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Authors - E:
- EAGLETON, Terry:
- EBADI, Shirin: Iran Awakening (B+)
- EÇA DE QUEIRÓS, José Maria:
- ECHENOZ, Jean:
- ECO, Umberto:
- EDDÉ, Dominique: Kamal Jann (B-)
- EDELBAUER, Raphaela: DAVE (B)
- EDELMAN, Gerald M.: A Universe of Consciousness (with G.Tononi) (B)
- EDGAR, David:
- EDMONDS, David:
- EDOGAWA Rampo:
- EDWARDSON, Åke: Sun and Shadow (B-)
- EFFINGER, George Alec: What Entropy Means to Me (B+)
- EGAN, Greg: Distress (B)
- EHIN, Kristiina: Walker on Water (B)
- EIDINOW, John:
- EKUNI Kaori: Twinkle Twinkle (B)
- EKWENSI, Cyprian: People of the City (B-)
- ELIADE, Mircea:
- ELIOT, George: Middlemarch (A)
- ELIZAROV, Mikhail: The Librarian (B)
- ELKANN, Alain:
- ELKIN, Lauren: The End of Oulipo ? (B), with Scott Esposito
- ELKINS, James: What Happened to Art Criticism ? (B)
- ELLENBERG, Jordan: The Grasshopper King (B+)
- ELLIOTT, Anthony: The Mourning of John Lennon (B)
- ELLIS, Bret Easton: The Shards (B)
- ELLROY, James:
- ELSIE, Robert (ed.): Balkan Beauty, Balkan Blood (B+)
- ELSSCHOT, Willem:
- ELTAYEB, Tarek:
- ELVESTAD, Sven: Through Three Rooms (B)
- ELY, David: Seconds (B+)
- ELYTIS, Odysseas: The Oxopetra Elegies and West of Sorrow (-)
- EMANTS, Marcellus: A Posthumous Confession (B+)
- EMAR, Juan: Yesterday (B+)
- EMERSON, Gloria: Loving Graham Greene (B-)
- EMMERICH, Michael: The Tale of Genji (B+)
- ÉNARD, Mathias:
- ENDŌ Shūsaku:
- ENGEL, Marian: Bear (A)
- ENJOE Toh: Harlequin Butterfly (B)
- ENQUIST, Per Olov:
- ENZENSBERGER, Hans Magnus:
- EPPEL, John: Hatchings (B+)
- EPSTEIN, Alex:
- EPSTEIN, Jason: Book Business (B+)
- ERDAL, Jennie: Ghosting (A-)
- ERDOĞAN, Aslı: The City in Crimson Cloak (B)
- ERDRICH, Louise: The Sentence (B)
- ERICKSON, Steve:
- ERNAUX, Annie:
- EROFEEV, Venedikt: Walpurgis Night (B)
- EROFEYEV, Victor: Good Stalin (A-)
- EROSHENKO, Vasily: The Narrow Cage (B+)
- ESCOTT, T.H.S.: Edward Bulwer (B)
- ESPEDAL, Tomas:
- ESPOSITO, Scott: The End of Oulipo ? (B), with Lauren Elkin
- ESPRIU, Salvador: Ariadne in the Grotesque Labyrinth (B)
- ESSA, Ibrahim: The Televangelist (B-)
- ESTERMANN, Alfred: Schopenhauers Kampf um sein Werk (B+)
- ESTRIN, Marc: Insect Dreams (B)
- ETHERINGTON, Ben (ed.): The Cambridge Companion to World Literature (-), with Jarad ZIMBLER
- ÉTIENNE, Marie: King of a Hundred Horsemen (B-)
- EUGENIDES, Jeffrey:
- EUNAPIUS: Lives of Philosophers and Sophists (B)
- EVANS, Stuart: The Caves of Alienation (B)
- EZ ELDIN, Mansoura: Maryam's Maze (B-)
- EZRACHI, Ariel: Virtual Competition (B) (with Maurice E. Stucke)
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