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Our Assessment:
A- : playful variation on biography See our review for fuller assessment.
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Lightning is the third in Echenoz's series of slight, fictionalized biographies of accomplished men.
Here Echenoz's subject is clearly the famed inventor Nikola Tesla, but -- unlike, say, in Ravel -- he changes the character's name, making a Gregor of him (with it unavoidable Kafkaesque echo).
a gigantic lightning bolt -- thick, branching, a grim pillar of burnt air shaped like a tree, like its roots or the claws of a raptor -- spotlights his arrival and sets the surrounding forest on fire, while thunder drowns out his first cries.Obsessed with the possibilities electricity offers, and with a mind attuned to this mysterious newly discovered and barely harnessed force, Gregor pursues his passion single-mindedly. A brilliant student, he escapes the backlands of south-eastern Europe and eventually makes his way to America, where he goes to work for Thomas Edison. Tesla is convinced alternating current is a much more effective means of distributing electricity than direct current, but Edison is not, and this eventually leads to Tesla working for Edison rival Westinghouse. Echenoz has good fun describing how Edison -- who does not come off at all well in this book -- tried (and often managed) to sabotage his rivals' efforts by appealing to public opinion with (gruesome) public displays -- though as it turns out, Gregor turns out to be a master showman in his own right. Gregor's biggest problem is the grandeur of his visions and the how readily his amazing imagination runs wild: the projects he'd like to undertake are of enormous scale -- right down to the literally world-encompassing. And some of these aren't just pipe dreams -- but the public isn't too thrilled by his successes, which included a powerful (if localized) earthquake in New York city and a rather impressive display in Colorado Springs (that does not, however, endear him to the locals). A number-obsessed germaphobe, Gregor is constantly bubbling over with ideas -- often brilliant and valuable ideas. But: Too many opportunities tumble around in his mind for him to go too deeply into them in succession, developing their practical applications and profiting from their commercial value. It's not that he's unaware of their worth, on the contrary, but he's too busy to follow through on them. He just files the patent applications, alerts the press with great fanfare, as he loves to do, then turns his attention elsewhere.Eventually, his inability to take control of his business interests impacts on his lifestyle, as he goes from living in grand style to less and less comfortable surroundings, in a rather sad decline. There's quite a bit of the showman in Gregor, but what he really is is a man who lives almost completely in his (brilliant) mind, and all his life: Since he immediately considers anything he imagines as true, the only risk he runs, and will perhaps always run, is that of confusing what he's conceptualizing with reality.Gregor isn't an unappreciated genius, but his genius is too great even for the leading lights of the time -- Edison, Westinghouse, J.P.Morgan -- and their agendas; mind-man Gregor can only think outside every box, on ever-larger scales. Echenoz's wry tone, in a third-person narrative that occasionally gets more personal and intimate, referring to we and I, works particularly well with this often sensational material. Tesla's life was completely over the top, and Echenoz grasps and conveys that in the right way; it's a beautifully written (and translated) little book, slyly having and poking fun while also tellling an absurdly entertaining (life-)story. Certainly recommended. - M.A.Orthofer, 16 September 2011 - Return to top of the page - Lightning:
- Return to top of the page - French author Jean Echenoz has won numerous literary prizes. - Return to top of the page -
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