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Titles - P-Q:
- På vei til en venn (B+), Niels Fredrik DAHL
- The Pachinko Parlor (B+), Elisa Shua DUSAPIN
- Packing My Library (B), Alberto MANGUEL
- The Pagan Rabbi (B-), Cynthia OZICK
- The Pages (B), Hugo HAMILTON
- The Pages (B+), Murray BAIL
- Palace of Books (A-), Roger GRENIER
- Palace of Desire (B+), Naguib MAHFOUZ
- Palace of Flies (B+), Walter KAPPACHER
- Palace Walk (A-), Naguib MAHFOUZ
- Palace without Chairs (B-), Brigid BROPHY
- Pale Blue Ink in a Lady's Hand (A-), Franz WERFEL
- The Palimpsests (A-), Aleksandra LUN
- Palinuro of Mexico (A), Fernando del PASO
- Palm Beach, Finland (B+), Antti TUOMAINEN
- The Palm House (B+), Tarek ELTAYEB
- Palpasa Café (B+), Narayan WAGLE
- The Panda Theory (A-), Pascal GARNIER
- Pandemonium (B), Warren FAHY
- Pandora in the Congo (B), Albert SÁNCHEZ PIÑOL
- Panther in the Basement (B+), Amos OZ
- Papa Sartre (B), Ali BADER
- Paper Boats (B), Dee LESTARI
- The Paper House (US: The House of Paper) (B+), Carlos María DOMÍNGUEZ
- Paper Houses (B+), Dominique FORTIER
- The Paper Men (B+), William GOLDING
- Paper Tiger (B), Olivier ROLIN
- Paperbacks from Hell (B), Grady HENDRIX
- Papiertiger (B+), Radek KNAPP
- Paprika (C), TSUTSUI Yasutaka
- The Parachute (B-), Sinclair DUMONTAIS
- Parade (B), KAWAKAMI Hiromi
- Parade (B+), YOSHIDA Shuichi
- The Paradise Bird Tattoo (B+), KURUMATANI Choukitsu
- Paradise of the Assassins (B+), Abdul Halim SHARAR
- Paradise of the Blind (A-), DƯƠNG Thu Hương
- The Paradox of Love (-), Pascal BRUCKNER
- Paranoia (B), Victor MARTINOVICH
- Parasite Eve (B), SENA Hideaki
- Paratiisisaaren vangit (B), Arto PAASILINNA
- Parentheses of Blood (B+), SONY Labou Tansi
- The Paris Enigma (B), Pablo DE SANTIS
- París no se acaba nunca (A-), Enrique VILA-MATAS
- Paris Nocturne (B+), Patrick MODIANO
- Paris 75016 (D), Lolita PILLE
- Paris Trance (A-), Geoff DYER
- [Parrot and Olivier in America, Peter CAREY]
- The Parrots (B), Filippo BOLOGNA
- The Part of Me That Isn’t Broken Inside (A-), SHIRAISHI Kazufumi
- The Parthenon Bomber (B), Christos CHRISSOPOULOS
- Party Headquarters (B), Georgi TENEV
- Party in the Blitz (B+), Elias CANETTI
- Passage of Tears (B+), Abdourahman A. WABERI
- Passages (B), Ann QUIN
- The Passion according to Renée Vivien (B), Maria-Mercè MARÇAL
- Passion Fruit (B), Daniel PENNAC
- The Passion of Dennis Potter (B), ed. V.W.GASS and John COOK
- The Passion of Martin Fissel-Brandt (B), Christian GAILLY
- Passions and Impressions (B), Pablo NERUDA
- The Passive Vampire (-), Ghérasim LUCA
- The Past is a Foreign Country (B-)< Gianrico CAROFIGLIO
- 'Pataphysics (B), Andrew HUGILL
- პატარა ქვეყანა (B), Lasha BUGADZE
- Pather Panchali (B+), Bibhutibhushan BANDOPADHYAY
- The Pathseeker (B+), KERTÉSZ Imre
- The Patience Stone (B+), Atiq RAHIMI
- Patrice Lumumba (B-), Ogali OGALI
- Patrick White Speaks (C+), Patrick WHITE
- Pavane for a Dead Princess (B+), PARK Min-gyu
- The Peace Machine (B-), Özgür MUMCU
- The Peach Blossom Fan (A-), KONG Shangren (tr. Wai-Yee Li)
- The Peach Blossom Fan (B+), K'UNG Shang-jen (tr. Chen Shih-hsiang and Harold Acton)
- Peach Blossom Paradise (B), GE Fei
- Pedigree (A-), Patrick MODIANO
- Pedro Páramo (A-), Juan RULFO
- [Peeling the Onion, Günter GRASS]
- Peeping Tom (B), Howard JACOBSON
- Peeping Tom (B+), Leo MARKS
- Pekinger Passion (B+), Jürg AMANN
- Penance (B-), MINATO Kinae
- The Pendragon Legend (A-), SZERB Antal
- The Penelopiad (B), Margaret ATWOOD
- Penguin Lost (B+), Andrey KURKOV
- Penguin 75 (-), ed. Paul Buckley
- Pentecost (B), David EDGAR
- People from My Neighborhood (B+), KAWAKAMI Hiromi
- People in the Room (A-), Norah LANGE
- People Like Us (B), Joris LUYENDIJK
- People of the City (B-), Cyprian EKWENSI
- Péplum (B+), Amélie NOTHOMB
- The Perception of Meaning (B), Hisham BUSTANI
- Perdido Street Station (B+), China MIÉVILLE
- Pereira Declares (A-), Antonio TABUCCHI
- The Perfect American (B), Peter Stephan JUNGK
- A Perfect Crime (B+), A Yi
- A Perfect Day to Be Alone (B+), AOYAMA Nanae
- The Perfect Landscape (B-), RAGNA Sigurðardóttir
- The Perfect Nanny (B), Leïla SLIMANI
- The Perfect Nine (B+), NGŨGĨ wa Thiong'o
- A Perfect Pledge (B+), Rabindranath MAHARAJ
- The Perfect Wave (B), Heinrich PÄS
- Perfection (B), Walter SATTERTHWAIT
- Performance (B+), Colin MACCABE
- Performances (B+), Greg DENING
- Performing without a Stage (B-), Robert WECHSLER
- The Perpetual Orgy (A-), Mario VARGAS LLOSA
- Persepolis (B), Marjane SATRAPI
- Persepolis (vol. 3) (B), Marjane SATRAPI
- A Persian Requiem (B), Simin DANESHVAR
- Persona (B+), INOSE Naoki
- Personae (B+), Sergio De La PAVA
- Personal (B), Lee CHILD
- Perspective(s) (B), Laurent BINET
- Persuader (B), Lee CHILD
- Perversity (B+), Francis CARCO
- Perverzion (B+), Yuri ANDRUKHOVYCH
- Pessoa (A), Richard ZENITH
- Peter Weiss (B), Werner SCHMIDT
- Petite Fleur (B), Iosi HAVILIO
- Pétronille (B), Amélie NOTHOMB
- The Pets (B+), BRAGI Ólafsson
- Phantom Lights (B+), MIYAMOTO Teru
- Phantom Pain (B+), Arbon GRUNBERG
- Phantoms on the Bookshelves (B), Jacques BONNET
- Phi Phi Island (B+), Josef HASLINGER
- The Philanthropist (B+), Christopher HAMPTON
- The Philosophical Baby (B), Alison GOPNIK
- Philosophical Concepts in Physics (B+), James T. CUSHING
- Philosophical Orations (B+), MAXIMUS of Tyre
- Philosophische Notizbücher: Band 1 / Philosophical Notebooks: Volume 1, Kurt GÖDEL
- Philosophische Notizbücher: Band 2 / Philosophical Notebooks: Volume 2 (-), Kurt GÖDEL
- Philosophy Bites (B), David EDMONDS and Nigel WARBURTON
- The Philosophy of Physics (B), Roberto TORRETTI
- Photo Shop Murder (B), KIM Young-ha
- The Physicists (A-), Friedrich DÜRRENMATT
- The Physics of Sorrow (B+), Georgi GOSPODINOV
- Piano (A), Jean ECHENOZ
- Picnic in the Storm (B), MOTOYA Yukiko
- The Pied Piper's Poison (B), Christopher WALLACE
- Piercing (B), MURAKAMI Ryu
- Pietr the Latvian (B+), Georges SIMENON
- Pig Tales (B-), Marie DARRIEUSSECQ
- Pigeon Post (B), Dumitru TSEPENEAG
- [Pijavice, David ALBAHARI]
- The Pilgrim (B+), Iwan SIMATUPANG
- Pilgrims Way (B+), Abdulrazak GURNAH
- The Pillowman (B), Martin McDONAGH
- The Pine Islands (A-), Marion POSCHMANN
- Pinball, 1973 (B), MURAKAMI Haruki
- Piranesi (A-), Susanna CLARKE
- The Pistachio Seller (B-), Reem BASSIOUNEY
- The Pity of Partition (B), Ayesha JALAL
- Pixel Juice (B+), Jeff NOON
- The Place of Shells (B+), ISHIZAWA Mai
- Placita (-), AËTIUS
- Plainsong (B), HOSAKA Kazushi
- Planet of the Apes (B+), Pierre BOULLE
- Platform (B+), Michel HOUELLEBECQ
- [Plato at the Googleplex, Rebecca Newberger GOLDSTEIN]
- The Plato Papers (A-), Peter ACKROYD
- A Play of Giants (B-), Wole SOYINKA
- Playing for Thrills (B-), WANG Shuo
- Please don't call me Human (B-), WANG Shuo
- Please Look After Mom (B), SHIN Kyung-sook
- The Pleasure of Finding Things Out (B), Richard P. FEYNMAN
- The Plot Against America (A), Philip ROTH
- The Plotters (B+), KIM Un-su
- The Plurality of Worlds of Lewis (B), Jacques ROUBAUD
- Pobby and Dingan (B+), Ben RICE
- Pocket Atlas of Remote Islands (B+), Judith SCHALANSKY
- Poem Strip (B), Dino BUZZATI
- Poems: Before & After (A+), Mirolsav HOLUB
- Poems 1968-1998 (A-), Paul MULDOON
- Poems the Size of Photographs (A-), Les MURRAY
- The Poet (B+), YI Mun Yol
- The Poet Assassinated (B), Guillaume APOLLINAIRE
- Point Blanc (B-), Anthony HOROWITZ
- [Point Omega, Don DELILLO]
- Point Zero (B), Narek MALIAN
- Point Zero (B), MATSUMOTO Seichō
- Pokloninnya yashirci (B), Ljubko DERESCH
- Pol Pot (A-), Philip SHORT
- The Pole (A-), J.M.Coetzee
- The Polish Boxer (B), Eduardo HALFON
- Polish Memories (B+), Witold GOMBROWICZ
- Politics (B+), Adam THIRLWELL
- The Politics of Cultural Capital (B), Julia LOVELL
- Polyglot Joyce (B), Patrick O'NEILL
- The Polyglot Lovers (B+), Lina WOLFF
- The Polymath (A-), Bensalem HIMMICH
- Pompeii (B+), Robert HARRIS
- Poor (B), Idris ALI
- Poor Things (A), Alasdair GRAY
- PopCo (A-), Scarlett THOMAS
- Popular Hits of the Showa Era (B), MURAKAMI Ryu
- The Pornographers (B), NOZAKA Akiyuki
- The Pornographer's Poem (B+), Michael TURNER
- Portrait of a Man Known as Il Condottiere (B), Georges PEREC
- Portrait of a Tongue (B+), TAWADA Yoko
- Portrait of the Mother as a Young Woman (B+), Friedrich Christian DELIUS
- Portrait of the Writer as a Domesticated Animal (B), Lydie SALVAYRE
- Portraits and Elegies (B), Gjertrud SCHNACKENBERG
- Porzellan (B+), Durs GRÜNBEIN
- [Possession, A.S.BYATT]
- The Possibility of an Island (B), Michel HOUELLEBECQ
- Posthomerica (B+), QUINTUS Smyrnaeus
- The Posthuman Dada Guide (B), Andrei CODRESCU
- A Posthumous Confession (B+), Marcellus EMANTS
- The Posthumous Memoirs of Brás Cubas (A-), J.M. MACHADO DE ASSIS
- The Posthumous Works of Thomas Pilaster (B), Éric CHEVILLARD
- The Postman always Rings Twice (A-), James M. CAIN
- Postmodern Pooh (B), Frederick CREWS
- Pot Pourri (B+), Eugenio CAMBACERES
- Potsdamer Platz (B), Curt CORRINTH
- Potter on Potter (B+), ed. Graham FULLER
- Powderhouse (B+), Jens BJØRNEBOE
- The Power of Flies (B+), Lydie SALVAYRE
- Power and the Idealists (B), Paul BERMAN
- The PowerBook (B+), Jeanette WINTERSON
- [The Prague Cemetery, Umberto ECO]
- A Prague Flâneur (B), Vítězslav NEZVAL
- The Prague Orgy (B), Philip ROTH
- Prayer-Cushions of the Flesh (B+), Robert IRWIN
- A Prayer for Owen Meany (B+), John IRVING
- Precipice (B), Robert HARRIS
- Prehistoric Times (B+), Eric CHEVILLARD
- Première ligne (B+), Jean-Marie LACLAVETINE
- The Premonition (B), YOSHIMOTO Banana
- The Prepper Room (B), Karen DUVE
- The President (B), Georges SIMENON
- The President of Good and Evil (B+), Peter SINGER
- The President's Hat (B), Antoine LAURAIN
- A Pretty Face (B), Rafael REIG
- Pretty Things (B), Virginie DESPENTES
- Prey (B-), Michael CRICHTON
- The Price of Civilization (B), Jeffrey D. SACHS
- The Price of Water in Finistère (B), Bodil MALMSTEN
- Priest of Nature (B+), Rob ILIFFE
- The Prince of Quotidian (B+), Paul MULDOON
- The Princess Casamassima (B), Henry JAMES
- The Princess, the King, and the Anarchist (B+), Robert PAGANI
- The Princesse de Clèves (B+), Madame de LAFAYETTE
- The Principle (B), Jérôme FERRARI
- Printed in Beirut (B), Jabbour DOUAIHY
- Případ nevěrné Kláry (B), Michal VIEWEGH
- The Prisoner of the Planet Mars (B), Gustave LE ROUGE
- Private Life (B), Josep Maria de SAGARRA
- The Private Lives of Plants (B), LEE Seung-U
- The Private Lives of Trees (B+), Alejandro ZAMBRA
- The Private Patient (B+), P.D.JAMES
- A Private Venus (B+), Giorgio SCERBANENCO
- Privy Portrait (B), Jean-Luc BENOZIGLIO
- Priyadarśikā (B), HARSHA
- "A Problem from Hell" (A-), Samantha POWER
- The Problematics of Moral and Legal Theory (B), Richard A. POSNER
- The Procedure (A), Harry MULISCH
- Professional Foul (B+), Tom STOPPARD
- The Professor and the Madman (B+), Simon WINCHESTER
- The Professor and the Siren (B), Giuseppe TOMASI DI LAMPEDUSA
- Professor Andersen's Night (A-), Dag SOLSTAD
- Professor Hanaa (B), Reem BASSIOUNEY
- Proleterka (B-), Fleur JAEGGY
- Promenade of the Gods (B-), SUZUKI Koji
- The Promise of Happiness (A-), Justin CARTWRIGHT
- Promises, Promises (B), Adam PHILLIPS
- The Prone Gunman (B), Jean-Patrick MANCHETTE
- Proof (B), David AUBURN
- The Proof (B+), César AIRA
- The Proof of my Innocence (A-), Jonathan COE
- The Proof of the Honey (B-), Salwa Al NEIMI
- Proofs and Refutations (A-), Imre LAKATOS
- The Propagandist (B+), Cécile DESPRAIRIES
- The Prophet (B+), Samuel RAWET
- The Prophet Murders (B), Mehmet Murat SOMER
- The Prospector (B+), J.M.G. LE CLÉZIO
- Proud Beggars (B+), Albert COSSERY
- Proust, Blanchot and a Woman in Red (B), Lydia DAVIS
- Providence (B), Max BARRY
- P.S. from Paris (B-), Marc LEVY
- Psyche (A-), Louis COUPERUS
- Public Enemies (B-), Michel HOUELLEBECQ and Bernard-Henri LÉVY
- Public Intellectuals (B+), Richard POSNER
- Public Reading Followed by Discussion (B), Danielle MÉMOIRE
- Pull Yourself Together (B+), Thomas GLAVINIC
- [Pulse, Julian BARNES]
- Punishment of a Hunter (B), Yulia YAKOVLEVA
- Purgatory (A-), Tomás Eloy MARTÍNEZ
- Purge (B), Sofi OKSANEN
- Purloining Tiny (B), John Franklin BARDIN
- Pushing Time Away (B+), Peter SINGER
- Pushkin House (B+), Andrei BITOV
- Pushkin's Button (B-), Serena VITALE
- The Puttermesser Papers (A+), Cynthia OZICK
- Pyramid Texts (B+), Gamal al-GHITANI
- Pythagorean Crimes (B), Tefcros MICHAELIDES
- Q (B), Luther BLISSETT
- Q & A (B-), Vikas SWARUP
- The Quality of Sprawl (B+), Les MURRAY
- Quantum Dialogue (A-), Mara BELLER
- Quantum Leaps (B), Jeremy BERNSTEIN
- Quantum Reflections (--), (ed. John ELLIS and Daniele AMATI)
- The Quantum Thief (B), Hannu RAJANIEMI
- Quarantine (B), Juan GOYTISOLO
- Quarantine in the Grand Hotel (B), REJTŐ Jenő
- Quarrel & Quandary (B+), Cynthia OZICK
- Quarry (B+), Célia HOUDART
- Quartered Safe Out Here (B+), George MacDonald FRASER
- Queen of Atlantis (B), Pierre BENOÎT
- The Queen of the Night (B), Marc BEHM
- The Queen's Caprice (B), Jean ECHENOZ
- Quesadillas (B), Juan Pablo VILLALOBOS
- The Question (B+), Henri ALLEG
- A Question of Attribution (A), Alan BENNETT
- A Question of Blood (B+), Ian RANKIN
- The Queue (B), Basma ABDEL AZIZ
- Qui pro quo (B), Gesualdo BUFALINO
- Quicksand (B), Malin PERSSON GIOLITO
- Quicksilver (B+), Neal STEPHENSON
- Quiet Chaos (B), Sandro VERONESI
- A Quiet Flame (B), Philip KERR
- A Quiet Place (B), MATSUMOTO Seichō
- Quoof (B+), Paul MULDOON
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