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21 October 2024

21 October: Anne Applebaum picks up Peace Prize | Hotlist

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21 October 2024 - Monday

Anne Applebaum picks up Peace Prize | Hotlist

       Anne Applebaum picks up Peace Prize

       At the close of the Frankfurt Book Fair Anne Applebaum got to pick up the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade, and at the official site you can find her acceptance speech as well as all the others,as well as other relevant information. (Unfortunately, the pages can't be linked too separately, but click on the links .....)
       Applebaum spoke 'Against pessimism'.

(Posted by: M.A.Orthofer)    - permanent link -


       They've announced the winner of this year's Hotlist, the German award where any independent publisher can submit one title -- as 204 did -- and it is Wallstein Verlag, for Nach den Fähren, by Thea Mengeler; see also the Wallstein

(Posted by: M.A.Orthofer)    - permanent link -

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