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Our Assessment:
B+ : good overview of much of Feyerabend's life and work, varied selection of generally fairly informative essays See our review for fuller assessment.
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The title of this collection comes from a 1987 article in the magazine Nature that calls Feyerabend "the worst enemy of science" (though he is not the only one accused in those pages).
This collection of "Essays in memory of Paul Feyerabend" does not solely address the specific question of whether Feyerabend is deserving of this title, but rather offers a variety of perspectives on many different aspects of Feyerabend's varied life and work.
Munévar clearly believes there is lots of alleging going on -- or rather, that Feyerabend isn't read closely and carefully enough, and his thoughts too often simplified far beyond his intention. As Munévar also points out (as do others in this collection) Feyerabend can be hard to get a fix on because he was willing to change his mind, take new approaches, and say practically anything if it might elicit a reaction or possibly held the promise of leading to something more fruitful. While the piece perhaps does not completely rehabilitate Feyerabend (a state of affairs that likely would not have appealed to the anarchic master in any case), it does point out common errors and oversimplifications made regarding his philosophy. John Preston, author of Feyerabend: Philosophy, Science and Society (see our review), takes on postmodern themes in his contribution. It is of particular interest also in that it focusses on Feyerabend's later work -- Three Dialogues on Knowledge and a variety of essays, many of which were included in the posthumous collection, Conquest of Abundance (see our review). Hoyningen-Huene's second contribution to the collection discusses the relationship between Feyerabend and Thomas Kuhn, covering the main points of interest, both biographical and philosophical, surrounding it. Elizabeth Lloyd brings in John Stuart Mill and pluralism, a useful overview of this important influence on Feyerabend. J.N.Hattiangadi's essay on political tolerance centers on relativism, discussing Feyerabend's critique of Popper's theory of knowledge and proposing "a simple way of regaining liberal democracy from Feyerabend's critique". The final interview, conducted by Joachim Jung, covers a gamut of subjects, jumping about somewhat awkwardly but still offering a few interesting insights -- and still showing the true Feyerabend and proving that it's hard to keep a good man down, even when he is debilitatingly ill. Most of these pieces are very much in memory of Feyerabend, with many of them dwelling at greater length on biographical (and, in the case of students and colleagues, autobiographical) details. This, and the range of subjects covered, actually make it a very useful introduction to Feyerabend. So much of both the man and his work has attained a sometimes myth-like stature that these varied expositions of philosopher and philosophy can be helpful in presenting a clearer picture. The repeated and varied clarification of his use of the (in)famous notion that "anything goes" and questions of incommensurability are especially helpful -- examples that show how easily and often Feyerabend continues to be misunderstood. This volume is neither a thorough biographical survey, nor a comprehensive examination of Feyerabend's philosophy (two tomes that we hope will be written in the not too distant future), but the pieces collected here do offer a very good, broad review of both his life and work. The essays read fairly well, though some might be considered a bit plodding. The emphasis is decidedly on clarity rather than style (not the worst way to go), and only occasionally does the philosophy get out of hand. Overall it is certainly a very solid collection. Recommended. - Return to top of the page - The Worst Enemy of Science ?:
- Return to top of the page - John Preston is Lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Reading - Return to top of the page -
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