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Our Assessment:
B : playful, though a bit thin for all its ambition See our review for fuller assessment.
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Tuer le père is set almost entirely in Nevada, though the framing device has an unrecognized and uninvited Amélie Nothomb visit a Paris club, L'Illégal, celebrating its tenth anniversary in 2010 with a large gathering of magicians; here she learns the story of Joe Whip and Norman Terence, an account that takes up almost all of the novel.
(The framing device is almost superfluous, but does make for an amusing entrance, as Nothomb -- habitually decked out in large black hat -- is assumed to be someone in a clever Nothomb-costume, rather than the real thing, appropriate enough in a novel about deceit, trickery, and identity.
Beside herself in person, she can't seem to help herself in dropping other little trademark bits in her story, either: one character briefly describes a teenage anorexic phase, while there's also a Belgian connection.)
Il m'adore comme un gamin de quinze ans adore son père. Donc, il a envie de me tuer.Hovering near is also the annual Burning Man festival. Not only is it mom's money-maker -- she has the last bike-shop on the way, and since bikes are the only way of getting around there she makes a mint around festival time -- it's also the highlight of Christina's year, where she gets to put on her show. Joe desperately wants to join Norman and Christina on their annual pilgrimage, but they won't let him until he turns eighteen. Among their concerns: the LSD in circulation there. Norman and Joe debate the line between magic and cheating, with Joe suggesting: "la magie, c'est de la triche" -- magic is just another con. Norman differentiates between the two: magic distorts reality in a positive way for the audience, fooling them in a way that does no harm; cheating (at cards) is just for the purpose of taking their money. It remains an issue between them, and also leads up to the novel's final twist, in which Joe turns out to have been playing a long con (with predictable results). There are Burning Man escapades too -- Joe's birthday present when he turns eighteen -- complete with hallucinogenic trips. On several levels, Tuer le père deals with what's real and what only appears so -- the magician's sleight of hand only one of the many sleights overlapping here. Nothomb doesn't always appear entirely comfortable in setting her novel almost entirely in Nevada -- the choice of the most basic of names, 'Joe', from an author who otherwise calls her characters 'Epiphane' and 'Prétextat' and the like, is already telling. It's also a rather forced set-up, from Joe's healthy monthly allowance to the convenience of landing in Norman's household. But Nothomb offers a lot of nice, small detail, and she does the personal dynamics well. It's not a particularly convincing story, and lurches forward and about a bit too hastily, but it is a nuanced, layered take on personal deceit and relationships, in many variations. If anything, Nothomb tries to cram too much in. - M.A.Orthofer, 7 April 2014 - Return to top of the page - Tuer le père:
- Return to top of the page - Belgian author Amélie Nothomb was born in Kobe, Japan, August 13, 1967. - Return to top of the page -
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