A Literary Saloon & Site of Review.
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A Literary Saloon and Site of Review
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Titles - The:
- The A26 (B), Pascal GARNIER
- The Absolute at Large (B), Karel ČAPEK
- The Absolute Perfection of Crime (B-), Tanguy VIEL
- The Absent One (UK title: Disgrace) (B), Jussi ADLER-OLSEN
- The Absolute Gravedigger (B), Vítězslav NEZVAL
- The Academy of Fisticuffs (B+), Sophus A. REINERT
- The Accident (B-), Ismail KADARE
- The Accident (B), Mihail SEBASTIAN
- The Accidental (A-), Ali SMITH
- The Accidental Woman (B-), Jonathan COE
- The Accusation (B), BANDI
- The Act of Roger Murgatroyd (B)< Gilbert ADAIR
- The Address Book (B), Sophie CALLE
- The Adventures and Misadventures of the Extraordinary and Admirable Joan Orpí, Conquistador and Founder of New Catalonia (B), Max BESORA
- The Adventures of John Blake (C), Philip PULLMAN
- The Adventures of Ma Suzhen (B), attributed to Zhu Daotong and Qi Fanniu
- The Adventures of Sumiyakist Q (B), KURAHASHI Yumiko
- The Adversary (A-), Emmanuel CARRÈRE
- The Aesthetics of Resistance (A+), Peter WEISS
- The Affair (B), Lee CHILD
- The African (B), J.M.G. LE CLÉZIO
- The African Shore (B), Rodrigo REY ROSA
- The Afterword (B-), Mike BRYAN
- The Age of Entanglement (B+), Louisa GILDER
- The Age of Reason (B-), Jean-Paul SARTRE
- The Age of Skin (B+), Dubravka UGREŠIĆ
- The Albanian Affairs (B+), Susana FORTES
- The Alice behind Wonderland (A-), Simon WINCHESTER
- The Alp (B), Arno CAMENISCH
- The Ambassador (B), BRAGI Ólafsson
- The Amber Spyglass (B+), Philip PULLMAN
- The Ambitions of Curiosity (B+), G.E.R. LLOYD
- The American (B+), Henry JAMES
- The American Boy (B+), Andrew TAYLOR
- [The American Enemy, Philippe ROGER]
- The Anarchist Who Shared My Name (B+), Pablo MARTÍN SÁNCHEZ
- The Anathemata (A-), David JONES
- [The Anatomy of a Moment, Javier CERCAS]
- The Anatomy of Melancholy (A+), Robert BURTON
- The Angel Maker (B), Stefan BRIJS
- [The Angel's Game, Carlos RUIZ ZAFÓN]
- The Animal Gazer (B), Edgardo FRANZOSINI
- The Annals of Chile (B+), Paul MULDOON
- The Anomaly (B+), Hervé LE TELLIER
- The Answer to Lord Chandos (A-), Pascal QUIGNARD
- The Anthologist (B), Nicholson BAKER
- The Antipeople (B), SONY Labou Tansi
- The Aosawa Murders (B), ONDA Riku
- The Apology and the Last Days (B), Borislav PEKIĆ
- The Apprenticeship of Big Toe P (B), MATSUURA Rieko
- the art and craft of approaching your head of department to submit a request for a raise (-), Georges PEREC
- The Art of Asking Your Boss for a Raise (-), Georges PEREC
- The Art of Bible Translation (B), Robert ALTER
- The Art of Hearing Heartbeats (B), Jan-Philipp SENDKER
- The Art of Murder (B), José Carlos SOMOZA
- The Art of the Publisher (B), Roberto CALASSO
- The Art of Travel (B+), Alain DE BOTTON
- [The Artificial Silk Girl, Irmgard KEUN]
- The Ascetic of Desire (B), Sudhir KAKAR
- The Assassination of Lumumba (-), Ludo DE WITTE
- The Assault (A), Harry MULISCH
- The Athenian Murders (B), José Carlos SOMOZA
- The Atom Station (B+), HALLDÓR Laxness
- The Attack (B), Yasmina KHADRA
- The Aunt Who Wouldn't Die (B+), Shirshendu MUKHOPADHYAY
- The Aunt's Story (A-), Patrick WHITE
- The Author and Me (B+), Éric CHEVILLARD
- the autobiography of albert einstein (B), Gerhard ROTH
- The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas (B+), Gertrude STEIN
- The Avengers (B), Toby MILLER
- The Avenue of the Giants (B), Marc DUGAIN
- The Award (A-), Lydie SALVAYRE
- The Awkward Squad (B), Sophie HÉNAFF
- The Ax (A-), Donald E. WESTLAKE
- The Babes in the Wood (B-), Ruth RENDELL
- The Backstreets (B), Perhat TURSUN
- The Bad Girl (B-), Mario VARGAS LLOSA
- The Ball (A-), Irène NÉMIROVSKY
- The Ballad of Lee Cotton (A-), Christopher WILSON
- The Ballad of Peckham Rye (B+), Muriel SPARK
- The Banquet in Blitva (B+), Miroslav KRLEA
- The Bathroom (B+), Jean-Philippe TOUSSAINT
- The Beach at Night (B+), Elena FERRANTE
- The Bear and the Paving Stone (B+), HORIE Toshiyuki
- The Bear Boy (A-), Cynthia OZICK
- The Beast in the Nursery (B), Adam PHILLIPS
- The Beautiful Bureaucrat (B), Helen PHILLIPS
- The Beginning and the End (B+), Naguib MAHFOUZ
- The Bell (B), Iris MURDOCH
- The Bell in the Lake (B+), Lars MYTTING
- The Belles Lettres Papers (B-), Charles SIMMONS
- The Belly of the Atlantic (B+), Fatou DIOME
- The Biplane Houses (B+), Les MURRAY
- The Big Clock (B+), Kenneth FEARING
- The Big Green Tent (B), Ludmila ULITSKAYA
- The Big Over Easy (B+), Jasper FFORDE
- The Biographer's Tale (B+), A.S.BYATT
- The Bird Tribunal (B), Agnes RAVATN
- The Birds of Verhovina (B+), BODOR Ádám
- The Birth of Kumára (B+), KĀLIDĀSA
- The Birthday Party (B), Laurent MAUVIGNIER
- The Bishop's Bedroom (B), Piero CHIARA
- The Black Cathedral (B), Marcial GALA
- The Black Cauldron (B), William HEINESEN
- The Black Path (B), Åsa LARSSON
- The Black Sheep (B+), Honoré de BALZAC
- The Black Sheep (A-), Augusto MONTERROSO
- The Black Signs (B), Lars Mørch FINBORUD
- The Black Spider (B+), Jeremias GOTTHELF
- The Blind Earthworm in the Labyrinth (B), VEERAPORN Nitiprapha
- The Blind Owl (A-), Sadegh HEDAYAT
- The Blind Rider (A-), Juan GOYTISOLO
- The Blizzard (B), Vladimir SOROKIN
- The Blood of Angels (B), Johanna SINISALO
- The Blue Fox (B+), SJÓN
- The Blue Room (A-), Georges SIMENON
- The Book about Blanche and Marie (B+), Per Olov ENQUIST
- The Book against God (B), James WOOD
- The Book and the Brotherhood (B+), Iris MURDOCH
- The Book and the Sword (B+), Louis CHA (Jin Yong)
- The Book Censor's Library (B), Bothayna AL-ESSA
- The Book Nobody Read (B+), Owen GINGERICH
- The Book of Bachelors (B+), Philip TERRY
- The Book of Baruch by the Gnostic Justin (A-), Geoffrey HILL
- The Book of Beginnings (B+), François JULLIEN
- The Book of Chameleons (B+), José Eduardo AGUALUSA
- The Book of Collateral Damage (B+), Sinan ANTOON
- The Book of Dust: La Belle Sauvage (B), Philip PULLMAN
- The Book of Emma Reyes (B+), Emma REYES
- The Book of Happenstance (B), Ingrid WINTERBACH
- The Book of Hrabal (A-), ESTERHÁZY Péter
- The Book of Lost Books (B-), Stuart KELLY
- The Book of Madness (B-), Levent ŞENYÜREK
- The Book of Margins (B), Edmond JABÈS
- The Book of Murder (B), Guillermo MARTÍNEZ
- The Book of Prefaces (A), Alasdair GRAY
- The Book of Proper Names (B), Amélie NOTHOMB
- The Book of Sins (B), CHEN Xiwo
- The Book of the Most Precious Substance (B+), Sara GRAN
- The Book of Travels (B+), Ḥannā DIYĀB
- The Book of Trouble (B), Ann MARLOWE
- The Bookaholics' Guide to Book Blogs (-), Rebecca GILLIERON and Catheryn KILGARRIFF
- The Books of Jacob (B+), Olga TOKARCZUK
- The Books of King Henry VIII and his Wives (-), James P. CARLEY
- The Bookshop (A-), Penelope FITZGERALD
- The Boomer (B-), Marty ASHER
- The Box (B), Günter GRASS
- The Boy in the Earth (B), NAKAMURA Fuminori
- The Boy Who Stole Attila's Horse (A-), Iván REPILA
- The Boys who Stole the Funeral (A-), Les MURRAY
- The Brass Go-Between (B+), Ross THOMAS (writing as Oliver Bleeck)
- The Break of Day (C+), Timberlake WERTENBAKER
- The Breakage (B), Glyn MAXWELL
- The Breath of Life (B-), David HARE
- The Briefcase (B+), KAWAKAMI Hiromi
- The Bright Side of Life (B+), Émile ZOLA
- The Bright Sword (B-), Lev GROSSMAN
- The Brother (A-), Rein RAUD
- The Brueghel Moon (B), Tamaz CHILADZE
- The Buccaneer of Bombay (B), Satyajit RAY
- The Budding Tree (B+), KITAHARA Aiko
- The Bulgarian Truck (B), Dumitru TSEPENEAG
- The Burden of Memory, the Muse of Forgiveness (B), Wole SOYINKA
- The Business (B), Iain BANKS
- The Business of Books (B+), André SCHIFFRIN
- The Butterfly (B-), James M. CAIN
- The Cabinet (B), KIM Un-su
- The Cage (B+), Alberts BELS
- The Cage (B), KITAKATA Kenzo
- The Cairo Trilogy (A-), Naguib MAHFOUZ
- The Calcutta Chromosome (B), Amitav GHOSH
- The Calligraphers' Night (B+), Yasmine GHATA
- The Cambridge Companion to Tom Stoppard (-), ed. Katherine E. KELLY
- The Cambridge Companion to World Literature (-), eds. Ben ETHERINGTON and Jarad ZIMBLER
- The Cambridge Quintet (C-), John L. CASTI
- The Camera Killer (B+), Thomas GLAVINIC
- The Camp of the Saints (D), Jean RASPAIL
- The Candidate (B), Zareh VORPOUNI
- The Cannibal Galaxy (A-), Cynthia OZICK
- The Canvas (B+), Benjamin STEIN
- The Capital (B), Robert MENASSE
- The Captain of the Butterflies (B+), Cees NOOTEBOOM
- The Captain's Daughter (B+), Alexander PUSHKIN
- The Cardboard House (B), Martín ADÁN
- The Career of Nicodemus Dyzma (B+), Tadeusz DOŁĘGA-MOSTOWICZ
- The Caretaker (B), Doon ARBUS
- The Cartier Project (B), Miha MAZZINI
- The Case for Literature (B+), GAO Xingjian
- The Case of the Female Orgasm (B), Elisabeth A. LLOYD
- The Case of the General's Thumb (B), Andrey KURKOV
- The Case of the Girl in Grey (B), Jordan STRATFORD
- The Case of the Missing Moonstone (B), Jordan STRATFORD
- The Catastrophist (B), Ronan BENNETT
- The Cathedral of Mist (B+), Paul WILLEMS
- The Cave (B+), Tim KRABBÉ
- The Cavemen Chronicle (B+), Mihkel MUTT
- The Caves of Alienation (B), Stuart EVANS
- The Celestial City (B), Diego MARANI
- The Censor's Notebook (B), Liliana COROBCA
- The Centaur in the Garden (B+), Moacyr SCLIAR
- The Certificate (A-), Isaac Bashevis SINGER
- The Character of Rain (A-), Amélie NOTHOMB
- The Cheese Monkeys (B-), Chip KIDD
- The Chemistry of Tears (B+), Peter CAREY
- The Chestnut Man (B), Søren SVEISTRUP
- The Child (B), Pascale KRAMER
- The Child That Books Built (B), Francis SPUFFORD
- The Children Act (B+), Ian McEWAN
- The Children's Book (B+), A.S.BYATT
- The Chinese Political Novel (B), Catherine Vance YEH
- The Church of Solitude (B), Grazia DELEDDA
- The Circus (B), Jonas KARLSSON
- The Circumcision (B), DALOS György
- The City (-), Frans MASEREEL
- The City and its Uncertain Walls (A-), MURAKAMI Haruki
- The City in Crimson Cloak (B), Aslı ERDOĞAN
- The City Trilogy (B), CHANG Hsi-Kuo
- The City under the Skin (B+), Geoff NICHOLSON
- The Class (C), François BÉGAUDEAU
- The Cleanest Race (B), B.R.MYERS
- The Clerk (B), Guillermo SACCOMANNO
- The Clerkenwell Tales (B), Peter ACKROYD
- The Closed Circle (B+), Jonathan COE
- The Closed Garden (A-), Julien GREEN
- The Clothes They Stood Up in (A-), Alan BENNETT
- The Clothing of Books (B), Jhumpa LAHIRI
- The Cloud-Messenger, (B), KALIDASA (trans. Arthur W. Ryder)
- The Cloud Messenger, (B), KALIDASA (trans. F. and E.Edgerton)
- The Club (B), Takis WÜRGER
- The Club of Angels (B), Luis Fernando VERISSIMO
- The Club of True Creators (B), Milan TRIPKOVIĆ
- The Coast of Utopia (A-),Tom STOPPARD:
- The Cockatoos (B+), Patrick WHITE
- The Cocktail Waitress (B), James M. CAIN
- The Coffeehouse (B), Naguib MAHFOUZ
- The Cold Summer (B), Gianrico CAROFIGLIO
- The Cold War Swap (B), Ross THOMAS
- The Collaborators (B), Pierre SINIAC
- The Collector Collector (B), Tibor FISCHER
- The Collector of Worlds (A-), Ilya TROYANOV
- The Collini Case (B), Ferdinand von SCHIRACH
- The Colombian Mule (B), Massimo CARLOTTO
- The Colonel (A-), Mahmoud DOWLATABADI
- The Colorado Kid (B), Stephen KING
- The Colors of Infamy (B+), Albert COSSERY
- The Colour of Memory (B+), Geoff DYER
- The Columnist (B), David AUBURN
- The Comedy of Asses (B), PLAUTUS
- The Comely Cook (B), Mikhail CHULKOV
- The Coming of Joachim Stiller (B), Hubert LAMPO
- The Coming of the Body (B), Hervé JUVIN
- The Committee (B), Sun'allah IBRAHIM
- The Communist (B), Guido MORSELLI
- The Company of Ghosts (A-), Lydie SALVAYRE
- The Complete Poetry (A-), César VALLEJO
- {The Complete Review: Eleven Years, 2500 Reviews, M.A.ORTHOFER}
- The Condition of Muzak (B+), Michael MOORCOCK
- The Conductor (B+), Jean FERRY
- The Confession (B+), Domenic STANSBERRY
- The Confessions of Noa Weber (A-), Gail HAREVEN
- The Confusion (B), Neal STEPHENSON
- The Conscript (B), Gebreyesus HAILU
- The Consequences (B+), Niña WEIJERS
- The Consolations of Philosophy (B-), Alain De BOTTON
- The Constant Rabbit (B), Jasper FFORDE
- The Continuous Katherine Mortenhoe (A-), D.G.COMPTON
- The Conversions (B+), Harry MATHEWS
- The Copenhagen Papers (B+) Michael FRAYN and David BURKE
- The Core of the Sun (B), Johanna SINISALO
- The Cornelius Chronicles (The Cornelius Quartet) (B+), Michael MOORCOCK
- The Corporation Wars: Dissidence (B+), Ken MacLEOD
- The Corporation Wars: Emergence (B), Ken MacLEOD
- The Corporation Wars: Insurgence (B), Ken MacLEOD
- The Corpse Washer (B), Sinan ANTOON
- The Corrections (A), Jonathan FRANZEN
- The Council of Egypt (B+), Leonardo SCIASCIA
- The Counterlife (A-), Philip ROTH
- The Country of Toó (B), Rodrigo REY ROSA
- The Country Where No One Ever Dies (B), Ornela VORPSI
- The Courilof Affair (B+), Irène NÉMIROVSKY
- The Cows of Shambat (B), TABAN Lo Liyong
- The Creation and Destruction of Value (B), Harold JAMES
- The Creativity Code (B), Marcus DU SAUTOY
- The Creator (B), GUÐRÚN Eva Mínervudóttir:
- The Creator (B+), MYNONA
- The Creator's Map (B-), Emilio CALDERÓN
- The Crime of Father Amaro (A-), José Maria EÇA DE QUEIRÓS
- The Crime Studio (A-), Steve AYLETT
- The Crimes of Elagabalus (B), Martijn ICKS
- The Crimson Labyrinth (B), KISHI Yusuke
- The Crimson Thread of Abandon (B), TERAYAMA Shūji
- The Crisis of Capitalist Democracy (B), Richard A. POSNER
- The Crisis of Narration (B), Byung-Chul HAN
- The Critical Case of a Man Called K (B), Aziz MOHAMMED
- The Crocodile (B), Maurizio DE GIOVANNI
- The Crooked Line (B+), Ismat CHUGHTAI
- The Cry of Winnie Mandela (B+), Njabulo S. NDEBELE
- The Crystal Frontier (C), Carlos FUENTES
- The Cube and the Cathedral (D), George WEIGEL
- The Curious Case of the Clockwork Man (B-), Mark HODDER
- The Curious Life of Robert Hooke (B+), Lisa JARDINE
- The Curtain (B+), Milan KUNDERA
- The Cusanus Game (B), Wolfgang JESCHKE
- The Custom of the Country (A-), Edith WHARTON
- The Cyclist Conspiracy (B), Svetislav BASARA
- The DADA Caper (B-), Ross H. SPENCER
- The Damned Season (B+), Carlo LUCARELLI
- The Dancer from Khiva (B-), BIBISH
- The Dancing Girl (B), Hasan SHAH
- The Dark Domain (B+), Stefan GRABIŃSKI
- The Dark Library (B), Cyrille MARTINEZ
- The Dark Room (B+), YOSHIYUKI Junnosuke
- The Dark Room of Damokles (A-), Willem Frederik HERMANS
- The Dark Side of Love (B+), Rafik SCHAMI
- The Daughter of Time (B+), Josephine TEY
- The Day before Happiness (B), Erri DE LUCA
- The Day of the Owl (B+), Leonardo SCIASCIA
- The Day the Leader Was Killed (A-), Naguib MAHFOUZ
- The Days of Abandonment (B+), Elena FERRANTE
- The Days of the King (B), Filip FLORIAN
- The Dead (B), Christian KRACHT
- The Dead All Have the Same Skin (C+), Boris VIAN
- The Dead Mountaineer's Inn (B+), Arkady and Boris STRUGATSKY
- The Deadly Ambition (B), Glaydah NAMUKASA
- The Deadly Percheron (B+), John Franklin BARDIN
- The Death of Comrade President (B+), Alain MABANCKOU
- The Death of Napoleon (A-), Simon LEYS
- The Death of the Author (A), Gilbert ADAIR
- The Death of the Body (B+), C.K.STEAD
- The Death of the Little Match Girl (B+), Zoran FERIĆ
- The Death of Vazir-Mukhtar (B+), Yury TYNYANOV
- The Death of Virgil (A), Hermann BROCH
- The Decagon House Murders (B-), AYATSUJI Yukito
- The Decision (B), Britta BÖHLER
- The Deep Sea Diver's Syndrome (A-), Serge BRUSSOLO
- The Deer and the Cauldron (B+), Louis CHA (Jin Yong)
- The Defence of Lawino (B), Okot p'BITEK (tr. Taban lo Liyong)
- [The Delighted States (also: Miss Herbert), Adam THIRLWELL]
- The Deliverance of Evil (B), Roberto COSTANTINI
- The Delivery (B), Peter MENDELSUND
- The Demon's Daughter (B), Piṅgaḷi SŪRANNA
- The Desert and the Drum (B+), Mbarek Ould BEYROUK
- The Destruction of the Temple (B), Barry N. MALZBERG
- The Detour (B), Gerbrand BAKKER
- The Devils' Dance (B+), Hamid ISMAILOV
- The Devil's Star (B), Jo NESBØ
- The Devil's Whisper (B), MIYABE Miyuki
- The Devil's Workshop (B), Jáchym TOPOL
- The Devotion of Suspect X (B-), HIGASHINO Keigo
- The Diary of a Chambermaid (B), Octave MIRBEAU
- The Diary of Lady Murasaki (B+), MURASAKI Shikibu
- The Diamond Age (B-), Neal STEPHENSON
- The Diamond Lady (B-), Mwangi RUHENI
- The Diaries of Emilio Renzi: A Day in the Life (B+), Ricardo PIGLIA
- The Diaries of Emilio Renzi: Formative Years (B+), Ricardo PIGLIA
- The Diaries of Emilio Renzi: The Happy Years (B+), Ricardo PIGLIA
- The Dictator and the Hammock (B), Daniel PENNAC
- The Diesel (B), Thani Al-SUWAIDI
- The Dilemma of a Ghost (B-), Ama Ata AIDOO
- The Din in the Head (A-), Cynthia OZICK
- The Dinner (B), Herman KOCH
- The Dinner Club (B-), Saskia NOORT
- The Director (B), Daniel KEHLMANN
- The Dirty Dust (B+), Máirtín Ó CADHAIN
- The Disappearance of Signora Giulia (B-), Piero CHIARA
- The Disappearance of Jim Sullivan (B), Tanguy VIEL
- The Disaster Tourist (B), YUN Ko-eun
- The Discomfort Zone (A-), Jonathan FRANZEN
- The Discovery of America by the Turks (B), Jorge AMADO
- The Discovery of Dawn (B), Walter VELTRONI
- The Discovery of Heaven (A+), Harry MULISCH
- The Discreet Hero (B), Mario VARGAS LLOSA
- The Discreet Pleasures of Rejection (B), Martin PAGE
- The Dissident (B), Nell FREUDENBERGER
- The Distance (A-), Ivan VLADISLAVIĆ
- The Distant Lands (B+), Julien GREEN
- The Diving Pool (B+), OGAWA Yoko
- The Djinn in the Nightingale's Eye (B+), A.S.BYATT
- The Doll (A-), Bolesław PRUS
- The Doomed City (A-), Arkady and Boris STRUGATSKY
- The Door (B+), SZABÓ Magda
- The Double Death of Quincas Water-Bray (B+), Jorge AMADO
- The Double Mother (B), Michel BUSSI (UK title: The Other Mother)
- The Dream (B+), Émile ZOLA
- The Dream of Scipio (B+), Iain PEARS
- The Dream Room (A-), Marcel MÖRING
- The Dreams (B), Naguib MAHFOUZ
- The Dreamers (B+), Gilbert ADAIR
- The Dreamers (B), John Kendrick BANGS
- The Drover's Wife (A-), Murray BAIL
- The Dry Danube (B), Paul WEST
- The Dumb House (B), John BURNSIDE
- The Dwarves of Death (B), Jonathan COE
- The Dying Detective (B), Leif GW PERSSON
- The Eagle's Throne (B), Carlos FUENTES
- The Early Cases of Akechi Kogorō (B), EDOGAWA Rampo
- The Edge of the Horizon (B), Antonio TABUCCHI
- The Education of Women and The Vices of Men: Two Qajar Tracts
- The Eighth Life (For Brilka) (A-), Nino HARATISCHVILI
- The Electric Crocodile (B), D.G.COMPTON
- The Elegance of the Hedgehog (B), Muriel BARBERY
- The Elementary Particles, (A-), Michel HOUELLEBECQ
- The Elephanta Suite (B+), Paul THEROUX
- The Elusive Moth (B), Ingrid WINTERBACH
- The Embalmer (B), Anne-Renée CAILLÉ
- The Embroidered Couch (C+), LÜ Tiancheng
- The Emergence of Memory (B+), Lynne Sharon SCHWARTZ, ed.
- The Emissary (B), TAWADA Yoko
- The Emperor of China in a House of Ill Repute (B+), PU Songling
- The Emperor of Ocean Park (B), Stephen L. CARTER
- The Emperor of the Sorcerers (B+), BUDHASVĀMIN
- The Employees (B), Olga RAVN
- The Empty Space (B), Geetanjali SHREE
- The Empusium (B+), Olga TOKARCZUK
- The Enchanter (B+), Lila AZAM ZANGANEH
- [The Enchantress of Florence, Salman RUSHDIE]
- The End (A-), Karl Ove KNAUSGAARD
- The End of Faith (B), Sam HARRIS
- The End of Freddy (A-), Peter PIŠT'ANEK
- The End of Me (B+), Alfred HAYES
- The End of Mr. Y (A-), Scarlett THOMAS
- The End of Oulipo ? (B), Lauren ELKIN and Scott ESPOSITO
- The End of the Century at the End of the World (B+), C.K>STEAD
- The End of the World in Breslau (B), Marek KRAJEWSKI
- The End of Wall Street (B), Roger LOWENSTEIN
- The Ends of Our Tethers (B+), Alasdair GRAY
- The Enemy (B+), Lee CHILD
- The Engagement (B+), Georges SIMENON
- The Enigma of Capital (B), David HARVEY
- The Enigma of Room 622 (B-), Joël DICKER
- The English Assassin (B), Michael MOORCOCK
- The English Teacher (B), Yiftach REICHER ATIR
- The English Understand Wool (A-), Helen DEWITT
- The Enlightened Army (B), David TOSCANA
- The Enlightenment of the Greengage Tree (B), Shokoofeh AZAR
- The Enormity of the Tragedy (A-), Quim MONZÓ
- The Ern Malley Affair (B+), Michael HEYWARD
- The Errol Flynn Novel (B-), Geoff NICHOLSON
- The Escape (B-), Adam THIRLWELL
- The Eskimo Solution (B), PAscal GARNIER
- The Evenings (A), Gerard REVE
- The Everlasting Story of Nory (C), Nicholson BAKER
- The Everything Store (B), Brad STONE
- The Exception (B+), Christian JUNGERSEN
- The Execution (B-), Hugo WILCKEN
- The Execution Channel (B+), Ken MACLEOD
- The Executioner Weeps (B+), Frédéric DARD
- The Executor (B+), Michael KRÜGER
- The Experience (B-), Eneriko SERUMA
- The Explosion Chronicles (B), YAN Lianke
- The Explosion of the Radiator Hose (B), Jean ROLIN
- The Eye of the Beholder (B+), Marc BEHM
- The Eye of the Storm (A), Patrick WHITE
- The Eyes of Lira Kazan (B), Eva JOLY and Judith PERRIGNON
- The Eyre Affair (B+), Jasper FFORDE
- The Facade (A-), Libuse MONÍKOVÁ
- The Face of Another (B+), ABE Kobo
- The Face on the Cutting-Room Floor (A-), Cameron McCABE
- The Faces of God (B-), MALLOCK
- The Factory (B), OYAMADA Hiroko
- The Faculty of Useless Knowledge (A-), Yury DOMBROVSKY
- The Failure (B), Giovanni PAPINI
- The Faint-hearted Bolshevik (B), Lorenzo SILVA
- The Fall (B+), Diogo MAINARDI
- The Fall of Language in the Age of English (B), MIZUMURA Minae
- The Fall of the Stone City (B+), Ismail KADARE
- The Falls (B), Ian RANKIN
- The Family Idiot (Abridged Edition) (B+), Jean-Paul SARTRE
- The Famous Magician (B), César AIRA
- The Fascination of Evil (B+), Florian ZELLER
- The Faster I Walk, the Smaller I am (B+), Kjersti Annesdatter SKOMSVOLD
- The Fat Years (B-), CHAN Koonchung
- The Fear Index (B), Robert HARRIS
- The Feast (B+), Margaret KENNEDY\
- The Feast of the Goat (B+), Mario VARGAS LLOSA
- The Female Athlete (-), eds. M.IRELAND and A.NATTIV
- The Festival of Insignificance (B+), Milan KUNDERA
- The Fetishists (A-), Ibrahim al-KONI
- The Fiend with Twenty Faces (B), EDOGAWA Rampo
- The Fifth Dimension (B), Martin VOPĚNKA
- The Figure in the Distance (B), Otto DE KAT
- The Final Bet (B), Abdelilah HAMDOUCHI
- The Final Days of Immanuel Kant (B), Odd NERDRUM
- The Final Hour (B), Naguib MAHFOUZ
- The Final Programme (The Final Program) (B), Michael MOORCOCK
- The Finishing School (B), Muriel SPARK
- The Finno-Ugrian Vampire (B), SZÉCSI Noémi
- The First Book of Grabinoulor (B), Pierre ALBERT-BIROT
- The First Indian Author in English (B+), Dean MAHOMED (ed. M.H.Fisher)
- The First Wife (B), Paulina CHIZIANE
- The Fish Can Sing (B), HALLDÓR Laxness
- The Flight from the Enchanter (B), Iris MURDOCH
- [The Flight of the Intellectuals, Paul BERMAN]
- The Flight of Icarus (A-), Raymond QUENEAU
- The Flower Princess (B+), TONG Dik Sang
- The Flowers of War (-), YAN Geling
- The Flying Camel and the Golden Hump (A), Aharon MEGGED
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- The Following Story (A), Cees NOOTEBOOM
- The Folly (A-), Ivan VLADISLAVIĆ
- The Food Chain (B), Geoff NICHOLSON
- The Forbidden Kingdom (A-), Jan Jacob SLAUERHOFF
- The Force of the Past (B), Sandro VERONESI
- The Forest Brims Over (B), AYASE Maru
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- The Fugitive (B), Massimo CARLOTTO
- The Future Leaders (B), Mwangi RUHENI
- The Galton Case (B+), Ross MACDONALD
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- The Ghost (B), Robert HARRIS
- The Ghost of Patrice Lumumba (C), Ogali OGALI
- The Ghost Writer (B+), Philip ROTH
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- The Ghostwriter (B), Zoran ŽIVKOVIĆ
- The Giant, O'Brien (B-), Hilary MANTEL
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- The Gift of a Cow (B+), PREMCHAND
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- The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (B), TSUTSUI Yasutaka
- The Girl who Played Go (B+), SHAN Sa
- The Girl who Played with Fire (B), Stieg LARSSON
- The Girl Who Wasn't There (B), Ferdinand von SCHIRACH
- The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (B+), Stieg LARSSON
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- The God of Hope and the End of the World (--), John POLKINGHORNE
- [The Goddess Chronicle, KIRINO Natsuo]
- The Goddess of Buttercups and Daisies (B), Martin MILLAR
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- The Goldenacre (B), Philip MILLER
- The Goldfinch (B), Donna TARTT
- The Good Fairies of New York (B), Martin MILLAR
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- The Gourmet Club (B+), TANIZAKI Jun'ichirō
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- The Grand Complication (B), Allen KURZWEIL
- The Grand Manuscript (B), Zoran ŽIVKOVIĆ
- The Grasshopper King (B+), Jordan ELLENBERG
- The Gravediggers' Bread (B+), Frédéric DARD
- The Gravity of Sunlight (B), Rosa SHAND
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- The Great Fall (B+), Peter HANDKE
- The Great Fire of London (A-), Jacques ROUBAUD
- The Great Longing (B), Marcel MÖRING
- The Great Passage (B), MIURA Shion
- The Great Swindle (B), Pierre LEMAITRE
- [The Greatest Show on Earth, Richard DAWKINS]
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- The Ground beneath her Feet (B-), Salman RUSHDIE
- The Guard (B), Peter TERRIN
- The Guest (B+), HWANG Sok-Yong
- The Guest Cat (B), HIRAIDE Takashi
- The Guest from the Future (B), György DALOS
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- The Gurugu Pledge (B), Juan Tomás ÁVILA LAUREL
- The Habit of Art (A-), Alan BENNETT
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- The Hall of the Singing Caryatids (B), Victor PELEVIN
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- The Hanging Garden (A-), Patrick WHITE
- The Harbor (B+), Ernest POOLE
- The Harmony Silk Factory (B+), Tash AW
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- The Healers (A-), Ayi Kwei ARMAH
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- The Hedgehog (B), Zakaria TAMER
- The Helios Disaster (B+), Linda BOSTRÖM KNAUSGÅRD
- The Helmet of Horror (B-), Victor PELEVIN
- The Hen Who Dreamed She Could Fly (B), HWANG Sun-mi
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- The High Life (B+), Jean-Pierre MARTINET
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- The History of Bestiality trilogy, Jens BJØRNEBOE:
- The History of Silence (B), Pedro ZARRALUKI
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- The Hole (B), PYUN Hye-Young
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- The Hotel of the Three Roses (B), Augusto DE ANGELIS
- The Hottest Dishes of the Tartar Cuisine (B), Alina BRONSKY
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- The House of Sleep (A-), Jonathan COE
- The House of Ulysses (B+), Julián RÍOS
- [The House of Wittgenstein, Alexander WAUGH]
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- The Human Part (A-), Kari HOTAKAINEN
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- The Hunting Gun (B+), INOUE Yasushi
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- The Infinities (B+), John BANVILLE]
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- The Informers (B), Juan Gabriel VÁSQUEZ
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- The Institute for Taxi Poetry (B+), Imraan COOVADIA
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- The Invention of Peace (B), Michael HOWARD
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- The Investigation (B+), Juan José SAER
- The Investigation (A-), Peter WEISS
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- The Invisible Player (B+), Giuseppe PONTIGGIA
- The Invitation (B), Claude SIMON
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- The Islanders (B), Pascal GARNIER
- [The Islands, Carlos GAMERRO]
- The Israeli Republic (B), Jalāl ĀL-E AHMAD
- The Jewish Messiah (B), Arnon GRUNBERG
- The Jib Door (B), Marlen HAUSHOFER
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- The Jokers (A-), Albert COSSERY
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- The Keeper of Lost Causes (B+), Jussi ADLER-OLSEN
- The Key (B+), Máirtín Ó CADHAIN
- [The Key of the Tower, Gilbert ADAIR]
- The Keys of Egypt (B), Lesley and Roy ADKINS
- The Kill (A-), Emile ZOLA
- The Killing of Shishupala (B+), MAGHA
- The Kills (B), Richard HOUSE
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- The King of China (B), Tilman RAMMSTEDT
- The King of Kahel (B), Tierno MONÉNEMBO
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- The King of the Storeroom (B+), Antonio PORTA
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- The Kingdom (B), Emmanuel CARRÈRE
- The Kingdom (B+), NAKAMURA Fuminori
- The Knight and His Shadow (B+), Boubacar Boris DIOP
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- The Lady in the Car with Glasses and a Gun (B+), Sébastien JAPRISOT
- The Lady in the Van (B+), Alan BENNETT
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- The Lairds of Cromarty (B+), Jean-Pierre OHL
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- The Lake (B), YOSHIMOTO Banana
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- The Land Leviathan (B), Michael MOORCOCK
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- The Language of Passion (B+), Mario VARGAS LLOSA
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- The Last Burden (A-), Upamanyu CHATTERJEE
- The Last Chairlift (B-), John IRVING
- The Last Chapter (B), Leila ABOUZEID
- The Last Children of Tokyo (B), TAWADA Yoko
- The Last Days (B-), Raymond QUENEAU
- The Last Days of El Comandante (B), Alberto BARRERA TYSZKA
- The Last Days of Immanuel Kant (B+), Thomas DE QUINCEY
- The Last Days of New Paris (B), China MIÉVILLE
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- The Last Interview (B), Eshkol NEVO
- The Last Judgement (B), Iain PEARS
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- The Last Novel (A-), David MARKSON
- The Last of Philip Banter (B+), John Franklin BARDIN
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- The Last of the Egyptians (B), Gérard MACÉ
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- The Last One (B), Fatima DAAS
- The Last Reader (A-), David TOSCANA
- The Last Samurai (A), Helen DEWITT
- The Last Samurai Reread (B), Lee KONSTANTINOU
- The Last Summer of Reason (B+), Tahar DJAOUT
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- The Lecture (B), Lydie SALVAYRE
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- The Legs of Izolda Morgan (B+), Bruno JASIEŃSKI
- The Lemoine Affair (B+), Marcel PROUST
- The Lemon Table (B+), Julian BARNES
- The Length of Days (B), Volodymyr RAFEYENKO
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- The Library at Night (B), Alberto MANGUEL
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- The Life of an Unknown Man (B+), Andreï MAKINE
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- The Life of Harishchandra (B+), RAGHAVANKA
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- [The Life of Irène Némirovsky, Olivier PHILIPPONNAT and Patrick LIENHARDT]
- The Light and the Dark (A-), Mikhail SHISHKIN
- The Light Club (B+), Josiah McELHENY
- The Light of Day (B), Graham SWIFT
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- [The Lights of Pointe-Noire, Alain MABANCKOU]
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- The Lisbon Syndrome (B), Eduardo SÁNCHEZ RUGELES
- The List of My Desires (B-), Grégoire DELACOURT
- The Listening Walls (B), Margaret MILLAR
- The Literary Conference (B+), César AIRA
- The Literature Express (B), Lasha BUGADZE
- The Little Book of Plagiarism (B+), Richard A. POSNER
- The Little Buddhist Monk (B+), César AIRA
- The Little Clay Cart (B+), ŚŪDRAKA
- The Little Friend (C), Donna TARTT
- The Little Girl and the Cigarette (B-), Benoît DUTEURTRE
- The Little Horse (B), Thorvald STEEN
- The Little Old Lady Who Broke All the Rules (B), Catharina INGELMAN-SUNDBERG
- The Little White Car (C), Dan RHODES
- The Living and the Dead (B+), BOILEAU-NARCEJAC
- The Living and the Dead (B+), Patrick WHITE
- The Living on the Dead (B+), Aharon MEGGED
- The Lodging House (B), Khairy SHALABY
- The Loeb Classical Library and Its Progeny (B+), eds. Jeffrey Henderson and Richard Thomas
- The Lonesome Bodybuilder (B), MOTOYA Yukiko
- The Long Corner (B), Alexander MAKSIK
- The Long Firm (C+), Jake ARNOTT
- The Long Form (A-), Kate BRIGGS
- The Long Road (B), KIM In-Suk
- The Loser (A-), Fatos KONGOLI
- The Loss Library (B+), Ivan VLADISLAVIĆ
- The Lost Art of Walking (B), Geoff NICHOLSON
- The Lost Civilization of Suolucidir (B), Susan DAITCH
- The Lost Daughter (B+),Elena FERRANTE
- The Lost Estate (Le Grand Meaulnes) (A-), ALAIN-FOURNIER
- The Lost Garden (B), LI Ang
- The Lost Library (B), Walter MEHRING
- [The Lost Sailors, Jean-Claude IZZO]
- The Lost Steps (A), Alejo CARPENTIER
- The Lost Time Accidents (B-), John WRAY
- The Love Hexagon (B-), WIlliam SUTCLIFFE
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- The Mad and the Bad (B+), Jean-Patrick MANCHETTE
- The Mad Toy (B), Roberto ARLT
- The Madman of Freedom Square (B), Hassan BLASIM
- The Madmen of Benghazi (B), Gérard de VILLIERS
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- The Madonna of the Future (B), Arthur C. DANTO
- The Maestro, the Magistrate & the Mathematician (B), Tendai HUCHU
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- The Magicians (B-), Lev GROSSMAN
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- The Magpie at Night (B), LI Qingzhao
- The Magus (B+), John FOWLES
- The Mahé Circle (A-), Georges SIMENON
- The Maid (B), TSUTSUI Yasutaka
- The Maids (B), TANIZAKI Jun'ichirō
- [The Maintenance of Headway, Magnus MILLS]
- The Major Declamations (B+), QUINTILIAN
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- The Making of Zombie Wars (B), Aleksandar HEMON
- The Mammaries of the Welfare State (B+), Upamanyu CHATTERJEE
- The Man Between (B), eds. Esther ALLEN, Sean COTTER, and Russell Scott VALENTINO - Michael Henry Heim & A Life in Translation
- The Man from the Future (B+), Ananyo BHATTACHARYA
- The Man in a Hurry (B), Paul MORAND
- The Man in the Mirror of the Book (also:Borges: A Life) (B+), James WOODALL
- The Man in the Wooden Hat (A-), Jane GARDAM
- The Man of Feeling (A-), Javier MARÍAS
- The Man with the Compound Eyes (B), WU Ming-Yi
- The Man Who Came in from the Back of Beyond (B+), 'Biyi BANDELE-THOMAS
- The Man Who Couldn't Die (B), Olga SLAVNIKOVA
- The Man Who Dammed the Yangtze (B-), Alex KUO
- The Man Who Died (B), Antti TUOMAINEN
- The Man Who Lost His Shadow (A-), Fathy GHANEM
- The Man Who Loved China (UK title: Bomb, Book and Compass) (B), Simon WINCHESTER
- The Man Who Loved Dogs (B+), Leonardo PADURA
- The Man who went up in Smoke (B), Maj SJÖWALL and Per WAHLÖÖ
- The Manchurian Candidate (B), Richard CONDON
- The Manchurian Candidate (B-), Greil MARCUS
- The Mandibles (B), Lionel SHRIVER
- The Mannequin Man (B), Luca DI FULVIO
- The Manual (B+), Jimmy CAUTY and Bill DRUMMOND
- [The Manual of Detection, Jedediah BERRY]
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- The Map of Time (B-), Félix J. PALMA
- The Mark and the Void (B-), Paul MURRAY
- The Marquise de Gange (B), the Marquis de SADE
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- The Marriage Plot (B-), Jeffrey EUGENIDES
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- The Marx Family Saga (A+), Juan GOYTISOLO
- The Master Key (B), TOGAWA Masako
- The Master of Knots (B), Massimo CARLOTTO
- The Masterpiece (B+), Émile ZOLA
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- The Maya Pill (B+), German SADULAEV
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- The Meaning of it All (B-), Richard P. FEYNMAN
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- The Meme Machine (B+), Susan BLACKMORE
- The Memorial Feast for Kökötöy Khan (B), Saghïmbay OROZBAQ UULU
- The Memory Monster (B), Yishai SARID
- The Memory Police (A-), OGAWA Yoko
- The Mercy Room (B-), Gilles ROZIER
- The Messiah of Stockholm (B+), Cynthia OZICK
- The Metaphysical Club (A-), Louis MENAND
- The Meteor Hunt (B), Jules VERNE
- The Method Actors (B), Carl SHUKER
- The Meursault Investigation (B+), Kamel DAOUD
- The Middle Mind (B+), Curtis WHITE
- The Mighty Angel (B+), Jerzy PILCH
- The Mighty Walzer (A-), Howard JACOBSON
- The Mind Game (B-), Hector MACDONALD
- The Miner (B+), NATSUME Sōseki
- The Ministry of Pain (B+), Dubravka UGRESIC
- The Miracle Cures of Dr. Aira (B), César AIRA
- The Miranda (B), Geoff NICHOLSON
- The Mirror of Ideas (B-), Michel TOURNIER
- The Misadventures of Master Mugwort (-), SU Shi, LU Cai, and TU Benjun
- The Missing Head of Damasceno Monteiro (A-), Antonio TABUCCHI
- The Missing Year of Juan Salvatierra (B+), Pedro MAIRAL
- The Modern Antiquarian (A-), Julian COPE
- The Mongolian Conspiracy (B+), Rafael BERNAL
- The Mongolian Travel Guide (B+), Svetislav BASARA
- The Moon Opera (B), BI Feiyu
- The Morning Star (B+), Karl Ove KNAUSGAARD
- The Moscoviad (B+), Yuri ANDRUKHOVYCH
- The Most Beautiful Book in the World (C), Eric-Emmanuel SCHMITT
- The Most Secret Memory of Men (B+), Mohamed Mbougar SARR
- The Mother (B+), Grazia DELEDDA
- The Motion Picture Teller (B), Colin COTTERILL
- The Motive (B), Javier CERCAS
- The Mountains of Parnassus (B), Czesław MIŁOSZ
- The Mourning of John Lennon (B), Anthony ELLIOTT
- The Mouseiad (B+), Ignacy KRASICKI
- The Movies of My Life (B), Alberto FUGUET
- The Murder Farm (B), Andrea Maria SCHENKEL
- The Murder of Halland (B), Pia JUUL
- The Murder Room (B+), P.D.JAMES
- The Murdered Banker (B+), Augusto DE ANGELIS
- The Murderess (B+), Alexandros PAPADIAMANTIS
- The Museum of Eterna's Novel (B+), Macedonio FERNÁNDEZ
- The Museum of Innocence (B+), Orhan PAMUK
- The Museum of Unconditional Surrender (B+), Dubravka UGRESIC
- The Mussel Feast (B), Birgit VANDERBEKE
- The Mustache (B), Emmanuel CARRÈRE
- The Mutations (B), Jorge COMENSAL
- theMystery.doc (B), Matthew McINTOSH
- The Mystery Guest (B), Grégoire BOUILLIER
- The Mystery of Dr. Fu-Manchu (B-), Sax ROHMER
- The Mystery of Henri Pick (B), David FOENKINOS
- The Mystery of the Charity of Charles Péguy (B+), Geoffrey HILL
- The Mystery of the Enchanted Crypt (B), Eduardo MENDOZA
- The Mystery of the Three Orchids (B-), Augusto DE ANGELIS
- The Naive and the Sentimental Novelist (B), Orhan PAMUK
- The Nakano Thrift Shop (B+), KAWAKAMI Hiromi
- The Naked Eye (B+), TAWADA Yoko
- The Name of the Game is a Kidnapping (B), HIGASHINO Keigo
- The Nameless Day (B), Friedrich ANI
- The Naming of the Dead (B+), Ian RANKIN
- The Narrow Cage (B+), Vasily EROSHENKO
- The Natural Disorder of Things (B), Andrea CANOBBIO
- The Navidad Incident (B), IKEZAWA Natsuki
- The Necessary Angel (B+), C.K.STEAD
- The Necrophiliac (B+), Gabrielle WITTKOP
- The Negro Grandsons of Vercingetorix (B+), Alain MABANCKOU
- The Neighborhood (A-), Gonçalo M. TAVARES
- The Neighborhood (B-), Mario VARGAS LLOSA
- The Neruda Case (B), Roberto AMPUERO
- The Netanyahus (A-), Joshua COHEN
- The New Adventures of Don Quixote (B-), Tariq ALI
- The New Moscow Philosophy (B+), Vyacheslav PYETSUKH
- The New Sorrows of Young W. (B+), Ulrich PLENZDORF
- The New Trial (B), Peter WEISS
- The Newton Papers (B), Sarah DRY
- The Newtonian Moment (B+), Mordechai FEINGOLD
- The N'Gustro Affair (B+), Jean-Patrick MANCHETTE
- The Night House (B), Jo NESBØ
- The Night of Baba Yaga (B), OTANI Akira
- The Night of the Hunter (B+), Simon CALLOW
- The Night of the Tribades (A), Per Olov ENQUIST
- The Night Sessions (B), Ken MACLEOD
- The Night Watch (B), Patrick MODIANO
- The Night Will Be Long (B), Santiago GAMBOA
- The Night Will Have Its Say (B), Ibrahim al-KONI
- The Nightmare (B), Lars KEPLER
- The Nine Cloud Dream (B+), KIM Man-jung
- The Nineties (C), Michael BRACEWELL
- The No Variations (B), Luis CHITARRONI
- The Noh Mask Murder (B), TAKAGI Akimitsu
- The North of England Home Service (A-), Gordon BURN
- The Notebooks of Don Rigoberto (B), Mario VARGAS LLOSA
- The Notebooks of Serafino Gubbio (B+), Luigi PIRANDELLO
- [The Novel, ed. Franco MORETTI]
- The Novelist's Lexicon (B), ed. Villa Gillet/Le Monde
- The Novels of Ayi Kwei Armah (B), Robert FRASER
- The Novices of Lerna (B+), Ángel BONOMINI
- The Ocean of Mirth (B), JAGADĒŚVARA Bhaṭṭāchārya; ed. Jyotirmaya SHARMA
- The Occupation Trilogy, Patrick MODIANO: see La Place de l'Étoile, The Night Watch, and Ring Roads
- The Old Capital (B+), CHU T'ien-hsin
- The Old King in His Exile (B+), Arno GEIGER
- The Old Man and His Sons (B+), Heðin BRÚ
- The Oldest Orphan (B), Tierno MONÉNEMBO
- The One from the Other (B+), Philip KERR
- The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared (C+), Jonas JONASSON
- The 120 Days of Sodom (-), the Marquis de Sade
- The Only Son (B), Stéphane AUDEGUY
- The Open Society and its Enemies (A-), Karl POPPER
- The Opportune Moment, 1855 (B), Patrik OUŘEDNÍK
- The Oracle (B+), Baltasar GRACIÁN
- The Orchards of Syon (B), Geoffrey HILL
- The Ordeal of the African Writer (B), Charles R. LARSON
- The Order of the Day (B+), Éric VUILLARD
- The Origin of Species (A-), Charles DARWIN
- [The Original of Laura, Vladimir NABOKOV]
- The Orphanage (B), Serhiy ZHADAN
- The Orthodontic Patient (-), Anthony J.IRELAND and Fraser McDONALD
- The Osamu Tezuka Story (B+), BAN Toshio
- The Other City (B-), Michal AJVAZ
- The Other Mother (B), Michel BUSSI (US title: The Double Mother)
- The Other Side (B+), Alfred KUBIN
- The Ouroboros Wave (B), HAYASHI Jyouji
- The Oxford Brotherhood (B), Guillermo MARTÍNEZ
- The Oxford Murders (B+), Guillermo MARTÍNEZ
- The Oxopetra Elegies and West of Sorrow (-), Odysseas ELYTIS
- The Oyster & the Eagle (B), MULTATULI
- The Pachinko Parlor (B+), Elisa Shua DUSAPIN
- The Pagan Rabbi (B-), Cynthia OZICK
- The Pages (B), Hugo HAMILTON
- The Pages (B+), Murray BAIL
- The Palimpsests (A-), Aleksandra LUN
- The Palm House (B+), Tarek ELTAYEB
- The Panda Theory (A-), Pascal GARNIER
- The Paper House (US: The House of Paper) (B+), Carlos María DOMÍNGUEZ
- The Paper Men (B+), William GOLDING
- The Parachute (B-), Sinclair DUMONTAIS
- The Paradise Bird Tattoo (B+), KURUMATANI Choukitsu
- The Paradox of Love (-), Pascal BRUCKNER
- The Paris Enigma (B), Pablo DE SANTIS
- The Parrots (B), Filippo BOLOGNA
- The Part of Me That Isn’t Broken Inside (A-), SHIRAISHI Kazufumi
- The Parthenon Bomber (B), Christos CHRISSOPOULOS
- The Passion according to Renée Vivien (B), Maria-Mercè MARÇAL
- The Passion of Dennis Potter (B), ed. V.W.GASS and John COOK
- The Passion of Martin Fissel-Brandt (B), Christian GAILLY
- The Passive Vampire (-), Ghérasim LUCA
- The Past is a Foreign Country (B-)< Gianrico CAROFIGLIO
- The Pathseeker (B+), KERTÉSZ Imre
- The Patience Stone (B+), Atiq RAHIMI
- The Peace Machine (B-), Özgür MUMCU
- The Peach Blossom Fan (A-), KONG Shangren (tr. Wai-Yee Li)
- The Peach Blossom Fan (B+), K'UNG Shang-jen (tr. Chen Shih-hsiang and Harold Acton)
- The Pendragon Legend (A-), SZERB Antal
- The Penelopiad (B), Margaret ATWOOD
- The Perception of Meaning (B), Hisham BUSTANI
- The Perfect American (B), Peter Stephan JUNGK
- The Perfect Landscape (B-), RAGNA Sigurðardóttir
- The Perfect Nanny (B), Leïla SLIMANI
- The Perfect Nine (B+), NGŨGĨ wa Thiong'o
- The Perfect Wave (B), Heinrich PÄS
- The Perpetual Orgy (A-), Mario VARGAS LLOSA
- The Pets (B+), BRAGI Ólafsson
- The Philanthropist (B+), Christopher HAMPTON
- The Philosophical Baby (B), Alison GOPNIK
- The Philosophy of Physics (B), Roberto TORRETTI
- The Physicists (A-), Friedrich DÜRRENMATT
- The Physics of Sorrow (B+), Georgi GOSPODINOV
- The Pied Piper's Poison (B), Christopher WALLACE
- The Pilgrim (B+), Iwan SIMATUPANG
- The Pillowman (B), Martin McDONAGH
- The Pine Islands (A-), Marion POSCHMANN
- The Pistachio Seller (B-), Reem BASSIOUNEY
- The Pity of Partition (B), Ayesha JALAL
- The Place of Shells (B+), ISHIZAWA Mai
- The Plato Papers (A-), Peter ACKROYD
- The Pleasure of Finding Things Out (B), Richard P. FEYNMAN
- The Plot Against America (A), Philip ROTH
- The Plotters (B+), KIM Un-su
- The Plurality of Worlds of Lewis (B), Jacques ROUBAUD
- The Poet (B+), YI Mun Yol
- The Poet Assassinated (B), Guillaume APOLLINAIRE
- The Pole (A-), J.M.Coetzee
- The Polish Boxer (B), Eduardo HALFON
- The Politics of Cultural Capital (B), Julia LOVELL
- The Polyglot Lovers (B+), Lina WOLFF
- The Polymath (A-), Bensalem HIMMICH
- The Pornographers (B), NOZAKA Akiyuki
- The Pornographer's Poem (B+), Michael TURNER
- The Possibility of an Island (B), Michel HOUELLEBECQ
- The Posthuman Dada Guide (B), Andrei CODRESCU
- The Posthumous Memoirs of Brás Cubas (A-), J.M. MACHADO DE ASSIS
- The Posthumous Works of Thomas Pilaster (B), Éric CHEVILLARD
- The Postman always Rings Twice (A-), James M. CAIN
- The Power of Flies (B+), Lydie SALVAYRE
- The PowerBook (B+), Jeanette WINTERSON
- [The Prague Cemetery, Umberto ECO]
- The Prague Orgy (B), Philip ROTH
- The Premonition (B), YOSHIMOTO Banana
- The Prepper Room (B), Karen DUVE
- The President (B), Georges SIMENON
- The President of Good and Evil (B+), Peter SINGER
- The President's Hat (B), Antoine LAURAIN
- The Price of Civilization (B), Jeffrey D. SACHS
- The Price of Water in Finistère (B), Bodil MALMSTEN
- The Prince of Quotidian (B+), Paul MULDOON
- The Princess Casamassima (B), Henry JAMES
- The Princess, the King, and the Anarchist (B+), Robert PAGANI
- The Princesse de Clèves (B+), Madame de LAFAYETTE
- The Principle (B), Jérôme FERRARI
- The Prisoner of the Planet Mars (B), Gustave LE ROUGE
- The Private Lives of Plants (B), LEE Seung-U
- The Private Lives of Trees (B+), Alejandro ZAMBRA
- The Private Patient (B+), P.D.JAMES
- The Problematics of Moral and Legal Theory (B), Richard A. POSNER
- The Procedure (A), Harry MULISCH
- The Professor and the Madman (B+), Simon WINCHESTER
- The Professor and the Siren (B), Giuseppe TOMASI DI LAMPEDUSA
- The Promise of Happiness (A-), Justin CARTWRIGHT
- The Prone Gunman (B), Jean-Patrick MANCHETTE
- The Proof (B+), César AIRA
- The Proof of my Innocence (A-), Jonathan COE
- The Proof of the Honey (B-), Salwa Al NEIMI
- The Propagandist (B+), Cécile DESPRAIRIES
- The Prophet (B+), Samuel RAWET
- The Prophet Murders (B), Mehmet Murat SOMER
- The Prospector (B+), J.M.G. LE CLÉZIO
- The Puttermesser Papers (A+), Cynthia OZICK
- The Quality of Sprawl (B+), Les MURRAY
- The Quantum Thief (B), Hannu RAJANIEMI
- The Queen's Caprice (B), Jean ECHENOZ
- The Queen of the Night (B), Marc BEHM
- The Question (B+), Henri ALLEG
- The Queue (B), Basma ABDEL AZIZ
- The Rabbit Back Literature Society (B+), Pasi Ilmari JÄÄSKELÄINEN
- The Rain before it Falls (B+), Jonathan COE
- The Rainbow (B), KAWABATA Yasunari
- The Rainbow Troops (B+), Andrea HIRATA
- The Rampage (A-), Miroslav HOLUB
- The Rape of Sukreni (B), Anak Agung Pandji TISNA
- The Raphael Affair (B+), Iain PEARS
- The Rapture (B), Liz JENSEN
- The Real Tadzio (B+), Gilbert ADAIR
- The Real Thing (A-), Tom STOPPARD
- The Rear Column (B), Simon GRAY
- The Rebellion of the Beasts (B), Leigh HUNT
- The Rebels (B), MÁRAI Sándor
- The Receptionist (B), Janet GROTH
- The Recognition of Sakuntala (B+), KALIDASA (trans. Arthur W. Ryder)
- The Recognition of Shakúntala (B+), KALIDASA (trans. Somadeva Vasudeva)
- The Recognitions (A-), William GADDIS
- The Reconstruction (B), Rein RAUD
- The Red Handler (B+), Johan HARSTAD
- The Red House Mystery (B), A.A.MILNE
- The Red Notebook (B), Antoine LAURAIN
- The Redbreast (B+), Jo NESBØ
- The Reef (B), Juan VILLORO
- The Rehearsal (A-), Eleanor CATTON
- The Rehearsals (B+), Vladimir SHAROV
- The Relic (B), José Maria EÇA DE QUEIRÓS
- The Reluctant Fundamentalist (B), Mohsin HAMID
- The Remaking of Sigmund Freud (B+), Barry N. MALZBERG
- The Remote Country of Women (A-), BAI Hua
- The Rendezvous (B), Justine LÉVY
- The Reproductive System (B), John SLADEK
- The Republic (B), Joost de VRIES
- The Republic of Užupis (B), HAÏLJI
- The Resurrection of Maltravers (B), Alexander LERNET-HOLENIA
- The Rest is Silence (A-), Augusto MONTERROSO
- The Restless Supermarket (B+), Ivan VLADISLAVIĆ
- The Restoration Game (B+), Ken MACLEOD
- [The Restraint of Beasts, Magnus MILLS]
- The Retrospective (B), A.B.YEHOSHUA
- The Return of Munchausen (A-), Sigizmund KRZHIZHANOVSKY
- The Reunion (B), Guillaume MUSSO
- The Reverse Side of Life (B+), LEE Seung-U
- The Revolt of the Animals (B), Władysław REYMONT
- The Revolution According to Raymundo Mata (B+), Gina APOSTOL
- The Rich Man of Pietermaritzburg (B+), Sibusiso NYEMBEZI
- The Rider (A-), Tim KRABBÉ
- The Ring (C), Elisabeth HOREM
- The Rise and Fall of D.O.D.O. (B), Neal STEPHENSON and Nicole GALLAND
- The Rise and Fall of Modern Japanese Literature (A-), John Whittier TREAT
- The Rise of China vs. the Logic of Strategy (B), Edward N. LUTTWAK
- The Riven Heart of Moscow (B+), Mikhail OSORGIN
- The River of Lost Footsteps (B), THANT Myint-U
- The Road to Lagoa Santa (B), Henrik STANGERUP
- The Road to Mars (C), Eric IDLE
- The Roar of Morning (B+), Tip MARUGG
- The Romantic Dogs (B+), Roberto BOLAÑO
- The Romantic Movement (B-), Alain DE BOTTON
- The Romantics (B), Pankaj MISHRA
- The Room (B), Jonas KARLSSON
- The Rope Artist (B), NAKAMURA Fuminori
- The Rose (B), Charles L. HARNESS
- The Rose of Cikembang (B+), KWEE Tek Hoay
- The Rotters' Club (B+), Jonathan COE
- The Roving Shadows (B+), Pascal QUIGNARD
- The Royal Physician's Visit (A-), Per Olov ENQUIST
- The Ruba'iyat of Omar Khayyam (trans.: P. Avery and J. Heath-Stubbs) (B-)
- The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám (trans.: Edward FitzGerald) (A)
- The Runes Have Been Cast (A-), Robert IRWIN
- The Rush for Second Place (B), William GADDIS
- The Sacred Book of the Werewolf (B-), Victor PELEVIN
- The Sacred Era (B), ARAMAKI Yukio
- The Sad End of Policarpo Quaresma (B+), Afonso Henriques de LIMA BARRETO
- The Sad Part Was (B), PRABDA Yoon
- The Saga of Dharmapuri (B+), O.V.VIJAYAN
- The Same Sea (A), Amos OZ
- The Sandcastle (B), Iris MURDOCH
- The Sarashina Diary (B+), SUGAWARA no Takasue no Musume
- The Savage Detectives (A-), Roberto BOLAÑO
- The Scandals of Translation (B+), Lawrence VENUTI
- The Scapegoat (B), Daniel PENNAC
- The Scar (B+), China MIÉVILLE
- The Scent of Your Breath (C-), Melissa P.
- The Scheme for Full Employment (B), Magnus MILLS
- The School for Atheists (A-), Arno SCHMIDT
- The School Principal (B+), Jalal AL-E AHMAD
- The Science of Illusions (B), Jacques NINIO
- The Scientific Buddha (B), Donald S. LOPEZ, jr.
- The Scientific Voice (B+), Scott L. MONTGOMERY
- The Scorpion's Sweet Venom (C-), 'Bruna SURFISTINHA' (Raquel Pacheco)
- The Scoundrel Days of Hobo Highbrow (B-), Pål H. CHRISTIANSEN
- The Scream (B), Laurent GRAFF
- The Sculptors of Mapungubwe (B), Zakes MDA
- The Sea (A-), John BANVILLE
- The Sea came in at Midnight (B-), Steve ERICKSON
- The Sea Lies Ahead (B+), Intizar HUSAIN
- The Sea, the Sea (B+), Iris MURDOCH
- The Seamstress and the Wind (B), César AIRA
- The Search (B), Geoff DYER
- The Second Angel (B-), Philip KERR
- The Second Book (B+), Muharem BAZDULJ
- The Second Plane (C), Martin AMIS
- The Secret Hours (A-), Mick HERRON
- The Secret of Evil (B+), Roberto BOLAÑO
- The Secret of Fame (B+), Gabriel ZAID
- [The Secret History of Costaguana, Juan Gabriel VÁSQUEZ]
- The Secret History of Modernism (B+), C.K.STEAD
- The Secret History of my Sojourn in Russia (B), Jaroslav HAŠEK
- The Secret Sins of Economics (B), Deirdre McCLOSKEY
- The Secret Tale of Tesur House (B), W. TAILING
- The Seducer (A-), Jan KJÆRSTAD
- The Seducer (B+), Henrik STANGERUP
- The Seep (B), Chana PORTER
- The Self-Propelled Island (B), Jules VERNE
- The Sense of an Ending (B+), Julian BARNES
- The Sentence (B), Louise ERDRICH
- The Serious Game (B+), Hjalmar SÖDERBERG
- The Serpent and the Rope (B+), Raja RAO
- The Seven Churches (B), Miloš URBAN
- The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida (B), Shehan KARUNATILAKA
- The Seven Solitudes of Lorsa Lopez (B), SONY Labou Tansi
- The Seventh Function of Language (B), Laurent BINET
- The Seventh Veil of Salome (B), Silvia MORENO-GARCIA
- The Sextine Chapel (B), Hervé LE TELLIER
- The Sexual Life of an Islamist in Paris (B), Leïla MAROUANE
- The Shade of Blossoms (B), OOKA Shohei
- The Shadow of a Blue Cat (B), II Naoyuki
- The Shadow of Memory (B), Bernard COMMENT
- The Shadow of the Body of the Coachman (B+), Peter WEISS
- The Shadow of the Sun (B), A.S.BYATT
- The Shadow of the Sun (A-), Ryszard KAPUSCINSKI
- The Shadow of the Wind (B+), Carlos RUIZ ZAFÓN
- The Shadow of What We Were (B), Luis SEPÚLVEDA
- The Shahnama of Shah Tahmasp (-), Sheila R. CANBY
- The Shahnameh (B), Hamid DABASHI
- The Shameful State (B), SONY Labou Tansi
- The Shanghai Intrigue (B-), Michael S. KOYAMA
- The Shape of the Table (B), David EDGAR
- The Shards (B), Bret Easton >ELLIS
- The Sharks (B+), Jens BJØRNEBOE
- The Shawl (A-), Cynthia OZICK
- The She-Devil in the Mirror (B+), Horacio CASTELLANOS MOYA
- The Shehnai Virtuoso (B+), DHUMKETU
- The Sheltering Rain (B), HANMURA Ryō
- The Short End of the Sonnenallee (A-), Thomas BRUSSIG
- The Short, Happy Life of Harry Kumar (B), Ashok MATHUR
- The Silence (B), Jens BJØRNEBOE
- The Silence and the Roar (B), Nihad SIREES
- The Silent Dead (B), HONDA Tetsuya
- The Silentiary (A-), Antonio Di BENEDETTO
- The Simmons Papers (B), Philippp BLOM
- The Simpsons (B-), John ORTVED
- The Singing Detective (A), Dennis POTTER
- The Singularity (B+), Dino BUZZATI
- The Sinking of the Odradek Stadium (B), Harry MATHEWS
- The Siren's Lament (B), TANIZAKI Jun'ichirō
- The 6:41 to Paris (B), Jean-Philippe BLONDEL
- The 65 Lakh Heist (B), Surender Mohan PATHAK
- The Sixty-Five Years of Washington (B), Juan José SAER
- The Skating Rink (B+), Roberto BOLAÑO
- The Sky Over the Louvre (-), Bernar YSLAIRE and Jean-Claude CARRIÈRE
- The Sky Weeps for Me (B), Sergio RAMÍREZ
- The Slaughterman's Daughter (B+), Yaniv ICZKOVITS
- The Sleeping-Car Murders (B), Sébastien JAPRISOT
- The Sleeping Dragon (B), MIYABE Miyuki
- The Sleepwalkers (A+), Hermann BROCH
- The Sleepwalkers (B), Scarlett THOMAS
- The Sleepworker (B+), Cyrille MARTINEZ
- The Smiles of the Saints (B+), Ibrahim FARGHALI
- The Smoking Diaries (A-), Simon GRAY
- The Snail on the Slope (B+), Arkady and Boris STRUGATSKY
- The Snow Kimono (B+), Mark HENSHAW
- The Snow of the Admiral (B+), Álvaro MUTIS
- The Snowflake Constant (B), Peter Stephan JUNGK
- The Snowman (B), Jo NESBØ
- The Social Construction of What ? (B), Ian HACKING
- The Social Life of Information (A-), John Seely BROWN and Paul DUGUID
- The Society of Reluctant Dreamers (B+), José Eduardo AGUALUSA
- The Sokal Hoax (B)
- The Solid Mandala (A-), Patrick WHITE
- The Solitary Vice (C), Mikita BROTTMAN
- The Solitude of Prime Numbers (B), Paolo GIORDANO
- The Solitudes (-), Luís de GÓNGORA
- The Song of Kiều (A-), NGUYỄN Du
- The Sopranos (B), Alan WARNER
- The Sorrow of Belgium (A), Hugo CLAUS
- The Sound of One Hand Killing (B), Teresa SOLANA
- The Sound of the Kiss (B+), Pingali SURANNA
- The Sound of the Mountain (B+), KAWABATA Yasunari
- The Space Between Us (B+), Zoya PIRZAD
- The Speckled People (B), Hugo HAMILTON
- The Specters of Algeria (B+), HWANG Yeo Jung
- The Spectre of Alexander Wolf (B), Gaito GAZDANOV
- The Speed of Light (B+), Javier CERCAS
- The Spies (B), Luis Fernando VERISSIMO
- The Spirit of Science Fiction (B+), Roberto BOLAÑO
- The Square (B+), CHOI In-Hun
- The Squirrel's Birthday (B), Toon TELLEGEN
- The Stars of the South (B+), Julien GREEN
- The Steel Bonnets (B), George MacDonald FRASER
- The Steel Crocodile (B), D.G.COMPTON
- The Steel Spring (B), Per WAHLÖÖ
- The Steel Tsar (B), Michael MOORCOCK
- The Stillness of the World before Bach (B+), Lars GUSTAFSSON
- The Stock Ticker and the Superjumbo (B), Rick PERLSTEIN
- The Stone Bridal Bed (B+), Harry MULISCH
- The Stone Gods (B+), Jeanette WINTERSON
- The Stone Virgins (C-), Yvonne VERA
- The Story Begins (B), Amos OZ
- The Story of a Life (A-), Aharon APPELFELD
- The Story of Hong Gildong (A-), (Anonymous)
- The Story of Manu (B+), Allasani PEDDANA
- The Story of my Assassins (B+), Tarun J. TEJPAL
- The Story of my Baldness (B+), Arbon GRUNBERG (writing as Marek VAN DER JAGT)
- The Story of my Purity (B), Francesco PACIFICO
- The Story of My Teeth (B+), Valeria LUISELLI
- The Story of My Wife (B+), FÜST Milán
- The Story of the Blue Planet (B-), ANDRI Snær Magnason
- The Story of the Madman (B), Mongo BETI
- The Story of the Stone (A+), CAO Xueqin
- The Story Smuggler (A-), Georgi GOSPODINOV
- The Strange Affair of Spring Heeled Jack (B), Mark HODDER
- The Strange Case of Dr. Simmonds and Dr. Glas (B+), Dannie ABSE
- The Strange Library (B+), MURAKAMI Haruki
- The Strangers (B), Jon BILBAO
- The Stranger at the Palazzo d'Oro (B), Paul THEROUX
- The Stranger next Door (B), Amélie NOTHOMB
- The Strangers in the House (B+), Georges SIMENON
- The Stuff our Dreams are made of (B-), Thomas M. DISCH
- The Subplot (B), Megan WALSH
- The Subsidiary (B), Matías CELEDÓN
- The Subtle Knife (B), Philip PULLMAN
- The Successor (A-), Ismail KADARE
- The Succubus (B), Vlado ŽABOT
- The Sufferings of Prince Sternenhoch (B+), Ladislav KLÍMA
- The Suicide Shop (B), Jean TEULÉ
- The Suicides (A-), Antonio DI BENEDETTO
- The Sultan Of Byzantium (B), Selçuk ALTUN
- The Summer Book (A-), Tove JANSSON
- The Summer of Dead Toys (B-), Toni (Antonio) HILL
- The Summer of the Elder Tree (B+), Marie CHAIX
- The Sun in the Church (B), J.L. HEILBRON
- The Sun, the Genome, and the Internet (B), Freeman DYSON
- The Sundays of Jean Dézert (A-), Jean de LA VILLE DE MIRMONT
- The Suns of Independence (B+), Ahmadou KOUROUMA
- The Supreme Orchestra (B), David TURGEON
- The Surgeon of Crowthorne (B+), Simon WINCHESTER
- The Sweet Indifference of the World (B+), Peter STAMM
- The Sword of Justice (B), Leif GW PERSSON
- The Swordfish (B), Hugo CLAUS
- The Symmetry Teacher (A-), Andrei BITOV
- The Sympathetic Undertaker (B+), 'Biyi BANDELE-THOMAS
- The System of the World (B), Neal STEPHENSON
- The Tale of a Dog (B+), Lars GUSTAFSSON
- The Tale of Aypi (B+), Ak WELSAPAR
- The Tale of Cho Ung (B), (Anonymous)
- The Tale of Genji (B+), Michael EMMERICH
- The Tale of Princess Fatima, Warrior Woman (B+)
- The Tale of the Missing Man (B), Manzoor AHTESHAM
- The Tales of Ise (B+), tr. Peter MacMillan
- The Talking Cure (B), Christopher HAMPTON
- The Talnikov Family (B), Avdotya PANAEVA
- The Tango Singer (B), Tomás Eloy MARTÍNEZ
- The Tartar Steppe (A), Dino BUZZATI
- The Tattoo Murder Case (B), TAKAGI Akimitsu
- The Tears of Re (B), Gene KRITSKY
- The Tears of the Black Man (B), Alain MABANCKOU
- The Teeth of the Comb (B+), Osama ALOMAR
- The Televangelist (B-), Ibrahim ESSA
- The Temple of Iconoclasts (B+), Juan Rodolfo WILCOCK
- The Temptation of the Impossible (B+), Mario Vargas LLOSA
- The Ten Loves of Nishino (B+), KAWAKAMI Hiromi
- The 10:30 from Marseilles (B), Sébastien JAPRISOT
- The Tenant (B), Javier CERCAS
- The Terrible Privacy of Maxwell Sim (B+), Jonathan COE
- The Thackery T. Lambshead Pocket Guide to Eccentric and Discredited Diseases (B+), eds. Jeff VanderMeer and Mark Roberts
- The Thanksgiving Turkey Pardon, the Death of Teddy's Bear, and the Sovereign Exception of Guantánamo (B+), Magnus FISKESJÖ
- The Theocrat (B), Bensalem HIMMICH
- The Theory of Clouds (B+), Stéphane AUDEGUY
- The Thief (A-), NAKAMURA Fuminori
- The Things We've Seen (B), Agustín FERNÁNDEZ MALLO
- The Third Realm (B+), Karl Ove KNAUSGAARD
- The Third Reich (B+), Roberto BOLAÑO
- The Thorn Puller (B+), ITŌ Hiromi
- The Thought Gang (A), Tibor FISCHER
- The Thought House of Philippa (B), Suzanne LEBLANC
- The Thousand and One Ghosts (B), Alexandre DUMAS
- The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet (A-), David MITCHELL
- The Three-Body Problem (B), LIU Cixin
- The Three Fat Men (B+), Yuri OLESHA
- The Three-Inch Golden Lotus (B), FENG Jicai
- The Three Mistakes of my Life (B-), Chetan BHAGAT
- The Three Way Tavern (B+), KO Un
- The Throne of Labdacus (B+), Gjertrud SCHNACKENBERG
- The Thursday Night Men (B), Tonino BENACQUISTA
- The Tibetan Book of the Dead (B+), Donald S. LOPEZ jr.
- The Time of the Angels (B+), Iris MURDOCH
- The Time Regulation Institute (B+), Ahmet Hamdi TANPINAR
- The Time-Travels of the Man Who Sold Pickles and Sweets (B), Khairy SHALABI
- The Tongue of Adam (B+), Abdelfattah KILITO
- The Tool & the Butterflies (B+), Dmitry LIPSKEROV
- The Top Ten (-), J. Peder ZANE (ed.)
- The Total Library: Non-Fiction 1922-86 (A), Jorge Luis BORGES
- The Town with Acacia Trees (B+), Mihail SEBASTIAN
- The Tragic Muse (B), Henry JAMES
- The Traitor's Niche (A-), Ismail KADARE
- The Transatlantic Slave Trade (B), James A. RAWLEY
- The Transparent Labyrinth (B), HIRANO Keiichirō
- The Transport of Love, (B), KALIDASA
- The Traveler and the Innkeeper (B), Fadhil al-AZZAWI
- The Travels of Daniel Ascher (B), Déborah LÉVY-BERTHERAT
- The Travels of Dean Mahomet (B), Dean MAHOMED (ed. M.H.Fisher)
- The Trench (A-), Abdelrahman MUNIF
- The Trial of Christopher Okigbo (B), Ali A. MAZRUI
- The Triple Helix (A-), Richard LEWONTIN
- The Triumph of Love (B+), Geoffrey HILL
- The Trouser People (B-), Andrew MARSHALL
- The Truce (A-), Mario BENEDETTI
- The True Actor (B), Jacinto Lucas PIRES
- The True Deceiver (A-), Tove JANSSON
- The Truth about Marie (B+), Jean-Philippe TOUSSAINT
- [The Truth about Sascha Knisch, Aris FIORETOS]
- The Truth about the Harry Quebert Affair (B), Joël DICKER
- The Truth and Other Lies (B), Sascha ARANGO
- The Tuner of Silences (B), Mia COUTO
- The Tunnel (A), William H. GASS
- The Tunnel (B+), Ernesto SÁBATO
- The Turk (B+), Tom STANDAGE
- The Twelve Chairs (A-), ILF and PETROV
- The Twenty Days of Turin (B), Giorgio DE MARIA
- The Twenty-Seventh City (B), Jonathan FRANZEN
- The Twenty-Year Death (B+), Ariel S. WINTER
- The Twilight of Atheism (B-), Alister McGRATH
- The Twin (A-), Gerbrand BAKKER
- The Two Hearts of Kwasi Boachi (B+), Arthur JAPIN
- The Two Lolitas (B+), Michael MAAR
- The Twyborn Affair (A-), Patrick WHITE
- The Tyrant (B+), Jacques CHESSEX
- The Tyrant's Novel (B+), Thomas KENEALLY
- The Uncommon Reader (A-), Alan BENNETT
- The Underground Man (B+), Ross MACDONALD
- The Understory (B+), SANEH Sangsuk
- The Unexpected Man (B), Yasmina REZA
- The Unforeseen (B+), Christian OSTER
- The Unicorn (A-), Iris MURDOCH
- The Unimaginable Mathematics of Borges' Library of Babel (B), William Goldbloom BLOCH
- The Union Jack (A-), KERTÉSZ Imre
- The Unit (B), Ninni HOLMQVIST
- The Unknown University (B+), Roberto BOLAÑO
- The Unquiet Grave (A-), Cyril CONNOLLY
- The Unseen (A-), Roy JACOBSEN
- The Unsleeping Eye (A-), D.G.COMPTON
- The Untouched Minutes (B), Donald MORRILL
- The Unusual Life of Tristan Smith (B), Peter CAREY
- The Uses of Pessimism (C), Roger SCRUTON
- The Utopian Generation (B+), PEPETELA
- The Vagina (B-), Emma L.E. REES
- The Valiant Little Tailor (B), Éric CHEVILLARD
- The Valley of the Fallen (A), Carlos ROJAS
- The Valleys of the Assassins (B+), Freya STARK
- The Vampire of Ropraz (B+), Jacques CHESSEX
- The Vanishing (B+), Tim KRABBÉ
- The Vault (B), Ruth RENDELL
- The Vault (B), Anders ROSLUND and Börge HELLSTRÖM
- The Vegetarian (B+), HAN Kang
- The Velocity Gospel (B), Steve AYLETT
- The Vengeful Virgin (B), Gil BREWER
- The Verbals (B), Iain SINCLAIR and Kevin JACKSON
- The Vertical Hour (B), David HARE
- The Very Last Interview (B), David SHIELDS
- The Village Indian (B), Abbas KHIDER
- The Villain's Dance (B+), Fiston MWANZA MUJILA
- The Virgin Suicides (B+), Jeffrey EUGENIDES
- The Visitor (B+), Lee CHILD
- The Vivisector, The (B+), Patrick WHITE
- The Voice (B+), Gabriel OKARA
- The Voice of Victorian Sex (B+), Rupert CHRISTIANSEN
- The Voyage (B+), Murray BAIL
- The Voyage of Horace Pirouelle (A-), Philippe SOUPAULT
- The Voyage of the Short Serpent (C), Bernard du BOUCHERON
- The Wages of Destruction (A-), Adam TOOZE
- The Waiter (B), Matias FALDBAKKEN
- The Waitress was New (B+), Dominique FABRE
- The Wall (A-), Marlen HAUSHOFER
- The Walls of Delhi (B+), UDAY Prakash
- The War against Cliché (A-), Martin AMIS
- The War in Bom Fim (B), Moacyr SCLIAR
- The War of the Poor (B), Éric VUILLARD
- The War of the Vampires (B), Gustave LE ROUGE
- The Warlord of the Air (B+), Michael MOORCOCK
- The Wars of our Ancestors (B+), Miguel DELIBES
- The Way Home (A-), Harry MATHEWS
- The Way of all Flesh (B+), Midas DEKKERS
- The Way Out (A-), Ricardo PIGLIA
- The Way Things Were (B+), Aatish TASEER
- The Way to Paradise (B), Mario VARGAS LLOSA
- The Weather Fifteen Years Ago (A-), Wolf HAAS
- The Wedding Party (B), LIU Xinwu
- The Weeping Woman on the Streets of Prague (B-), Sylvie GERMAIN
- The Weight of Temptation (B), Ana María SHUA
- The Weight of Things (B+), Marianne FRITZ
- The Well of Lost Plots (B+), Jasper FFORDE
- The Whispering Muse (B+), SJÓN
- The Whistler (B), ONDJAKI
- The White Book (B+), HAN Kang
- The White Room (B), Zoran ŽIVKOVIĆ
- The White Tiger (B-), Aravind ADIGA
- The Whole Story (B), Ali SMITH
- The Wicked Go To Hell (B), Frédéric DARD
- The Wicked Queen (B+), Chantal THOMAS
- The Widow (B+), Georges SIMENON
- The Widower (B+), Mohamed Latiff MOHAMED
- The Wild Geese (A-), MORI Ogai
- The Wild Numbers (B), Philibert SCHOGT
- The Wind Spirit (A-), Michel TOURNIER
- The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle (A-), MURAKAMI Haruki
- [The Windup Girl, Paolo BACIGALUPI]
- The Winshaw Legacy (also What a Carve Up ! ) (A-), Jonathan COE
- The Wittgenstein House (-), Bernhard LEITNER
- The Wizard of the Kremlin (B), Giuliano DA EMPOLI
- The Wolves of Eternity (B+), Karl Ove KNAUSGAARD
- The Woman and the Priest (B+), Grazia DELEDDA
- The Woman and the Puppet (A-), Pierre LOUŸS
- The Woman from Uruguay (B)< Pedro MAIRAL
- The Woman in the Purple Skirt (B), IMAMURA Natsuko
- The Woman in the Row Behind (B), Françoise DORNER
- The Woman of the Flask (B), Selim MATAR
- The Woman Priest (B), Sylvain MARÉCHAL
- The Woman who Died a Lot (B+), Jasper FFORDE
- The Woman Who Dived into the Heart of the World (B+), Sabina BERMAN
- The Woman who Was (B), BOILEAU-NARCEJAC
- The Woman who Was No More (B), BOILEAU-NARCEJAC
- The Woman Who Was Poor (B), Léon BLOY
- The Women Are Up to Something (B+), Benjamin J.B. LIPSCOMB
- The Women's Courtyard (B+), Khadija MASTUR
- The Wooden Sea (C), Jonathan CARROLL
- The Wooden Village (B+), Peter PIŠT'ANEK
- The Works and Days of Svistonov (B), Konstantin VAGINOV
- The World and Other Places (B), Jeanette WINTERSON
- The World Between Two Covers (B), Ann MORGAN
- The World in my Hands (B), K. Anis AHMED
- The World of the End (B+), Ofir Touché GAFLA
- The World Republic of Letters (A-), Pascale CASANOVA
- 'The World's Most Prestigious Prize' (B), Geir LUNDESTAD
- The Worst Enemy of Science ? - Essays in memory of Paul Feyerabend (B+)
- [The Worst Intentions, Alessandro PIPERNO]
- The Writer (B), Zoran ŽIVKOVIĆ
- The Writer and the World (B), V.S.NAIPAUL
- The Writer as Migrant (B), Ha JIN
- The Wrong Blood (B), Manuel de LOPE
- The Wurd (B), Chris WILSON
- The Yacoubian Building (B+), Alaa Al ASWANY
- The Year of the Hare (B+), Arto PAASILINNA
- The Year of the Jouncer (A-), Simon GRAY
- The Year 200 (B+), Agustín de ROJAS
- The Years (A), Annie ERNAUX
- The Years with Laura Díaz (B), Carlos FUENTES
- The Yellow Eyes of Crocodiles (C), Katherine PANCOL
- The Yellow Sofa (B), José Maria EÇA DE QUEIRÓS
- The Yid (A-), Paul GOLDBERG
- The Young Lady from Tacna (B), Mario VARGAS LLOSA
- The Young Man from Savoy (A-), Charles Ferdinand RAMUZ
- The Zero Train (B), Yuri BUIDA
- The Zoo (B+), Christopher WILSON
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