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Salome in Graz
A Novel
The book | About the book | Additional information | Resources | About the author
The book
Title: Salome in Graz
Author: M.A.Orthofer
Genre: Novel
Pages: 252 + liv
Words: 74,000
Illustrations: fifteen (b/w drawings)
Format: paperback; A5 (5.83 x 8.27 in.)
Price: US $ 25.95
ISBN: 9781304605481
Publisher: aesthetics of resistance / press
[At this time, Salome in Graz is only available in printed form; there is currently no commercial e-edition (ePub, Kindle, MOBI, etc.) of the novel, nor is there an audiobook version -- and none are planned in the near future.]
Salome in Graz can be purchased:
- from: Lulu.com (note that they do print internationally, so local orders in Europe and Australia shouldn't have obscene shipping charges).
[Through 28 March 2025 the promotional code MOREBOOKS15 at checkout gets you 15% off.]
- from Amazon:
- from Bookshop.org:
Your local bookseller might not yet be able to order Salome in Graz for you, but should be able to soon.
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About the book
Salome in Graz is a novel about storytelling -- the story of Salome, in particular, and how it was reshaped over the centuries into, finally, the play by Oscar Wilde and then the opera by Richard Strauss, but also about storytelling more and most generally.
It is about how our stories are formed, how they are told, and who tells them.
It is about memory, and translation, and textual authority.
And it is about passions – literary, romantic, erotic.
[Foreign/translation rights are available (but won't come cheap); publisher and literary agent inquiries welcome; M.A.Orthofer is also available for personal appearances.]
Although -- emphatically -- a novel, much of Salome in Graz is documentary in nature, with extensive quotation from other sources; every effort has been made to consult, refer to, and quote from original sources wherever possible (and it proved possible in the vast majority of cases).
There are thirty-one pages of end-notes -- mostly citation-references --; these are unmarked in the text proper ('invisible notes', identified by corresponding page number in the end-note-section), so as to disrupt the reading of the narrative as little as possible.
Essentially all quoted text originally written or published in languages other than English is presented in the original, with an English translation provided in a footnote (there are 194 of them) or, occasionally, in the flow of the narrative itself.
There is also an extensive (and multi-layered) bibliography.
While no invented titles or papers are included in it, it too is part of the larger fiction.
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Additional information
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- Salomé by Oscar Wilde - the first edition of the play
- Salomé by Oscar Wilde - the 1904 edition of the original English translation, with the 16 Aubrey Beardsley illustration (London: Melmoth & Co., 1904)
- Richard Strauss' Grazer Salome: Die österreichische Erstaufführung im theater- und sozialgeschichtlichen Kontext, edited by Andrea Zedler and Michael Walter, the definitive overview of the 16 May 1906 production (LIT Verlag, 2014)
- Kritische Ausgabe der Werke von Richard Strauss - Online-Plattform
- Productions of Salome - the opera:
- Salzburg, 2018 - conductor: Franz Welser-Möst; Salome: Asmik Grigorian
- Vienna, 1960 - conductor: Hans Swarowsky; Salome: Maria Kouba
- Productions of Salome - the Oscar Wilde play:
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About the author
M.A.Orthofer is the founder and managing editor of the complete review and its Literary Saloon.
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