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Our Assessment:
B : well-presented introduction to and overview of a fascinating life See our review for fuller assessment.
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Kurt Gödel (1906-1978) is best-known for his Incompleteness Theorem (or rather, the two of them), among the most significant and consequential modern breakthroughs in mathematics and logic and itself the subject of many books intended for general audiences.
The fascinating story of the life of the peculiar genius that was Gödel has also been frequently recounted -- notably in John W. Dawson, Jr.'s Logical Dilemmas (1997) -- and Stephen Budiansky's Journey to the Edge of Reason now offers an accessible life-of, with a focus on Gödel's life and circumstances.
Budiansky presents Gödel's major contributions, too -- including in an Appendix laying out 'Gödel's Proof' -- as well as some of the reception of these, but it is the man rather than his thought that is at the forefront here.
"Gödel is absolutely irreplaceable," he insisted to [IAS founding Director Abraham] Flexner. "He is the only mathematician alive about whom I would dare to make this statement. Salvaging him from the wreck of Europe is one of the great single contributions anyone could make."Gödel never returned to Europe -- though his wife visited shortly after the war ended, and his brother and mother visited him in Princeton several times over the years. As Budiansky notes, the isolated IAS position Gödel had was perhaps not ideal, given his personality ("Gödel is too alone; he should be given teaching duties; at least an hour a week", friend Oskar Morgenstern observed). While he took administrative duties -- like most everything else -- very seriously, the lack of interaction with students was probably unhelpful. Hardly socially gregarious, he was arguably left rather too much to his own devices (and demons), especially after the deaths of close friends Albert Einstein (in 1955) and von Neumann (1957); at least Morgenstern remained as a close friend, even if Morgenstern had his issues with Gödel's wife, Adele. Gödel is known for his long walks with Einstein, but it's a shame there isn't more of a sense of what their shared interests and thoughts were. Gödel's relationship with his wife is also of particular interest, and Budiansky gives a good sense of it. Adele was seven years older than Gödel -- he seems to have had a thing for older women, along with some mother-issues -- and had been married previously; Gödel was so secretive about the relationship that his brother Rudi only first met her at their wedding, in 1938. Adele did not fit in well among Gödel's colleagues -- and, especially, then among the Princeton crowd. Even Gödel admitted: "Adele seems to be not quite normal in her relationship to other people" -- though very differently from Gödel himself. They seem to have been a very oddly matched pair, and yet there's no question of a deep attachment between her and Gödel, and she was tremendously supportive of him, especially during his repeated psychologically more fragile phases. While it seems to have been, in some respects, a very difficult marriage, it also seems to have had a normalizing effect on two very dysfunctional souls; for better and worse, Gödel clearly relied on Adele (as, presumably, did she on him, as suggested by how poorly she fared after his death). Despite his brilliance, Gödel had quite a few personal issues that strike the outsider as surprisingly irrational. His hypochondria might be understandable, but his confidence in his ability to diagnose and treat his supposed ailments was horribly misplaced. As Budiansky recounts: Gödel's more serious problem was that his self-diagnoses were becoming self-fulfilling prophecies, as he began to dose himself with a staggering number of laxatives, antibiotics, and other drugs, all surely doing more harm than good and inflaming or even creating the very problems he believed he was treating.Already in Europe he had been under occasional psychological care, and he (and Adele, who had issues of her own) long saw psychiatrists and psychoanalysts -- apparently benefitting some from these treatments, but only to a certain extent. Ultimately, of course, Gödel's demons got to him: Budiansky opens his biography with a Prologue describing Gödel's sad end, as he essentially starved himself to death. Gödel's freaky psychological state -- so fascinating in a person whose mind we think of as so centered on the mathematical and logical, so completely rational -- is, of course, a very big can of worms; Budiansky does his best to present it, but really doesn't get much deeper than the outlines; this fascinating case-study offers a great deal more material for examination and discussion. Budiansky presents and explains the Incompleteness Theorem(s) well, including the reception and reaction to them at the time, but there is fairly little about Gödel's other contributions. His work on Einstein's Theory of General Relativity is described as: "a mathematical tour de force", but Budiansky does not go very far beyond its basic time-travel implications -- sufficient summary, but certainly a subject that could also be explored more fully. There are also tantalizing mentions of some of Gödel's other interests, such as his fascination with Leibniz -- but, as Budiansky notes, Gödel did not publish on many areas of his interest, so much of the material remains unexplored; as Budiansky quotes Morgenstern: "It's a pity that everything he learns and thinks does not go beyond himself". A brief section on Gödel's cultural interests scratches some surface of another side to him, but it would have been interesting to see more attention to this over his entire life. Still, as is there are some great little odds and ends -- not least from a 1962 letter of Gödel's to his mother: "Recently I discovered a modern writer previously unknown to me, 'Franz Kafka,'" he ingenuously informed his mother. "He writes quite insanely, but has a curiously vivid way of describing things."Journey to the Edge of Reason is a good and very accessible introduction to and overview of Gödel's life, and especially strong on the environments he lived and worked in -- Habsburg Austria, Vienna between the wars, the Institute for Advanced Study --, including their histories and background. Still, it does not seem a great advance over Dawson's Logical Dilemmas -- which is slightly more of an intellectual- (rather than personal) biography, but also covers Gödel's life-story in similar depth. Given the limited material to work with -- for example, as Budiansky notes, Adele destroyed all the letters from Gödel's mother and brother (though fortunately his own letters are preserved), as well her own entire correspondence with him -- and a largely seemingly uneventful life over the last decades of his life, there's only so much a biographer can do. Still, many topics here remain under-explored, from Gödel's fragile psychological state to his research and work in many of the areas of interest to him. While Journey to the Edge of Reason is a fine and often fascinating introductory biography (and of very manageable length), the definitive biography of and on this very difficult subject has yet to be written. - M.A.Orthofer, 16 May 2021 - Return to top of the page - Journey to the Edge of Reason:
- Return to top of the page - American writer Stephen Budiansky was born in 1957. - Return to top of the page -
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