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Literary Saloon
1 - 4 March 2025
1 March:
Martin Puchner Q & A | Andrey Kurkov's 'books of my life' | The Aesthetics of Resistance - the play
2 March:
Banu Mushtaq Q & A | Salome in Riga
3 March:
Academy Awards - Writing (Adapted Screenplay)
4 March:
Shortlists: Sheikh Zayed Book Awards - PEN/Faulkner Award | Non-fiction (not) in paperback
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4 March 2025
- Tuesday
Shortlists: Sheikh Zayed Book Awards - PEN/Faulkner Award
Non-fiction (not) in paperback
Shortlists: Sheikh Zayed Book Awards
They've announced the shortlists for this year's Sheikh Zayed Book Awards -- "One of the Arab World's most prestigious and well-funded prizes" -- though: "Sheikh Zayed Book Award decided to withhold the Award from the "Young Author" and "Publishing and Technology" categories for this edition".
The titles were selected from over 4,000 nominations from 75 countries.
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Shortlists: PEN/Faulkner Award
They've announced the five finalists for this year's PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction -- selected from 414 (unfortunately not revealed) eligible novels and short story collections.
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Non-fiction (not) in paperback
In the Wall Street Journal Jeffrey A. Trachtenberg reports that: 'Publishers increasingly give nonfiction authors one shot at print stardom, ditching paperbacks as priorities shift', in Waiting for the Paperback ? Good Luck (possibly paywalled ?).
Traditionally, the paperback would hit the shelves about a year after the hardcover.
Today, book publishers are printing fewer of them, closing a second-chance window for writers counting on a new cover or marketing campaign to spark sales.
The shift reflects changing reader habits, the popularity of audiobooks and ebooks, and the power a few major retailers hold over the publishing industry.
New adult nonfiction paperback titles tumbled by 42% from 2019 to 2024, to just under 40,000, according to Bowker Books in Print, a bibliographic database.
The number of adult hardcover nonfiction titles fell by 9% during that same period.
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3 March 2025
- Monday
Academy Awards - Writing (Adapted Screenplay)
Academy Awards - Writing (Adapted Screenplay)
The big American film awards, the Academy Awards (the Oscars®) were held yesterday, and Peter Straughan's screenplay of the Robert Harris novel Conclave took the prize in the Writing (Adapted Screenplay) category.
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2 March 2025
- Sunday
Banu Mushtaq Q & A | Salome in Riga
Banu Mushtaq Q & A
Banu Mushtaq's Heart Lamp was longlisted for this year's International Booker Prize; it's apparently not out yet -- see the And Other Stories publicity page -- but the Times of India has Shrinivasa M's TNN Q & A with the author, 'Need for more translations to take our literary treasures to the global stage'
Mushtaq points out:
Though Kannada has produced diverse literary genres, its international exposure remains limited, unlike Malayalam literature where translations into English happen promptly.
Despite the vast volume of Kannada literature published daily, less than 1% is translated.
Many masterpieces remain inaccessible to international readers, and this recognition highlights the need to bridge that gap.
(Indeed, only six translations from Kannada are under review at the complete review.)
Mushtaq also responds:
With ‘Heart Lamp’ gaining global recognition, will you write more for an international audience ?
I have always written for myself and Kannada readers, without considering a global audience.
My commitment remains to human experiences.
My style and expression may evolve, but my core themes will not change.
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Salome in Riga
The protagonists in my novel Salome in Graz discuss and debate any number of Salome-variations, especially versions (translations, editions, performances) of the Wilde play and the Strauss opera and I wonder what they would have made of the new production of the opera from the Latvijas Nacionālā opera un balets which recently premiered.
Certainly an unusual look, from the Amy Winehousesque take on the title character to ... well, whatever this take on Jochanaan is.
Certainly some ... arresting imagery:
Mike Hardy reviews it at OperaWire -- finding: "it is impossible to fathom what [Stage Director and Set Designer Alvis Hermanis] was aiming for here or what message he wished to convey".
He does allow that: "Conductor Mārtiņš Ozoliņš does a fine job with Strauss’s score and the orchestra are exemplary" and that, in the title role, Astrid Kessler: "gave a convincing portrayal of a spoiled teenage brat", but generally finds the production ... far from a success (and borderline offensive, in numerous ways).
Ah, well.
But if you're in the neighborhood, you can catch a performance today (as well as on 20 March and 6 June).
And you can see some scenes in the YouTube promotional video.
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1 March 2025
- Saturday
Martin Puchner Q & A | Andrey Kurkov's 'books of my life'
The Aesthetics of Resistance - the play
Martin Puchner Q & A
In The Harvard Crimson Kate J. Kaufman has Fifteen Questions: Martin Puchner on Philosopher Chatbots, AI Writing, and the Future.
Among Puchner's responses:
FM: What advice would you give to current students who are grappling with how to use AI in their writing classes this semester ?
MP: I think there is only one use of AI, especially if you’re trying to learn how to write, that’s not good.
And that is, just produce a couple of prompts and let it write the first draft.
I think everything else is great. It’s great as a search engine.
I think it’s really great as a sparring partner.
I think a lot of students have trouble incorporating counter-arguments and counter-evidence into their writing.
So there are actually lots of uses, and I’m all for them. The one use where you just push a button and use the first answer it gives — I think that’s the one use where I feel like you would actually cheat yourself because you wouldn’t learn good writing.
See also Puchner's Custom GPTs page, where you can: "Time-travel to converse with philosophers".
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Andrey Kurkov's 'books of my life'
The latest The Guardian 'The books of my life'-column features Death and the Penguin-author Andrey Kurkov: ‘At 17, I got my hands on an illegal copy of The Gulag Archipelago’.
Among his responses:
My favourite book growing up
Martin Eden by Jack London.
The main character’s dream of becoming a writer -- his tremendously strong will -- was probably what captivated me most.
(This is also the book he selected for: "The book I could never read again".)
The book that made me want to be a writer
Goat Song by the Russian poet and novelist Konstantin Vaginov.
Banned in the USSR, it was given to me by an American professor of literature who, when I was about 19, visited the university in Kyiv where I was studying English and French.
You'll find traces of Goat Song in my novel The Silver Bone.
Conveniently, New York Review Books is bringing out a translation of Goat Song in May; see their publicity page, or pre-order your copy at,, or
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The Aesthetics of Resistance - the play
With the third volume of Peter Weiss' The Aesthetics of Resistance finally coming out in English later this month -- 25 March; mark your calendars ! see the Duke University Press publicity page -- it's worth noting that there is a French stage-version, L'Esthétique de la résistance, which, conveniently is being revived at the Théâtre National de l'Odéon, running today through the sixteenth -- see their publicity page.
Play-time is three hours and twenty minutes, with two intermissions extending the whole to four hours.
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