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Authors - D:
- DA EMPOLI, Giuliano: The Wizard of the Kremlin (B)
- DAAS, Fatima: The Last One (B)
- DABASHI, Hamid: The Shahnameh (B)
- DAENINCKX, Didier:
- DAHL, Arne: Misterioso (B-)
- DAHL, Niels Fredrik: På vei til en venn (B+)
- DAHL, Robert A.: How Democratic Is the American Constitution ? (A-)
- DAI Sijie:
- al-DAIF, Rashid:
- DAITCH, Susan: The Lost Civilization of Suolucidir (B)
- DALISAY, Jose:
- DALOS György:
- DALRYMPLE, William: White Mughals (B+)
- DAN Oniroku: Season of Infidelity (B-)
- DAṆḌIN: What Ten Young Men Did (B)
- DANGAREMBGA, Tsitsi: Nervous Conditions (B+)
- DANIELEWSKI, Mark Z.: House of Leaves (B)
- DANTEC, Maurice G.:
- DANTO, Arthur C.: The Madonna of the Future (B)
- DANTZIG, Charles: Why Read ? (B+)
- DAOUD, Kamel: The Meursault Investigation (B+)
- DARD, Frédéric:
- DART, Gregory: Unrequited Love (B+)
- DARWIN, Charles:
- DAVIS, Lydia:
- DAVYS, Tim: Amberville (B-)
- DAWKINS, Richard:
- DAZAI Osamu: A Shameful Life (B+)
- DE AMICIS, Edmondo: Love and Gymnastics (A-)
- DE ANGELIS, Augusto:
- DE BOTTON, Alain:
- DEBRAY, Régis: A Modest Proposal (B)
- DECK, Julia: Viviane (B)
- DEEMTER, Kees van: Not Exactly (B)
- DE GIOVANNI, Maurizio: The Crocodile (B)
- DEHOUCK, Bram: Sleepless Summer (B+)
- DE KAT, Otto: The Figure in the Distance (B)
- DEKKERS, Midas: The Way of all Flesh (B+)
- DELABROY-ALLARD, Pauline: They Say Sarah (B) (UK title: All About Sarah)
- DELACORTA: Nana (B+)
- DELACOURT, Grégoire: The List of My Desires (US title: My Wish List) (B-)
- DE LA MOTTE, Anders:
- DELAY, Florence: S. (B)
- DELEDDA, Grazia:
- DELIBES, Miguel:
- DELISLE, Guy: Burma Chronicles (B)
- DELIUS, Friedrich Christian: Portrait of the Mother as a Young Woman (B+)
- DE LUCA, Erri: The Day before Happiness (B)
- DE MAISTRE, Xavier:
- DE MARIA, Giorgio: The Twenty Days of Turin (B)
- DENING, Greg:
- DENNETT, Daniel C.: Breaking the Spell (B+)
- DENON, Vivant: No Tomorrow (B+)
- DENT, Lester: Honey in his Mouth (B)
- DÉON, Michel:
- DePAULI, Werner: Gödel (B+) (with John L. Casti)
- DE QUINCEY, Thomas: The Last Days of Immanuel Kant (B+)
- DERESCH, Ljubko:
- DERVIŞ, Suat: In the Shadow of the Yali (A-)
- DE SANTIS, Pablo:
- DE SILVA, Diego: I hadn't understood (B)
- DESJARDINS, Martine: Maleficium (B)
- DESPENTES, Virginie:
- DESPRAIRIES, Cécile: The Propagandist (B+)
- DEUTSCH, Jeff: In Praise of Good Bookstores (B)
- DEVI, Mahasweta: Bait (B)
- DEVILLE, Patrick: S. (B)
- DEVLIN, Keith: Mathematics: The New Golden Age (B)
- DE VRIES, Joost: The Republic (B)
- DE WINTER, Leon:
- DEWITT, Helen:
- DE WITTE, Ludo: The Assassination of Lumumba (-)
- DHUMKETU: The Shehnai Virtuoso (B+)
- DI BENEDETTO, Antonio:
- DI FULVIO, Luca: The Mannequin Man (B)
- DI GRADO, Viola: Hollow Heart (B)
- DIB, Mohammed: L.A. Trip (B)
- DICK, Kay: They (A-)
- DICKER, Joël:
- DIDEROT, Denis:
- DIFFRIENT, David Scott (ed.): Screwball Television (B) (with David Lavery)
- DIMOCK, Peter: A Short Rhetoric for Leaving the Family (B+)
- DIMOSKI, Sasho: Alma Mahler (B)
- DIOME, Fatou: The Belly of the Atlantic (B+)
- DIOP, Boubacar Boris: The Knight and His Shadow (B+)
- DIOP, David:
- DIRAR, Solomon: The Snare, in Three Eritrean Plays (B)
- DISCH, Thomas: The Stuff our Dreams are made of (B-)
- DIYĀB, Ḥannā: The Book of Travels (B+)
- DJAOUT, Tahar: The Last Summer of Reason (B+)
- DJAVADI, Négar: Disoriental (B)
- DJIAN, Philippe:
- DÖBLIN, Alfred: Bürger und Soldaten 1918 (B+)
- DOŁĘGA-MOSTOWICZ, Tadeusz: The Career of Nicodemus Dyzma (B+)
- DOMÍNGUEZ, Carlos María: The House of Paper (UK: The Paper House) (B+)
- DOMNARSKI, William: Richard Posner (B)
- DONGALA, Emmanuel:
- DONIGER, Wendy: Redeeming the Kamasutra (B+)
- DONOGHUE, Denis: Words Alone (B+)
- DONOSO, José: The Garden Next Door (B+)
- DORNER, Françoise: The Woman in the Row Behind (B)
- DOROSHEVICH, Vlas: What the Emperor Cannot Do (A-)
- DOUAIHY, Jabbour: Printed in Beirut (B)
- DOUEIHI, Milad: Digital Cultures (B)
- DOXIADIS, Apostolos: Logicomix (B-) (with Christos H. Papadimitriou)
- DREYER, Tom: Equatoria (B)
- DRNDIĆ, Daša:
- DRVENKAR, Zoran: Sorry (C)
- DRY, Sarah: The Newton Papers (B)
- DU SAUTOY, Marcus: The Creativity Code (B)
- DUBOIS, Jean-Paul: Vie Française (UK title: A French Life) (B)
- DUFOSSÉ, Christophe: School's Out (B)
- DUGAIN, Marc: The Avenue of the Giants (B)
- DUGUID, Paul: The Social Life of Information (with John Seely Brown) (A-)
- DUMAS, Alexandre: The Thousand and One Ghosts (B)
- DUMONTAIS, Sinclair: The Parachute (B-)
- DUNBAR, Robin: How Many Friends does One Person Need ? (B)
- DUNCAN, Dennis: Index, A History of the (B+)
- DUNCAN, Lois:
- DUNEVICH, Roni: Ring of Lies (B-)
- DUNG Kai-Cheung: Atlas (B)
- DUNLOP, Carol: Autonauts of the Cosmoroute (A-) (with Julio Cortázar)
- DUNN, Mark: Ella Minnow Pea (A)
- DƯƠNG Thu Hương: Paradise of the Blind (A-)
- DURAS, Marguerite: Abahn Sabana David (B)
- DURCAN, Paul:
- DURIAN Sukegawa: Sweet Bean Paste (B)
- DURLACHER, Jessica: Schrijvers ! (B-)
- DUROZOI, Gérard: History of the Surrealist Movement (A-)
- DÜRRENMATT, Friedrich: The Physicists (A-)
- DUSAPIN, Elisa Shua:
- DUTEURTRE, Benoît:
- DUTOURD, Jean:
- DUVE, Karen: The Prepper Room (B)
- DUVERT, Tony:
- DWORKIN, Ronald: Is Democracy Possible Here ? (B)
- DYER, Geoff:
- DYSON, Freeman:
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