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Titles - D:
- The DADA Caper (B-), Ross H. SPENCER
- Daemon (B), Daniel SUAREZ
- Dagger of the Mind (B), Kenneth FEARING
- Dalkey Days (B), Steven: MOORE
- The Damned Season (B+), Carlo LUCARELLI
- Damsels in Distress (B+), Alan AYCKBOURN
- Dance (C-), Maniyambath MUKUNDAN
- Dance of the Photons (B), Anton ZEILINGER
- Dance with Snakes (B), Horacio CASTELLANOS MOYA
- The Dancer from Khiva (B-), BIBISH
- The Dancing Girl (B), Hasan SHAH
- Dandelions (B+), KAWABATA Yasunari
- A Dandy in Aspic (B+), Derek MARLOWE
- Daniel Stein, Interpreter (B-), Ludmila ULITSKAYA
- Dante (B), Marco SANTAGATA
- Dante Alighieri's Publishing Company (B), Eric LANE
- Dante's Bones (B), Guy P. RAFFA
- Dark Back of Time (A-), Javier MARÍAS
- Dark Corners (B), Ruth RENDELL
- The Dark Domain (B+), Stefan GRABIŃSKI
- Dark Heart of the Night (B), Léonora MIANO
- The Dark Library (B), Cyrille MARTINEZ
- Dark Matter (B), Philip KERR
- The Dark Room (B+), YOSHIYUKI Junnosuke
- The Dark Room of Damokles (A-), Willem Frederik HERMANS
- The Dark Side of Love (B+), Rafik SCHAMI
- Dark Star Safari (A-), Paul THEROUX
- Dark Water (B), SUZUKI Koji
- Darkly Dreaming Dexter (B), Jeff LINDSAY
- Darlington's Fall (A-), Brad LEITHAUSER
- Darwin (B+), Ruth PADEL
- A Darwinian Left (B-), Peter SINGER
- Darwin's Ghost (A-), Steve JONES
- Darwin's Worms (B), Adam PHILLIPS
- Das bin doch ich (B+), Thomas GLAVINIC
- Das ewige Leben (B+), Wolf HAAS
- Das Leben der Wünsche (B), Thomas GLAVINIC
- Das Mädchen auf der Lotosblume (B+), Brigitte REIMANN
- Das Rapportbuch (B), Dorothea ZEEMANN
- Das unbesetzte Gebiet (A-), Volker BRAUN
- Das Wetter vor 15 Jahren (A-), Wolf HAAS
- Das Wirklichgewollte (B+), Volker BRAUN
- The Daughter of Time (B+), Josephine TEY
- DAVE (B), Raphaela EDELBAUER
- David Golder (B+), Irène NÉMIROVSKY
- David Golder - The Ball - Snow in Autumn - The Courilof Affair (A-), Irène NÉMIROVSKY
- Dawn, Dusk or Night (B), Yasmina REZA
- The Day before Happiness (B), Erri DE LUCA
- Day of the Oprichnik (B-), Vladimir SOROKIN
- The Day of the Owl (B+), Leonardo SCIASCIA
- The Day the Leader Was Killed (A-), Naguib MAHFOUZ
- Days at the Morisaki Bookshop (B), YAGISAWA Satoshi
- Days in the History of Silence (B+), Merethe LINDSTRØM
- The Days of Abandonment (B+), Elena FERRANTE
- The Days of the King (B), Filip FLORIAN
- De asielzoeker (B+), Arnon GRUNBERG
- De donkere kamer van Damokles (A-), Willem Frederik HERMANS
- De macht van meneer Miller (B-), Charles DEN TEX
- De man zonder ziekte (B+), Arnon GRUNBERG
- De ruimte van Sokolov (B), Leon DE WINTER
- De Sade's Valet (B), Nikolaj FROBENIUS
- De toekomst van gisteren (A), Harry MULISCH
- De tranen der acacia's (B+), Willem Frederik HERMANS
- De verstekeling (B), Maarten ASSCHER
- The Dead (B), Christian KRACHT
- Dead Aid (B-), Dambisa MOYO
- The Dead All Have the Same Skin (C+), Boris VIAN
- Dead at Daybreak (B+), Deon MEYER
- Dead before Dying (B), Deon MEYER
- Dead Clever (B), Scarlett THOMAS
- A Dead Hand (B), Paul THEROUX
- Dead Horse (B), Walter SATTERTHWAIT
- Dead Lions (B+), Mick HERRON
- Dead Man's Share (B+), Yasmina KHADRA
- The Dead Mountaineer's Inn (B+), Arkady and Boris STRUGATSKY
- Dead Souls (B+), Ian RANKIN
- Deadline in Athens (B), Petros MARKARIS
- The Deadly Ambition (B), Glaydah NAMUKASA
- The Deadly Percheron (B+), John Franklin BARDIN
- Dear Committee Members (B), Julie SCHUMACHER
- Dear Mr Kawabata (B), Rashid al-DAIF
- Dear Mr. M (B-), Herman KOCH
- Dear Mrs. Strigl (B), H.F. BROCH DE ROTHERMANN
- Dear Reader (B+), Paul FOURNEL
- "Dearest Georg" (B), Elias, Veza, and Georges CANETTI
- Dearly Devoted Dexter (B), Jeff LINDSAY
- A Death (B+), Zalman SHNEOUR
- Death and the Dervish (A), Mesa SELIMOVIC
- Death and the Labyrinth (B+), Michel FOUCAULT
- Death and the Penguin (A-), Andrey KURKOV
- Death as a Side Effect (B), Ana María SHUA
- Death by a Thousand Cuts (B), Timothy BROOK, Jérôme BOURGON, and Gregory BLUE
- Death by Water (A-), ŌE Kenzaburō
- Death in a Bookstore (B-), Augusto DE ANGELIS
- Death in Holy Orders (A-), P.D.JAMES
- A Death in the Family (A-), Karl Ove KNAUSGAARD
- Death in Veracruz (B), Héctor AGUILAR CAMÍN
- Death Notice (B), ZHOU Haohui
- Death of a Transvestite (B), Ed WOOD, Jr.
- The Death of Comrade President (B+), Alain MABANCKOU
- The Death of Napoleon (A-), Simon LEYS
- The Death of the Author (A), Gilbert ADAIR
- The Death of the Body (B+), C.K.STEAD
- The Death of the Little Match Girl (B+), Zoran FERIĆ
- The Death of Vazir-Mukhtar (B+), Yury TYNYANOV
- The Death of Virgil (A), Hermann BROCH
- Death on Gokumon Island (B), YOKOMIZO Seishi
- Death Sentences (B+), KAWAMATA Chiaki
- Death's Dark Abyss (B+), Massimo CARLOTTO
- Deaths for the Ladies (and other disasters) (C), Norman MAILER
- The Decagon House Murders (B-), AYATSUJI Yukito
- Decals (B), Oliverio GIRONDO
- Deceit (B), Yuri FELSEN
- The Decision (B), Britta BÖHLER
- Declares Pereira (A-), Antonio TABUCCHI
- Decoded (B), MAI Jia
- Decoding Reality (B), Vlatko VEDRAL
- Decolonising the Mind (B), NGUGI wa Thiong'o
- Deep Red (B), NOZAWA Hisashi
- Deep River (B), ENDO Shusaku
- The Deep Sea Diver's Syndrome (A-), Serge BRUSSOLO
- The Deer and the Cauldron (B+), Louis CHA (Jin Yong)
- The Defence of Lawino (B), Okot p'BITEK (tr. Taban lo Liyong)
- Defenders of the Dragon City (B-), CHANG Hsi-Kuo
- Defining the World (B+), Henry HITCHINGS
- Definitely Maybe (B), Arkady and Boris STRUGATSKY
- Degrees (B+), Michel BUTOR
- Degrees Kelvin (B), David LINDLEY
- Dekanen (B), Lars GUSTAFSSON
- Delay (B), Tim KRABBÉ
- Delicacy (B-), David FOENKINOS
- [The Delighted States (also: Miss Herbert), Adam THIRLWELL]
- Delinquent Chacha (B-), Ved MEHTA
- The Deliverance of Evil (B), Roberto COSTANTINI
- The Delivery (B), Peter MENDELSUND
- Democracy (A-), Michael FRAYN
- Demolishing Nisard (B), Eric CHEVILLARD
- The Demon's Daughter (B), Piṅgaḷi SŪRANNA
- De Niro's Game (B-), Rawi HAGE
- Den sanna berättelsen om Inga Andersson (B-), Björn LARSSON
- Dennis Potter (B), Humphrey CARPENTER
- Departure Lounge (B), Chad TAYLOR
- Depeche Mode (B+), Serhiy ZHADAN
- Dependency (B+), Tove DITLEVSEN
- Der ägyptische Heinrich (B), Markus WERNER
- Der alte König in seinem Exil (B+), Arno GEIGER
- Der Gefängnisarzt (B), Ernst WEISS
- Der Kamermörder (B+), Thomas GLAVINIC
- Der Knochenmann (B), Wolf HAAS
- Der Mond und das Mädchen (B+), Martin MOSEBACH
- Der Mörder trinkt keine Milch (B), Johannes Mario SIMMEL
- Der Taumel (B+), Libuse MONÍKOVÁ
- Der Turm (B+), Uwe TELLKAMP
- Der Weg nach Xanadu (B), Wilfried STEINER
- Der Weltensammler (A-), Ilija TROJANOW
- The Desert and the Drum (B+), Mbarek Ould BEYROUK
- Desirable Body (B), Hubert HADDAD
- Desire (B+), Hugo CLAUS
- Desolation (B), Yasmina REZA
- Desperate Games (C-), Pierre BOULLE
- Destruction and Sorrow beneath the Heavens (B+), KRASZNAHORKAI László
- The Destruction of the Temple (B), Barry N. MALZBERG
- Detective Fiction and the African Scene (-), Linus ASONG
- Detective Story (B+), KERTÉSZ Imre
- The Detour (B), Gerbrand BAKKER
- Devdas (B+), Saratchandra CHATTOPADHYAY
- A Devil Comes to Town (B), Paolo MAURENSIG
- Devil Take the Blue-Tail Fly (B+), John Franklin BARDIN
- The Devils' Dance (B+), Hamid ISMAILOV
- Devils in Daylight (B+), TANIZAKI Junichiro
- Devil's Peak (B+), Deon MEYER
- The Devil's Star (B), Jo NESBØ
- The Devil's Workshop (B), Jáchym TOPOL
- The Devil's Whisper (B), MIYABE Miyuki
- Dexter by Design (B), Jeff LINDSAY
- Dexter in the Dark (C+), Jeff LINDSAY
- Dexter is Dead (B), Jeff LINDSAY
- Dexter is Delicious (B), Jeff LINDSAY
- Dexter's Final Cut (B), Jeff LINDSAY
- Dialoge zwischen Unsterblichen, Lebendigen und Toten (B+), Hans Magnus ENZENSBERGER
- Dialogue in the Garden (B), Shahrokh MESKUB
- The Diamond Age (B-), Neal STEPHENSON
- The Diamond Lady (B-), Mwangi RUHENI
- The Diaries of Emilio Renzi: A Day in the Life (B+), Ricardo PIGLIA
- The Diaries of Emilio Renzi: Formative Years (B+), Ricardo PIGLIA
- The Diaries of Emilio Renzi: The Happy Years (B+), Ricardo PIGLIA
- Diario di Lo (also: Lo's Diary) (B-), Pia PERA
- Diary of Andrés Fava (B), Julio CORTÁZAR
- Diary of a Bad Year (A-), J.M.COETZEE
- Diary of a Blood Donor (B), Mati UNT
- The Diary of a Chambermaid (B), Octave MIRBEAU
- Diary of a Murderer (B), KIM Young-ha
- Diary of a Short-Sighted Adolescent (B+), Mircea ELIADE
- Diary of a Void, YAGI Emi
- The Diary of Lady Murasaki (B+), MURASAKI Shikibu
- Dictation (B+), Cynthia OZICK
- The Dictator and the Hammock (B), Daniel PENNAC
- Dictator Literature (B), Daniel KALDER
- A Dictionary of Maqiao (B+), HAN Shaogong
- Die Arbeit der Nacht (B+), Thomas GLAVINIC
- Die Ästhetik des Widerstands (A+), Peter WEISS
- Die Außerirdischen (B), Doron RABINOVICI
- Die Ballade des letzten Gastes (B+), Peter HANDKE
- Die Bienen und das Unsichtbare (B), Clemens J. SETZ
- Die Denunziantin (B), Brigitte REIMANN
- Die Erfindung der Roten Armee Fraktion durch einen manisch-depressiven Teenager im Sommer 1969 (B+), Frank WITZEL
- Die Feuerprobe (B+), Ernst WEISS
- Die Krise der Narration (B), Byung-Chul HAN
- Die Murau Identität (B), Alexander SCHIMMELBUSCH
- Die Schattenboxerin (A-), Inka PAREI
- Die Situation (B+), Peter WEISS
- Die Spange (B+), Michel METTLER
- Die Täuschung (B-), Charlotte LINK
- Die Tigerin (B), Walter SERNER
- Die Trying (B), Lee CHILD
- Die Unvollendete Geschichte und ihr Ende (A-), Volker BRAUN
- die verbesserung von mitteleuropa, roman (A-), Oswald WIENER
- Die Vermessung der Welt (A-), Daniel KEHLMANN
- Die Vertreibung aus der Hölle (B), Robert MENASSE
- A Die With Twenty-Six Faces (B+), Louis LÜTHI
- Die Wolfshaut (B+), Hans LEBERT
- The Diesel (B), Thani Al-SUWAIDI
- Digital Cultures (B), Milad DOUEIHI
- Digital Leatherette (B), Steve BEARD
- Digitized (B), Peter J. BENTLEY
- The Dilemma of a Ghost (B-), Ama Ata AIDOO
- Dimanche (B), Irène NÉMIROVSKY
- The Din in the Head (A-), Cynthia OZICK
- Dining on Stones (A-), Iain SINCLAIR
- The Dinner (B), Herman KOCH
- The Dinner Club (B-), Saskia NOORT
- Dinner Pieces (B), Leon Battista ALBERTI
- Diplomat, Actor, Translator, Spy (B+), Bernard TURLE
- The Director (B), Daniel KEHLMANN
- The Dirty Dust (B+), Máirtín Ó CADHAIN
- Disagreeable Tales (B+), Léon BLOY
- The Disappearance of Jim Sullivan (B), Tanguy VIEL
- The Disappearance of Signora Giulia (B-), Piero CHIARA
- The Disaster Tourist (B), YUN Ko-eun
- Disclaimer (B), Renée KNIGHT
- The Discomfort Zone (A-), Jonathan FRANZEN
- Disconnection (B+), Claude OLLIER
- The Discoverer (A), Jan KJÆRSTAD
- The Discovery of America by the Turks (B), Jorge AMADO
- The Discovery of Dawn (B), Walter VELTRONI
- The Discovery of Heaven (A+), Harry MULISCH
- A Discovery of Witches (B-), Deborah HARKNESS
- The Discreet Hero (B), Mario VARGAS LLOSA
- The Discreet Pleasures of Rejection (B), Martin PAGE
- Disgrace (US title: The Absent One) (B), Jussi ADLER-OLSEN
- Disgrace (A-), J.M.COETZEE
- Disoriental (B), Négar DJAVADI
- Dissidence (B+), Ken MacLEOD
- The Dissident (B), Nell FREUDENBERGER
- Dissipatio H.G. (A-), Guido MORSELLI
- The Distance (A-), Ivan VLADISLAVIĆ
- The Distant Lands (B+), Julien GREEN
- Distant Star (B+), Roberto BOLAÑO
- Distress (B), Greg EGAN
- District (B), Toney DUVERT
- Disturbance (B), Philippe LANÇON
- Divergent Paths (B), Richard A. POSNER
- Divine Punishment (B+), Sergio RAMÍREZ
- The Diving Pool (B+), OGAWA Yoko
- Divisadero (B+), Michael ONDAATJE
- Divya (B+), YASHPAL
- The Djinn in the Nightingale's Eye (B+), A.S.BYATT
- Do Not Touch (B+), Éric LAURRENT
- Do You Believe ? (B), Antonio MONDA
- Do You Remember Being Born ? (B), Sean MICHAELS
- Doctor Glas (A-), Hjalmar SÖDERBERG
- Document 1 (B), François BLAIS
- Documentary Poetry (B+), Heimrad BÄCKER
- Dog Days (B+), Simon GRAY
- Dog Eat Dog (B), Niq MHLONGO
- A Dog in Water (A-), KIUCHI Kazuhiro
- A Dog's Head (A-), Jean DUTOURD
- Doktor Wassers recept (B), Lars GUSTAFSSON
- The Doll (A-), Bolesław PRUS
- Dolly City (A-), Orly CASTEL-BLOOM
- Dom Casmurro (A-), Joaquim Maria MACHADO DE ASSIS
- Don Juan: His Own Version (B+), Peter HANDKE
- Don Segundo Sombra (B+), Ricardo GÜIRALDES
- Doña Berta (B+), Leopoldo ALAS
- Donogoo-Tonka (B), Jules ROMAINS
- Don't Leave Me (B), Stig SÆTERBAKKEN
- Don't Read This Book if You're Stupid (B+), Tibor FISCHER
- The Doomed City (A-), Arkady and Boris STRUGATSKY
- The Door (B+), SZABÓ Magda
- Doppelgänger (A-), Daša DRNDIĆ
- Dorian (B+), Will SELF
- Dossier 51 (B), Gilles PERRAULT
- Dossier K. (A-), KERTÉSZ Imre
- Double Act: A Life of Tom Stoppard (B+), Ira NADEL
- Double Blank (B), Yasmina KHADRA
- The Double Death of Quincas Water-Bray (B+), Jorge AMADO
- Double Dexter (B), Jeff LINDSAY
- Double Indemnity (A), James M. CAIN
- Double Indemnity (B), Richard SCHICKEL
- Double Jeopardy (B), Ronan BENNETT
- A Double Life (B+), Karolina PAVLOVA
- The Double Mother (B), Michel BUSSI (UK title: The Other Mother)
- Double Negative (A-), Ivan VLADISLAVIĆ
- Double Vision (B+), Walter ABISH
- Down the Rabbit Hole (B+), Juan Pablo VILLALOBOS
- Downfall (B), Per Olov ENQUIST
- Downriver (A-), Iain SINCLAIR
- Dozakhnama (B+), Rabisankar BAL
- Dr.Johnson's Dictionary (B+), Henry HITCHINGS
- Dr. Mabuse (B-), Norbert JACQUES
- Dragon Island (B), Jacques GODBOUT
- Dragon Palace (B+), KAWAKAMI Hiromi
- Drawbridge Up / Zugbrücke außer Betrieb (B+), Hans Magnus ENZENSBERGER
- The Dream (B+), Émile ZOLA
- Dream Messenger (B), SHIMADA Masahiko
- The Dream of Scipio (B+), Iain PEARS
- The Dream Room (A-), Marcel MÖRING
- The Dreamers (B+), Gilbert ADAIR
- The Dreamers (B), John Kendrick BANGS
- The Dreams (B), Naguib MAHFOUZ
- Dreams and Discourses (A-), Francisco de QUEVEDO
- Dreams and Stones (B), Magdalena TULLI
- Dreams in a Time of War (B+), NGUGI wa Thiong'o
- Dreams of Dreams (A-), Antonio TABUCCHI
- Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead (B+), Olga TOKARCZUK
- Driving Mr. Albert (B), Michael PATERNITI
- The Drover's Wife (A-), Murray BAIL
- Drug of Choice (B), Michael CRICHTON
- Drumbeat (B), Mohamed el-BISATIE
- The Dry Danube (B), Paul WEST
- Dublinesque (A-), Enrique VILA-MATAS
- The Dumb House (B), John BURNSIDE
- Dumb Luck (B), VŨ Trọng Phụng
- Dump This Book While You Still Can ! (B), Marcel BÉNABOU
- Durga/Umayi (B-), Y.B.MANGUNWIJAYA
- Dust (B), Adrián BRAVI
- Dusty Pink (B+), Jean-Jacques SCHUHL
- Dvanadtsyat obruchiv (B), Yuri ANDRUKHOVYCH
- The Dwarves of Death (B), Jonathan COE
- Dying (B), René BELLETTO
- The Dying Detective (B), Leif GW PERSSON
- Dyskolos (B), MENANDER
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