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Authors - L:
- LA VILLE DE MIRMONT, Jean de: The Sundays of Jean Dézert (A-)
- LABATUT, Benjamín: When We Cease to Understand the World (B+)
- LACEY, Catherine: Biography of X (B)
- LÄCKBERG, Camilla: The Ice Princess (B)
- LACLAVETINE, Jean-Marie: Première ligne (B+)
- LAFAYETTE, Madame de: The Princesse de Clèves (B+)
- [LAFORET, Carmen: Nada]
- LAGE, Jorge Enrique: Freeway (B)
- LAGIOIA, Nicola: Ferocity (B+)
- LAHAV, Alexandra: In Praise of Litigation (B+)
- LAHIRI, Jhumpa:
- LAINE, James W.: Shivaji (B)
- LAING, Kojo: Search Sweet Country (B+)
- LAKATOS, Imre:
- LAL, Deepak: In Praise of Empires (B)
- LALO, Eduardo:
- LAMARTINE, Alphonse de: Graziella (B+)
- LAMPO, Hubert: The Coming of Joachim Stiller (B)
- LANÇON, Philippe: Disturbance (B)
- LANDERS, Clifford E.: Literary Translation (B)
- LANE, Eric: Dante Alighieri's Publishing Company (B)
- LANG, Luc: Cruel Tales from the Thirteenth Floor (B)
- LANGE, John:
- LANGE, Monique: A Little Girl under a Mosquito Net (B)
- LANGE, Norah: People in the Room (A-)
- LAO Ma: Individuals (B)
- LAPEYRE, Patrick: Life is Short and Desire Endless (B)
- LAPIDUS, Jens: Easy Money (B-)
- LAPOUJADE, David: Worlds Built to Fall Apart (B)
- LARBAUD, Valery: Fermina Márquez (B+)
- LARKIN, Emma:
- LARSON, Charles R. The Ordeal of the African Writer (B)
- LARSSON, Åsa: The Black Path (B)
- LARSSON, Björn: Den sanna berättelsen om Inga Andersson (B-)
- LARSSON, Stieg:
- LASSAQUE, Aurélia: Solstice and Other Poems (B)
- [LAST, Nana: Wittgenstein's House]
- LATIMER, Jonathan: Solomon's Vineyard (B)
- LAURAIN, Antoine:
- LAURENS, Camille: In Those Arms (US title: In His Arms) (B)
- LAURRENT, Éric: Do Not Touch (B+)
- LAVERDURE, Bertrand:
- LEBEDEV, Sergei: Untraceable (B)
- LEBERT, Hans: Die Wolfshaut (B+)
- LEBLANC, Suzanne: The Thought House of Philippa (B)
- LE CARRÉ, John:
- LECASBLE, Guillaume: Lobster (B+)
- LE CLÉZIO, Jean-Marie Gustave:
- LEDGARD, J.M.: Giraffe (A-)
- LEE Hyoseok: Endless Blue Sky (B)
- LEE Ki-Ho: At Least We Can Apologize (B+)
- LEE Seung-U:
- LÉGER, Nathalie: Suite for Barbara Loden (B+)
- LEHMANN, Chris: Revolt of the Masscult (B-)
- LEHR, Thomas:
- LEHTOLAINEN, Leena: My First Murder (B)
- LEIRIS, Michel:
- LEITHAUSER, Brad: Darlington's Fall (A-)
- LEITNER, Bernhard: The Wittgenstein House (-)
- LELORD, François:
- LEM, Stanislaw: A Stanislaw Lem Reader (Ed.: Peter Swirski) (B-)
- LEMAITRE, Pierre:
- LENNON, Ferdia: Glorious Exploits (B)
- LENZ, Siegfried: A Minute's Silence (US title: Stella) (B)
- LEONHARDT, Jürgen: Latin (B+)
- LEOPARDI, Giacomo: Zibaldone
- LERNET-HOLENIA, Alexander:
- LE ROUGE, Gustave:
- LESSER, Wendy: Scandinavian Noir (B)
- LESSING, Doris: Re: Colonised Planet 5, Shikasta (A-)
- LESSIG, Lawrence:
- LESTARI, Dewi (Dee):
- LE TELLIER, Hervé:
- LEVÉ, Edouard:
- LEVENTAL, Vadim: Masha Regina (B)
- LEVER, Evelyne: Marie Antoinette (B)
- LEVRERO, Mario: The Luminous Novel (B)
- LÉVY, Bernard-Henri: Public Enemies (B-) (with Michel Houellebecq)
- LEVY, Dore J.: Ideal and Actual in The Story of the Stone (B)
- LEVY Hideo: A Room Where the Star-Spangled Banner Cannot Be Heard (B)
- LÉVY, Justine:
- LEVY, Louis: Kzradock the Onion Man and the Spring-Fresh Methuselah (B)
- LEVY, Marc:
- LÉVY-BERTHERAT, Déborah: The Travels of Daniel Ascher (B)
- LEWIS, C.S.: An Experiment in Criticism (B)
- LEWIS, Herbert Clyde: Gentleman Overboard (A-)
- LEWIS, Wyndham: One-Way Song (B+)
- LEWONTIN, Richard:
- LEWY, Guenter: Harmful and Undesirable (B+)
- LEWYCKA, Marina: A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian (B-)
- LEYS, Simon: The Death of Napoleon (A-)
- LI Ang: The Lost Garden (B)
- LI Qingzhao: The Magpie at Night (B)
- LI Rui: Trees without Wind (B)
- LI Yu:
- LIBERA, Antoni: Madame (B)
- LIBERAKI, Margarita: Three Summers (B+)
- LIBERATI, Simon: Anthology of Apparitions (B-)
- LICHTENSTEIN, Rachel: Rodinsky's Room (with Iain Sinclair) (B+)
- [LIENHARDT, Patrick: The Life of Irène Némirovsky (with Olivier Philipponnat)]
- LIGHTMAN, Alan: Song of Two Worlds (B)
- LIMA BARRETO, Afonso Henriques de: The Sad End of Policarpo Quaresma (B+)
- LINDFORS, Bernth (ed): Conversations with Chinua Achebe (B)
- LINDGREN, Torgny: In Praise of Truth (A-)
- LINDLEY, David: Degrees Kelvin (B)
- LINDLEY-FRENCH, Julian: Future War and the Defence of Europe (-) (with John R. Allen and Frederick Ben Hodges)
- LINDSAY, Jeff:
- LINDSTEDT, Laura: Oneiron (B)
- LINDSTRØM, Merethe: Days in the History of Silence (B+)
- LINGAM, Manasvi: Life in the Cosmos (-) (with Avi Loeb)
- LINK, Charlotte: Die Täuschung (B-)
- LIPSCOMB, Benjamin J.B.: The Women Are Up to Something (B+)
- LIPSKEROV, Dmitry: The Tool & the Butterflies (B+)
- LITTELL, Jonathan: The Kindly Ones (C-)
- LIU Cixin: The Three-Body Problem (B)
- LIU Sola: Chaos and All That (B+)
- LIU Xinwu: The Wedding Party (B)
- LIYONG Taban lo:
- LLESHANAKU, Luljeta: Fresco (B)
- LLOYD, Elisabeth A.: The Case of the Female Orgasm (B)
- LLOYD, G.E.R.: The Ambitions of Curiosity (B+)
- LLYWELYN, Robin: White Star (B-)
- LOEB, Avi: Life in the Cosmos (-) (with Manasvi Lingam)
- LOHR, Steve: Go To (B)
- LONDON, Jack: Martin Eden (B+)
- LONGERICH, Peter: Wannsee (B+)
- LOPE, Manuel de: The Wrong Blood (B)
- LOPEZ jr., Donald S.:
- LORRAIN, Jean: Monsieur de Bougrelon (B)
- LORCHENKOV, Vladimir: The Good Life Elsewhere (B+)
- LOUGHLIN, Martin: Against Constitutionalism (B+)
- LOUŸS, Pierre: The Woman and the Puppet (A-)
- LOVELL, Julia: The Politics of Cultural Capital (B)
- LOWENSTEIN, Roger: The End of Wall Street (B)
- LOWRY, Thomas P.: Venereal Disease and the Lewis and Clark Expedition (B)
- LU Cai: The Misadventures of Master Mugwort (-)
- LÜ Tiancheng: The Embroidered Couch (C+)
- LU Xun:
- LUCA, Ghérasim: The Passive Vampire (-)
- LUCENTINI, Franco: Runaway Horses (B) (with Carlo Fruttero)
- LUGONES, Leopoldo: Selected Writings (B)
- LUISELLI, Valeria (Mexico):
- LUN, Aleksandra: The Palimpsests (A-)
- LUNDESTAD, Geir: 'The World's Most Prestigious Prize' (B)
- LUNGU, Dan: I'm an Old Commie! (B)
- LUSSON, Pierre: A Short Treatise Inviting the Reader to Discover the Subtle Art of Go (B+), with Georges Perec and Jacques Roubaud
- LÜSCHER, Jonas: Kraft (B)
- LÜTHI, Louis: A Die With Twenty-Six Faces (B+)
- LUTTWAK, Edward N.: The Rise of China vs. the Logic of Strategy (B)
- LUYENDIJK, Joris: People Like Us (B) (UK title: Hello Everybody !)
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