere are not-so-subtle reminders throughout, as well: of course someone observes: "The accident is never an accident". And Binet isn't subtle with the reminders of this being a novel, either, the author himself occasionally peeking out -- as in discussing how to address Barthes' lunch with Mitterrand, a scene his protagonists "will never know", but which the author can (imagine) more insight into: "But I can, maybe ...". Then there's Herzog, who goes so far as to suggest that specific explanation for his unusual circumstances: "I think I'm trapped in a novel". (Of course, he tends to see things in literary terms, and at another point he thinks: "This isn't a Sherlock Holmes story".) Suggesting that: "man's most powerful weapon" is language, Binet's comic novel also involves high-stakes seriousness, with political implications -- as revealed in a denouement that also involves a debate between politicians (with a significant historical outcome, though those outside France probably aren't that impressed by its significance), but seems even clearer in the present-day, when such ...unusual oratory as that of the current American president, Donald Trump, proves highly effective. Maybe there's something to that seventh function, after all -- though part of what makes it so intriguing is that widespread knowledge of the function would render it relatively harmless. The mystery aspect of The Seventh Function of Language is a bit weak. Binet has a decent enough explanation for much of what happened, and there are some nice twists to that (and it is amusing (in a horrible way) to follow the comeuppance of Sollers, who thinks he's got the upper hand when he decidedly doesn't), but Binet has some difficulty balancing that with the semiological games -- and intellectual-caricaturing -- he stuffs in (leaving some room for some tennis asides as well). Much of all that is good fun too, but it's hard not to feel that he's trying too hard. The number of real-life figures paraded through the story -- and often playing significant roles -- ultimately is more distracting than helpful too. [A partial (!) list of those who figure in the book includes: Louis Althusser Yuri Andropov, Roland Barthes, Noam Chomsky, Gilles Deleuze, Paul De Man, Jacques Derrida, Umberto Eco, Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, Michel Foucault, Hervé Guibert, Julia Kristeva, Jacques Lacan, Jack Lang, Bernard-Henri Lévy, François Mitterrand, Camille Paglia, Jean Paul Sartre, John Searle, Philippe Sollers, and Tzvetan Todorov.] The Seventh Function of Language is mostly quite enjoyable but also rather unwieldy, Binet packing more in -- especially more people -- than he can comfortably handle. There are a lot of fun ideas here (and even some provocative ones), as well as some enjoyable take-downs of intellectual preeners, but it doesn't quite add up to a functional novel. - M.A.Orthofer, 4 May 2017 - Return to top of the page - The Seventh Function of Language:
- Return to top of the page - French author Laurent Binet was born in 1972. - Return to top of the page -
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