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Our Assessment:
B+ : often wonderful writing, but feels too anchored in the auto/biographical See our review for fuller assessment.
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Em and The Big Hoom of the title are Imelda and Augustine, the parents of the narrator, and the novel is a portrait of them, a son describing his relationships with them as well as what he learns about their past.
Much of the novel focuses on the time when the narrator is in his teens and twenties, when the family must deal with the fact that Em is mentally ill.
Apparently a manic depressive, it manifests itself in suicide attempts, occasional paranoia, and a tremendous bluntness to her conversation; she is sometimes hospitalized, or closely watched at home.
Medication helps -- for a while lithium does the trick -- and there are periods of calm, but she remains unstable.
She loved Em and she thought that should be enough. It wasn't. Love is never enough. Madness is enough. It is complete, sufficient unto itself. You can only stand outside it, as a woman might stand outside a prison in which her lover is locked up. From time to time, a well-loved face will peer out and love floods back. A scrap of cloth flutters and it becomes a sign and a code and a message and all that you want it to be. Then it vanishes and you are outside the dark tower again.Em's madness, and how it manifests itself -- both self-destructive and hurtful, at times -- naturally complicates her relationships with her family (though The Big Hoom remains -- or is seen by his son -- as consistently understanding), but it also can serve as an excuse: We could always dismiss what she was saying as an emanation of the madness, not an insult or a hurt or a real critique to be taken seriously. We often did dismiss what she said, but more often than not, it was self-defence.The narrator also learns of his parents' long courtship -- some twelve years ("Family legend says that they might have gone on for another twelve, perhaps forever") -- and then their early married lives as: "part of the dosa-thin middle class of the 1960s"; he seems surprised that, despite the circumstances (though this is a time before her illness had manifested itself): "they had been happy. Improbably happy." Em is a strong presence and loud voice -- tempered here, some, as the narrator pays some attention to, for example, his father's unlikely career path, too, but always the dominant figure. It's an often wonderful voice -- almost always self-aware, and forthright (often terribly so) -- and also adds to the affectionate humor found throughout the account. Apart from the awkwardness of her forthrightness about sexual matters, there are also many nice and often very funny exchanges here. And hints of other things (regrettably not related at greater length), such as the aside of how they had "allowed" Em to resigned from her position at the American Consulate: "when she started adding her own, and very alarming, comments to diplomatic reports". Em and the Big Hoom does, however, have a strongly autobiographical feel to it, a handling of the characters that seems deeply anchored in personal experience. Ironically, this seems to hold Pinto back: despite appearing to be so revealing -- with all of Em's up-front, unvarnished truths, and quite a bit of soul-baring -- the novel feels cautious and restrained, each of the characters only seen from certain, limited angles -- the sister, for example, barely at all. Pinto writes so exceptionally well that the novel is a joy to read -- helped a great deal by the fact that he doses and presents the mental health issues in such a way as to avoid practically any part of the novel becoming a mere wallow in it (as so often happens in books with this subject-matter) -- but attentive and loving though the portraits are, gaping holes remain, and the whole feels, in the end, somewhat threadbare. Pinto is clearly great talent, and Em and the Big Hoom is filled with great set pieces, beautifully turned. Yet it straddles the fiction/non divide far too uneasily, Pinto neither able to commit completely to the real, nor able to let enough go for his story to take real flight as fiction. A lovely book, and yet not entirely successful. - M.A.Orthofer, 12 June 2014 - Return to top of the page - Em and the Big Hoom:
- Return to top of the page - Indian author and journalist Jerry Pinto was born in 1966. - Return to top of the page -
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