A Literary Saloon & Site of Review.
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A Literary Saloon and Site of Review
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Titles - L:
- La Belle Roumaine (B), Dumitru TSEPENEAG
- La Belle Sauvage (B), Philip PULLMAN
- La Boutique Obscure (B), Georges PEREC
- La buena letra (B), Rafael CHIRBES
- La cazzaria: The Book of the Prick (B-), Antonio VIGNALI
- La Chunga (B+), Mario VARGAS LLOSA
- La dama número trece (B-), José Carlos SOMOZA
- La Femme de Gilles (A), Madeleine BOURDOUXHE
- La Madre (B+), Grazia DELEDDA
- La nostalgie heureuse (B+), Amélie NOTHOMB
- [La part de l'autre, Eric-Emannuel SCHMITT]
- La Petite (B+), Michèle HALBERSTADT
- La Place de l'Étoile (B+), Patrick MODIANO
- La sexta lámpara (B), Pablo DE SANTIS
- La Superba (B+), Ilja Leonard PFEIJFFER
- La traducción (B), Pablo DE SANTIS
- La vie extérieure (B+), Annie ERNAUX
- L.A. Trip (B), Mohammed DIB
- Labor Relations (C), WATANABE Kazuo
- A Labour of Moles (B+), Ivan VLADISLAVIĆ
- Labyrinths (B+), Christopher OKIGBO
- Lacrimosa (B), Régis JAUFFRET
- The Ladies' Paradise (B+), Émile ZOLA
- Ladivine (A-), Marie NDIAYE
- The Lady in the Car with Glasses and a Gun (B+), Sébastien JAPRISOT
- The Lady in the Van (B+), Alan BENNETT
- The Lady in White (A-), Christian BOBIN
- Lady Joker (I) (-), TAKAMURA Kaoru
- Lady Joker (II) (B), TAKAMURA Kaoru
- L'affaire Courilof (B+), Irène NÉMIROVSKY
- Laidlaw (A-), William McILVANNEY
- The Lair (B), Norman MANEA
- The Lairds of Cromarty (B+), Jean-Pierre OHL
- The Lake (B), KAWABATA Yasunari
- The Lake (B), YOSHIMOTO Banana
- Lala Pipo (B+), OKUDA Hideo
- Lambda (B+), David MUSGRAVE
- Lamberto, Lamberto, Lamberto (B-), Gianni RODARI
- The Lamp of Umm Hashim (B+), Yahya HAKKI
- The Lamplit Answer (B+), Gjertrud SCHNACKENBERG
- The Land Leviathan (B), Michael MOORCOCK
- A Land without Jasmine (B), Wajdi al-AHDAL
- Landnahme (B+), Christoph HEIN
- Landor's Tower (A-), Iain SINCLAIR
- Landscape With Dog (B+), Ersi SOTIROPOULOS
- Landscapes after the Battle (A-), Juan GOYTISOLO
- Landscapes of War (B), Juan GOYTISOLO
- Language and the Rise of the Algorithm (B), Jeffrey M. BINDER
- The Language of Genes (A-), Steve JONES
- The Language of Passion (B+), Mario VARGAS LLOSA
- Lanzarote (B+), Michel HOUELLEBECQ
- Lars Gyllensten (B), Hans ISAKSSON
- The Last Book (B+), Zoran ŽIVKOVIĆ
- The Last Burden (A-), Upamanyu CHATTERJEE
- Last Call (A-), Harry MULISCH
- The Last Chairlift (B-), John IRVING
- The Last Chapter (B), Leila ABOUZEID
- The Last Children of Tokyo (B), TAWADA Yoko
- The Last Days (B-), Raymond QUENEAU
- The Last Days of El Comandante (B), Alberto BARRERA TYSZKA
- The Last Days of Immanuel Kant (B+), Thomas DE QUINCEY
- The Last Days of New Paris (B), China MIÉVILLE
- The Last Dinosaur Book (C+), W.J.T. MITCHELL
- Last Friends (B+), Jane GARDAM
- The Last Interview (B), Eshkol NEVO
- The Last Judgement (B), Iain PEARS
- The Last King of Scotland (B+), Giles FODEN
- Last Loosening (B+), Walter SERNER
- [Last Man in Tower, Aravind ADIGA]
- Last Night at the Lobster (B+), Stewart O'NAN
- Last Night in Nuuk (B), Niviaq KORNELIUSSEN
- [Last Night in Twisted River, John IRVING]
- Last Nights of Paris (B), Philippe SOUPAULT
- The Last Novel (A-), David MARKSON
- The Last of Philip Banter (B+), John Franklin BARDIN
- The Last of the Angels (B), Fadhil al-AZZAWI
- The Last of the Egyptians (B), Gérard MACÉ
- The Last of the Empire (B), SEMBENE Ousmane
- The Last of the Vostyachs (A), Diego MARANI
- The Last One (B), Fatima DAAS
- The Last Reader (A-), David TOSCANA
- The Last Samurai (A), Helen DEWITT
- The Last Samurai Reread (B), Lee KONSTANTINOU
- The Last Summer of Reason (B+), Tahar DJAOUT
- The Last Weynfeldt (B), Martin SUTER
- The Last Will and Testament of Sr. da Silva Araújo (B+), Germano ALMEIDA
- The Last Window-Giraffe (B+), ZILAHY Péter
- Last Winter, We Parted (B), NAKAMURA Fuminori
- Last Words from Montmartre (B+), QIU Miaojin
- Last Words on Earth (B+), Javier SERENA
- Late Fame (B), Arthur SCHNITZLER
- Late Fragments (B), Charles BAUDELAIRE
- The Late Monsieur Gallet (B), Georges SIMENON
- The Late-night News (B), Petros MARKARIS
- Latin (B+), Jürgen LEONHARDT
- Launch Something ! (B), BAE Myung-hoon
- Laura (B), Vera CASPARY
- Laurus (B+), Eugene VODOLAZKIN
- Lavish Absence (B+), Rosmarie WALDROP
- The Law in Shambles (B+), Thomas GEOGHEGAN
- Lawless World (B+), Philippe SANDS
- The Laying on of Hands (B), Alan BENNETT
- Layli and Majnun (B), NEZAMI Ganjavi
- Lazarus is Dead (B), Richard BEARD
- Laziness in the Fertile Valley (B), Albert COSSERY
- The Lazy Ones (B), Albert COSSERY
- Le crime du comte Neville (B), Amélie NOTHOMB
- Le Fanu's Angel (B+), Brian KEOGH
- Le voyage d'hiver (B+), Amélie NOTHOMB
- Leading the Cheers (B), Justin CARTWRIGHT
- Learning English (B), Rachid al-DAIF
- Learning Human (A-), Les MURRAY
- Learning to Pray in the Age of Technique (B), Gonçalo M. TAVARES
- Leave Me Alone (B-), MURONG Xuecun
- The Leavenworth Case (B), Anna Katharine GREEN
- Leavetaking (A-), Peter WEISS
- L'ecriture comme un couteau (B), Annie ERNAUX
- The Lecture (B), Lydie SALVAYRE
- [Leeches, David ALBAHARI]
- Leela's Book (B+), Alice ALBINIA
- Leg Over Leg (I) (A), Ahmad Faris al-SHIDYAQ
- Leg Over Leg (II) (-), Aḥmad Fāris AL-SHIDYĀQ
- The Legend of Pradeep Mathew (UK title: Chinaman) (B+), Shehan KARUNATILAKA
- A Legend of the Future (B), Agustín de ROJAS
- The Legends of Khasak (A-), O.V.VIJAYAN
- Legends of the Condor Heroes (B+, JIN Yong
- A Hero Born (B)
- A Bond Undone (B)
- A Snake Lies Waiting (B)
- A Heart Divided (B)
- The Legs of Izolda Morgan (B+), Bruno JASIEŃSKI
- The Lemoine Affair (B+), Marcel PROUST
- Lemon (B+), KWON Yeo-sun
- The Lemon Table (B+), Julian BARNES
- The Length of Days (B), Volodymyr RAFEYENKO
- Lenin's Embalmers (B-), Ilya ZBARSKY
- Lenin's Kisses (B), YAN Lianke
- Léon Bloy (B), Rayner HEPPENSTALL
- The Leopard (B+), Jo NESBØ
- The Leper of the City of Aosta (B), Xavier de MAISTRE
- Le sabotage amoureux (also: Loving Sabotage) (A+), Amélie NOTHOMB
- Les aérostats (B), Amélie NOTHOMB
- Les Bienveillantes, Jonathan LITTELL (C-)
- Les Guérillères (B), Monique WITTIG
- Les livres de mon père (B+), Luan STAROVA
- Les mauvaises pensées (B), Laurent SEKSIK
- Les prénoms épicènes (B), Amélie NOTHOMB
- Lessons of the Masters (B), George STEINER
- Let it Bleed (B+), Ian RANKIN
- Let No One Sleep (A-), Juan José MILLÁS
- Let the Games Begin (B-), Niccolò AMMANITI
- Letter from Casablanca (B), Antonio TABUCCHI
- The Letter Killers Club (A-), Sigizmund KRZHIZHANOVSKY
- Letter to a Christian Nation (A-), Sam HARRIS
- Letter to Survivors (B+), GÉBÉ
- Letters Between a Father and Son (B-), V. S. NAIPAUL
- Letters to a Young Novelist (B), Mario VARGAS LLOSA
- Levitation (A-), Cynthia OZICK
- Lewi's Journey (B+), Per Olov ENQUIST
- Lexicon (B), Max BARRY
- L'Expérience interdite (B), Ook CHUNG
- The Librarian (B), Mikhail ELIZAROV
- The Library (B+), Zoran ŽIVKOVIĆ
- The Library at Night (B), Alberto MANGUEL
- Lichtspiel (B), Daniel KEHLMANN
- Liebe Frau Strigl (B), H.F. BROCH DE ROTHERMANN
- Lies, First Person (B), Gail HAREVEN
- Life A User's Manual (A), Georges PEREC
- Life After Gravity (B), Patricia FARA
- Life and a Half (B), SONY Labou Tansi
- The Life and Adventures of Trobadora Beatrice as Chronicled by her Minstrel Laura (A+), Irmtraud MORGNER
- [Life and Fate, Vasily GROSSMAN]
- The Life and Memoirs of Doctor Pi (B), Edgar BAYLEY
- The Life and Opinions of Zacharias Lichter (A-), Matei CALINESCU
- Life & Times of Michael K (B), J.M.COETZEE
- Life for Sale (B), MISHIMA Yukio
- Life Form (B+), Amélie NOTHOMB
- Life in the Cosmos (-), Manasvi LINGAM and Avi LOEB
- Life is a Dream (A), Pedro CALDERÓN de la Barca
- Life is Short and Desire Endless (B), Patrick LAPEYRE
- A Life Misspent (B), NIRALA (Suryakant Tripathi)
- Life of a Bishop's Assistant (B), Viktor SHKLOVSKY
- Life of a Counterfeiter (B+), INOUE Yasushi
- The Life of an Unknown Man (B+), Andreï MAKINE
- The Life of Erasmus Darwin (B), Charles DARWIN
- The Life of Harishchandra (B+), RAGHAVANKA
- The Life of Hunger (A), Amélie NOTHOMB
- [The Life of Irène Némirovsky, Olivier PHILIPPONNAT and Patrick LIENHARDT]
- [Life of Pi, Yann MARTEL]
- Life on Hold (B+), Fahd al-ATIQ
- Life, Only Better (B), Anna GAVALDA
- Life Turns Man Up and Down (-), Kurt THOMETZ (ed.)
- A Life Without End (B+), Frédéric BEIGBEDER
- Life x 3 (B), Yasmin REZA
- Life's Good, Brother (B+), Nâzım HIKMET
- Life's Wisdom (-), Naguib MAHFOUZ
- Light (A-), M.John HARRISON
- Light and Dark (B+), NATSUME Sōseki
- The Light and the Dark (A-), Mikhail SHISHKIN
- The Light Club (B+), Josiah McELHENY
- The Light of Day (B), Graham SWIFT
- The Lighted Burrow (B+), Max BLECHER
- The Lighthouse (B+), P.D.JAMES
- Lighthousekeeping (B+), Jeanette WINTERSON
- Lightning (A-), Jean ECHENOZ
- [The Lights of Pointe-Noire, Alain MABANCKOU]
- Lights out for the Territory (B), Iain SINCLAIR
- Like a Fading Shadow (B+), Antonio MUÑOZ MOLINA
- Like a Fiery Elephant (A), Jonathan COE
- Like Eating a Stone (B+), Wojciech TOCHMAN
- Like Flies from Afar (B+), Kike FERRARI
- The Lily in the Valley (A-), Honoré de BALZAC
- Limonov (B+), Emmanuel CARRÈRE
- Linda, As in the Linda Murder (B), Leif GW PERSSON
- The Lineage of the Raghus (B+), KALIDASA
- Lint (B), Steve AYLETT
- Lions at Lamb House (B), Edwin M. YODER, jr.
- Lion's Honey (B+), David GROSSMAN
- Liquid City (A-), Marc ATKINS and Iain SINCLAIR
- Liquidation (A-), Imre KERTÉSZ
- Lisa (B-), Thomas GLAVINIC
- The Lisbon Syndrome (B), Eduardo SÁNCHEZ RUGELES
- The List of My Desires (B-), Grégoire DELACOURT
- The Listening Walls (B), Margaret MILLAR
- The Literary Conference (B+), César AIRA
- Literary Miniatures (B), Florence NOIVILLE
- Literary Occasions (A-), V.S.NAIPAUL
- Literary Translation (B), Clifford E. LANDERS
- The Literature Express (B), Lasha BUGADZE
- Little Black Book of Stories (B+), A.S.BYATT
- The Little Book of Plagiarism (B+), Richard A. POSNER
- Little Boys Come from the Stars (B+), Emmanuel DONGALA
- The Little Buddhist Monk (B+), César AIRA
- [Little Caesar (UK title: Caesarion), Tommy WIERINGA]
- The Little Clay Cart (B+), ŚŪDRAKA
- Little Culinary Triumphs (B-), Pascale PUJOL
- Little Fingers (B), Filip FLORIAN
- The Little Friend (C), Donna TARTT
- The Little Girl and the Cigarette (B-), Benoît DUTEURTRE
- Little Girl Lost (B), Richard ALEAS
- A Little Girl under a Mosquito Net (B), Monique LANGE
- Little Girls Breathe the Same Air As We Do (B+), Paul FOURNEL
- Little Grey Lies (B+), Hédi KADDOUR
- The Little Horse (B), Thorvald STEEN
- Little Jewel (B+), Patrick MODIANO
- A Little Lumpen Novelita (A-), Roberto BOLAÑO
- Little Reunions (B), Eileen CHANG
- The Little White Car (C), Dan RHODES
- Little Zinnobers (B), Elena CHIZHOVA
- Lives of Philosophers and Sophists (B), EUNAPIUS
- Lives of the Sophists (B), PHILOSTRATUS
- Lives Other Than My Own (B+), Emmanuel CARRÈRE
- The Living and the Dead (B+), BOILEAU-NARCEJAC
- The Living and the Dead (B+), Patrick WHITE
- Living Dolls (B-), Gaby WOOD
- The Living on the Dead (B+), Aharon MEGGED
- A Living Soul (B), P.C.JERSILD
- Living to Tell the Tale (A), Gabriel GARCÍA MÁRQUEZ
- Living with the Living Dead (B), Greg GARRETT
- Livläkarens Besök (A-), Per Olov ENQUIST
- Lizka and her Men (B), Alexander IKONNIKOV
- Lobster (B+), Guillaume LECASBLE
- Lobster Life (B), Erik Fosnes HANSEN
- L'occupation (B), Annie ERNAUX
- Lodgers (B+), Nenad VELIČKOVIĆ
- The Lodging House (B), Khairy SHALABY
- The Loeb Classical Library and Its Progeny (B+), eds. Jeffrey Henderson and Richard Thomas
- Logic and the Art of Memory (B+), Paolo ROSSI
- Logicomix (B-) Apostolos DOXIADIS and Christos H. PAPADIMITROU
- Loitering with Intent (A-), Muriel SPARK
- Lokalbericht (B+), Hermann BURGER
- Lolita (C), Edward ALBEE
- Lolita (A-), Richard CORLISS
- Lolita (A+), Vladimir NABOKOV
- Lolita: A Screenplay (B+), Vladimir NABOKOV
- Lolita in the Afterlife (B), ed. Jenny MINTON QUIGLEY
- Lolita: The Book of the Film (C+), Stephen SCHIFF
- London Orbital (B), Iain SINCLAIR
- Lonely Hearts Killer (B), HOSHINO Tomoyuki
- The Lonesome Bodybuilder (B), MOTOYA Yukiko
- The Long Corner (B), Alexander MAKSIK
- A Long Fatal Love Chase (B), Louisa May ALCOTT
- The Long Firm (C+), Jake ARNOTT
- The Long Form (A-), Kate BRIGGS
- Long Long Ago (B-), Ogali OGALI
- The Long Road (B), KIM In-Suk
- A Long Saturday (B), Geroge STEINER, with Laure Adler
- A Long Way From Verona (B+), Jane GARDAM
- A Long Way Off (B+), Pascal GARNIER
- Longing and Other Stories (B), TANIZAKI Jun'ichirō
- Look at the Dark (B), Nicholas MOSLEY
- Look at the Lights, My Love (B), Annie ERNAUX
- Loop (B-), SUZUKI Koji
- Lo's Diary (also: Diario di Lo) (B-), Pia PERA
- Los disparos del Cazador (B), Rafael CHIRBES
- The Loser (A-), Fatos KONGOLI
- Losing is What Matters (B), Manuel PÉREZ SUBIRANA
- The Loss Library (B+), Ivan VLADISLAVIĆ
- The Lost Art of Walking (B), Geoff NICHOLSON
- The Lost Civilization of Suolucidir (B), Susan DAITCH
- Lost Cosmonaut (B+), Daniel KALDER
- The Lost Daughter (B+),Elena FERRANTE
- The Lost Estate (Le Grand Meaulnes) (A-), ALAIN-FOURNIER
- Lost for Words (B-), Edward ST. AUBYN
- The Lost Garden (B), LI Ang
- Lost Illusions (A-), Honoré de BALZAC
- Lost in a Good Book (B+), Jasper FFORDE
- Lost in the Crowd (B), Jalāl ĀL-E AHMAD
- The Lost Library (B), Walter MEHRING
- Lost Paradise (A-), Cees NOOTEBOOM
- [The Lost Sailors, Jean-Claude IZZO]
- The Lost Steps (A), Alejo CARPENTIER
- The Lost Time Accidents (B-), John WRAY
- Loud Sparrows (-) - Contemporary Chinese Short-shorts
- Love (B+), Hanne ØRSTAVIK
- Love and Death on Long Island (A-), Gilbert ADAIR
- Love and Gymnastics (A-), Edmondo DE AMICIS
- Love and Sex in the Time of Plague (B+), Guido RUGGIERO
- Love at Six Thousand Degrees (B), KASHIMADA Maki
- Love Burns (B), Edna MAZYA
- Love, etc. (B+), Julian BARNES
- The Love Hexagon (B-), WIlliam SUTCLIFFE
- Love in a Dead Language (C), Lee SIEGEL
- Love in the Rain (B), Naguib MAHFOUZ
- Love in Vain (B+), Federigo TOZZI
- Love Letter in Cuneiform (A-), Tomáš ZMEŠKAL
- Love of Mountains (B), UNO Koji
- Love's Death (B+), Oscar VAN DEN BOOGAARD
- Love's Lovely Counterfeit (B+) James M. CAIN
- A Love Story (B+), Émile ZOLA
- Love Virtually (B-), Daniel GLATTAUER
- Love Without Resistance (B-), Gilles ROZIER
- Lovers or Something Like It (B+), Florian ZELLER
- Loves That Bind (B), Julián RÍOS
- LoveStar (B), ANDRI Snær Magnason
- Loving Graham Greene (B-), Gloria EMERSON
- Loving Sabotage (A+), Amélie NOTHOMB
- Low Heights (A-), Pascal GARNIER
- Löwenstern (B+), Adolf MUSCHG
- The Lower River (B+), Paul THEROUX
- Lúcio's Confession (A-), Mário SÁ-CARNEIRO
- Lucky Girls (B), Nell FREUDENBERGER
- Lucky Per (B+), Henrik PONTOPPIDAN
- Lud Heat (B-), Iain SINCLAIR
- The Ludwig Conspiracy (B-), Oliver PÖTZSCH
- Ludwig Wittgenstein: The Terry Eagleton Script (B+), Terry EAGLETON
- Lullaby (B), Leïla SLIMANI
- The Luminous Novel (B), Mario LEVRERO
- The Lunar Men (B+), Jenny UGLOW
- Lunar Savings Time (B), Alex EPSTEIN
- Lurid & Cute (B-), Adam THIRLWELL
- The Lusíads (B+), Luís Vaz de CAMÕES
- Lustgarten, Preußen (A-), Volker BRAUN
- The Lute (B+), KAO Ming
- Luxor (B), Philipp BLOM
- Львовская гастроль Джими Хендрикса (B), Andrey KURKOV
- The Lying Year (B-), Andrei GELASIMOV
- Lysistrata (A-), ARISTOPHANES
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